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Dear Journal,

Something has been going suspiciously weird lately with not only things going on in town but things going on with me too. Avery Lockwood, one of Jeremy's huntress friends, has been trying to become close with myself and Elena and I couldn't tell you why.
Katherine and Hannabella have come back into town for some reason. Hannabella fed off of me around a week ago and then there was Damon Salvatore.
There's definitely something going on with Damon .. and myself. There was something about Damon but I can't be doing this .. that's Elena's boyfriend. My sister's boyfriend. That's like a big no no.
Things have just been going very strange lately.


I walked over to the table that was calling me with my notepad in hand. I was got closer to the table I noticed the back of the head looked very familiar. I then heard the customer talking and heard that accent. My eyes went wide as I took a sharp detour toward the front counter where Matt was wiping it down.

"I heard someone call for you. What're you doing?" he looks up at me then immediately looks taken aback by my wide eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Klaus is over there," I whispered as I pointed to the table that had called for a waistress. Matt knitted his brows as he looked over my shoulder to see behind me. "Is he staring? I feel like he's staring."

Matt gave me a nod as he began to give me the rag and take my notepad only for me to feel someone right against me. My breath caught in my throat as I felt my heart speed up tremendously.

"I suggest you don't frett, love," I heard the smirk in his voice as I looked at Matt worriedly. I let my breath release shakily as I tried to escape from his grasp, but he only tightened it in response to my movement. "I wouldn't do it, Cassidy, I am trying to be calm in this building full of people. Matt, I suggest you don't be doing anything stupid. Take your apron off, love, you're off the clock early today."

He let me go so I could take the apron off and place it on the counter. I looked at Matt in a helping manner and all he did was give me a look that I knew I could trust. Klaus began to direct me to where he wanted to go. There was a car and then he looked at me rather apologetically.

"I'm sorry, but I do have to do this," he then slammed my head against the car making me instantly lose consciousness.


I awoke in a chair with my wrists tied to it and my ankles tied to the legs of the chair. I looked around trying to stay in focus of what it was that was going on exactly. My arm had a sharp pain in it in the spot doctors normally put an IV and I felt weak. I heard too many voices right outside the room I was in which looked like a living room. Suddenly, someone came in front of me and that someone was Avery.

"Niklaus, you've done enough with the Gilbert girls! You got enough the last time you did this!"

"Listen to me," Avery looked to me after whoever yelled yelled. "You've lost a lot of blood in the past two to three hours. I need you to try to focus and work with me as much as you possibly can."

I knitted my brows before realizing that this was Avery .. here with Klaus.

"What the hell are you doing here!"

Hearing my outburst, Klaus made his way into the room with a smirk plastered on his lips. Elijah followed with an angry look on his face as Klaus walked in and he noticed Avery.  He still kept his angry look. I looked among the three with a confused face.

"You must wonder how I knew where to find you today," Klaus smiled before taking a glance at Avery who suddenly looked extremely guilty. I knitted my brows as I looked between them both then noticed a bowl sat on a table. "Avery here informed me that you work at The Grill so I hoped I had enough luck to catch you on a work day. Without those bloody brothers insight."

"You gave me to him?" I look to her angrily then noticed Elijah had the same angry. She looked down guiltily. I pulled at the ropes that were keeping my hands tied down as Klaus let out a small snicker. He walked over to the blood on the table and put a finger in it. I looked down at my lap blinking my eyes rapidly to keep them open.

"I can begin to make my hybrids again."

Think, Cassidy, think. Keep yourself awake. They all three walked out of the room as I kept my head hung low. I kept rapidly blinking my eyes but the blinks became slower and longer the more I tried. I felt a hand go around my mouth and I almost screamed but another came in front of me with their finger over the mouth. Damon was in front of me which must have meant Stefan was behind me. Stefan started on my hands while Damon started on my legs.

"D - Damon," I whimpered rather tiredly.

"Shh, Cassi, you got to stay quiet," Damon got one untied then moved to the other one to begin its knots. My head dropped down again as my eyes began to slowly close. Stefan lifted my head and made me look at him.

"Cass, hang in there, okay?" he whispered rubbing my forearm comfortly caressing my cheek. Damon threw the rope to the side then Stefan grabbed me and that's when I noticed where they came in.

"Wa - Wait .. Damon, the .. the bowl," I pointed as I leaned against Stefan for support. Damon walked over to the bowl then got what I was trying to tell him. He pushed it over which made a loud thud then the blood immediately started spreading in the carpet as the carpet soaked it up. We heard running foot steps as Stefan tried to get me out of the window rather hurriedly.

"NO!" the anger roared so loudly from Klaus that I felt the tension rise. Stefan got the both of us outside then Damon soon followed as Stefan and I were making our way to what looked like Damon's baby blue vehicle.

I took in a hard swallow as I started stumbling, "Stefan," I almost fell to the ground but he held me up before I could but I slipped. I landed on the ground on my all fours coughing. He got on the ground beside me pushing my hair from my face. That's when he noticed I was crying silently.

"Hey, hey, Cassidy, you're going to be okay."

"I don't want to die, Stefan."

"You're not going to, I promise," he whispered wiping the tears off my face as he tried to help me back up. I gripped onto his shoulder to keep myself upright.

"C'mon, Stefan, just get her to the car," Damon just walked passed us with his angry stance in his walk. I knitted my brows as another thought came to mind that was scaring me.

"I don't want to be a vampire, Stefan," I looked to him with wide, scared eyes. He stopped in his tracks taking in my state after hearing what I stated. He kept walking as he shook his head.

"You won't be, Cass, you won't be," he whispered, placing me down into the car.

xXxXx xXxXx

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