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I felt warmth being radiated onto my hand and a partial of my face. I slowly opened my eyes to be facing my window with my hand in front of me as one of the blinds was moving back and forth. I pushed myself off of my pillow, looking around as I sat up seeing I was definitely inside of my room. I let my legs dangle over the edge of my bed as the coldness trailed through my feet and up my body. I heard voices downstairs that had me get up and make my way out of my room to the voices.

"Elena, anything you say isn't going to stop me from how I'm feeling. I'm going to kill him," that was Jeremy and from the sounds of it he was very angry with something. I slowly trailed down the stairs in hopes of not making any noises. "Anyone else involved will be lucky as to not be killed."

"Jer, listen to me. You have to calm down," that was Elena trying to calm down Jeremy from doing something he regretted but knowing him .. he wouldn't regret it. I got to the bottom of the stairs just as the door had a knock on it. I looked at it with wide eyes as I quickly made my way back up the stairs and around the corner. Jeremy was the one to answer the door.

"Jeremy? Hi."

"Avery," he said with a rather confused tone in his voice. "Now really isn't a good time."

"I know," she let out a breath as she tried to glimpse behind his shoulder. Elena came up behind Jeremy with a curious stance. "I was just here to ask how your sister was doing. Have you talked to her?"

"She hasn't been awake. Stefan brought her home with her unconscious - " he cut himself off and I could tell the gears in his head were spinning. He was going to pick up on the fact that she was there. "Wait, how do you know about that?"

"That's why I came over. I was going to .. apologize for yesterday."

And in that moment I noticed Jeremy knew exactly what she was talking about without her revealing it completely. Elena quickly stepped in front of him as he about jumped toward her.

"Jer, don't do this."

"She ratted Cassidy out, Elena, tell me you don't feel an ounce of anger," I could hear the anger laced in Jeremy's words that made me jump slightly. I haven't seen Jeremy act like this since he first started killing vampires. "Klaus is going to try again, Elena, and again because he can't use you since you're a vampire."

"Of course I'm angry, Jeremy, but I'm happy she is up there safe."

I stood around the corner the and took a deep breath. I began thinking about yawning so I would start yawning as I turned the corner to make them think I just woke up. I finally began to yawn then turned the corner and began to descend the staircase. Jeremy turned around as he heard my footsteps creak down the stairs, and it seemed like everything he was just feeling wiped off his shoulders.

"What's going on?" I questioned in my best curious tone.

"Avery is here to talk to you. Jeremy isn't going to interfere with it, is he?"

Jeremy ignored Elena and looked at me, "If you need one of us just shout."

I let out a small laugh, "Of course, Jer."

I walked over to the doorway as Elena and Jeremy went back to the kitchen to either spy on us or continue their discussion. I leaned against the doorway with my arms crossed looking at Avery expectantly.

"Look, I'm really sorry. He was going to kill Tyler and he did a double threat when he realized he could only use you and not Elena. You have to understand why I did it. What if it was Jeremy or Elena?"

"Jeremy is a vampire hunter, he knows how to kick ass if he needs to. Elena is a vampire .. you know how that works," I mumbled my last sentence as she let out a small sigh that I knew she understood. I rubbed my face standing straight.

"Look, it's not me you have to worry about having upset. It's Jeremy you have to worry about."

"I could see that when he opened the door. Listen, I won't let Klaus get under my skin like that again, and like Jeremy said, he's going to try again and again to come for you after what Damon did last night. You're human which means your blood isn't containmenanted which means Klaus is going to use you for his hybrids," she explained and I nodded in response as she looked over my shoulder then back to my eyes again. "Be careful?"

"I'll try .. I'll let you know if we need help."

She gave me a smile before turning around and making her way off of the porch as I closed the door behind her. I turn around and gave my siblings a smile before making my way up the stairs taking them two at a time. I walk inside my room closing the door behind me.

"Oh, good, you made it."

I jumped as I turned around to see Damon sitting on my bed with his hands behind him keeping him propped up. He had my iPod in one of his hands skimming through it then clicked on a song. He then placed the iPod on the iHome speaker and let it begin to play. The song he had chosen was "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. For some reason I felt my cheeks warm up. I let out a breath as I went to my closet to get some clothes on for the day.

"Elena's downstairs."

"I'm not here to talk to Elena," I suddenly felt a presence behind me and I didn't dare turn around. I felt a hand go on my bicep and I finally turned around being chest and chest with him again, looking into his ice blue eyes. "I'm glad you're okay, Cassi," he whispered.

I gave a small smile as I tried to step past him but he wouldn't let me. I looked up into his ice blue eyes again as he brought his hand up to put some hair behind my ear.

"Cassidy, I - "

It was like the words got caught in his throat or something. I waited anxiously to hear what he was trying to tell me. It was like the more he tried the worse the words got caught in his throat. This continued for a couple of minutes before we heard a voice ascended the stairs.

"Hey, Cassidy!"

We quickly traded places and I shut him inside my closet then opened my door with my clothes in hand. Elena turned the corner of the stairs then smiled as she saw me.

"Hey, Care just texted me .. she was wondering if you were going to do Miss Mystic Falls?"

"Let me guess, that really translates to, 'I really need Cass to do Miss Mystic falls' which means I kinda have to in Caroline language, right?"

"Spot on," Elena laughed. "She needs to see you today so you can get the application."

I nodded in response as she turned around to head back downstairs to whatever her and Jeremy were doing.  I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. I look over the corner to see Damon poking his head out of the door looking at me with a rather goofy smile on his face.

"So you're doing Miss Mystic Falls?"

"Will you leave, please? I've got to change," I hold up the wad of clothes I was holding as I stifled a smile.

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