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I was staying to the side by myself after Stefan and I talked about what happened in the garden shed. Then he so politely informed me Damon was gonna come check on me but Stefan stopped him from doing so. He was saying that Damon said: "I just want to make sure Cassi is fine" and that Stefan had learned that anytime Damon calls me Cassi he feels responsible and cares.

After that talk and what Elijah told me, I went to the side by myself because when it came to parties I typically stayed to myself. It was how I've always been and right now I was just making sure I could see at least Jeremy. I'd glance into the shadows along the fence and see Stefan and Damon keeping their look out like they promised.

I sipped on my alcoholic beverage as I saw some girl trying to dance around with Jeremy. I soon noticed Avery was making her way over to me with a smile on her face that didn't show any signs of tipsy or buzzed. She stood beside me with a small laugh escaping as she peeked into my cup.

"You're slowly sipping on that, aren't you? Hey! I got some things in my room I think you would definitely like! I bet Elena would too!"

Somehow, something doesn't feel too right but there can't be anything wrong with it. It's just some things she wants me to look at.

"Well, Elena over there is probably a little too drunk to walk up the stairs by herself. She's probably a little too drunk period to go look at somethings. She gets very needy when she's not all there," I laughed slightly as I saw my sister dancing around very drunkenly. Something flashed through Avery's but she immediately hid it before looking back at me.

"That's fine," she smiled. "It can just be us. I could get to know you better. Everyone knows Elena, including myself, but I wanna know the other sister. I want to know Cassidy."

I gestured for us to go and she began walking leading the way. We made it up to the steps that lead into the house before actually getting inside the house. She led me up the stairs to her room which let me tell you .. she had one section dedicated to her hunting life but it was hid off out of sight. As I stepped foot into the room, I felt a strong force of wind and in front of me was again the overly dressed vampire - Elijah.

"Avery, may I ask what you're doing?"

I saw her shoulders slowly go down as Elijah asked this question. I knit my brows turning my head slightly. The tension in the room began to slowly rise and something was telling me I should probably leave the room.

"Nothing, Elijah, showing Cassidy here around," she spoke calmly as she turned around to face Elijah. I chewed on the inside of my lip as I watched what I was watching unfold. Elijah looked back at me as if asking that was true. He looked back forward.

"Elijah?" I heard a curious voice behind me. "What are you doing here?" the voice went from curious to angry and that voice sounded awfully familiar. I turned around to see Tyler standing there with an angry look on his face.

"I was just leaving," he didn't take his eyes off Avery for a few seconds before grabbing my wrist. He led me out of the house before letting out a breath.

"What the hell was that!" I pulled my arm from his grasp as I stopped in the middle of the stairs. "You're worse than a protective mother! Are you just listening for any moment I'm alone with someone you don't trust!"

"Cassidy, please," Elijah looked at the people that were giving small glances at us. I raised an eyebrow not believing he was concerned about people staring at us.

"Elijah, please," I mocked. "If I should feel uneasy about anyone it should be you. You're a Mikealson and one of the worst vampires ever. You should be one I stay away from," I pulled at my hair in frustration as I pushed passed him to finish going downstairs.

"I'm trying to help you, Cassidy!" he called after but I didn't turn around. I kept going down the stairs to get outside away from all of these people. I took a glance behind me to see he began trying to go back to Avery's room.

I looked back towards the yard in search of Elena or Jeremy because I was now ready to go. I wasn't in the party mood anymore and now everything that has been going on tonight is so not worth it. Neither of my siblings were insight but I could still see one of the brothers in the shadows by the fence. I needed a drink but something told me not to get anymore drink from here.

I took the steps two at a time to get to the bottom of the stairs making my way to where no one would notice Stefan. I learned that that was who I saw by the fence in my search for Elena and Jeremy. He noticed I was making my way toward him and came away from the fence a little.

"Where's Elena and Jeremy?"

"Damon took Elena back to your house. I haven't seen Jeremy in a while. I was waiting for you to come back downstairs before I came up there after hearing what was going on. Are you okay? Nothing happened, did it?" he took my wrist in his hand in a caring manner. Stefan has always been caring.

I let out a sigh, "No, nothing. Either Elijah stopped whatever was going to happen or Tyler did. I don't understand what's going on. I want to get out of here .. I also need a drink. A lot of them."

"If you trust Jeremy can handle himself here then I'll take you home so he can have the car."

"That's a fabulous idea. Except let's not go home. Let's go to your and Damon's place."

I received a nod as we went our separate ways to exit.


I filled my what felt like hundredth glass with more bourbon then turned around to see Stefan was smiling as he took a swig from his like millionth glass. He was very tolerant but that could also be because he was a vampire and they could hold a lot of alcohol before getting drunk.

He made his way over to their stereo system and popped on tape out to put a different tape in. A song came on where the beginning had a like Gatsby vibe but changed from that vibe - Mambo no.5 or also known as "A Little Bit of ...". He made his way over to me - dancing as he did so - that made me go into a fit of laughs. He laughed as he grabbed my hands trying to get me to dance with him too.

"Stefan, no!" I laughed as I tried to pull my hands away from him but he only nodded as I grabbed my cup, downing it feeling it feed my drunkness more. I felt myself stumble as he pulled me to him, moving our arms back and forth then spinning me.

I laughed some more as he danced around then pulls me into him with my back against him, resting his chin on my shoulder as he moved us back and forth. I had to admit, he was a good drunk dancer. He pushed me out with a hold of my hand continuing to do his silly shimmy he was doing that wouldn't stop my laughing fits.

I thought I heard the front door closed but I ignored it as Stefan spun me around again, moving our arms as he did at first. I laughed as he didn't take his eyes away from mine and I kept my eyes on his. I saw something out of the corner of my eye that made me break to see Damon. He had a look on his face.

"Damon! Join us!" my words slurred horribly but he had a grumble escape his lips that I didn't think we're suppose to as he left the both of us to ascend up the stairs. Stefan and I looked back at each other.

"More bourbon!" he announced as the song began to fade out and I refilled my glass.

xXxXx xXxXx

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