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I woke up slowly and groggily feeling that it was for some reason hard to breathe. Everytime I took a breath it burnt my nose and my insides which allowed me to open my eyes wider to figure it out. I felt weak and didn't find my surroundings familiar at first until I took a couple more looks around.

I was in one of the cells in the Salvatore Boarding House .. great.

"Awe, look at the bright shining face," I heard Damon with a smirk in his voice. I looked up to the bars with a grimace on my face as I sped up to my feet then to the door putting my hands on it as I pushed on it only to snatch away from it with the sound of my hands sizzling. "Oouu, forgot to mention that the bars are laced with vervain. Courtesy to your brother," he stated sarcastically as he smirked in my direction.

"Oh, Damon," I laughed as I slowly bent back up with a smirk playing at my lips. "You know you just hate seeing me get hurt. It pains you too much."

"I have no clue what you're talking about," he smiled as he started to walk away.

"Damon!" I shouted as I sped to the door trying to look out of the bars. "Damon Salvatore!"


The eldest vampire made his way back up the stairs to the living area where everyone was gathered go discuss the plan to switch the youngest vampire's humanity back on. Caroline was grimacing at the fact she heard how careless and bitchy one of her best friends were being down in that cell. Bonnie was looking at Stefan cautiously questioning whether he really wanted to go through with the plan.

"Anything to get her back, Bonnie. You know as much as I do that that isn't our Cass down there. That's some monster," it pained the youngest Salvatore to call his best friend a monster but that's how she was acting. They all could agree with that.

"What if something goes wrong?" the only blonde in the room looked at the Bennett witch with the most cautious look on her face. She cared very much for Stefan but also for Cassidy.

"That's what I said," Damon looked at Caroline. "Let's say something does go wrong and Stefan can't come back. What if she turned it off again? Then what would we do?"

"Look, if you guys would just stop doubting Bonnie it wouldn't be up for debate, which it isn't anyway. We're going to do this and Damon, you're going to be the one to drive the stake in," the brother looked to the oldest brother just as he widen his eyes in disbelief. Damon couldn't believe he just said that to in and expect him to go through with it.

"Stefan, you're not the smartest but I didn't think you were that stupid," Damon looked at his brother angrily.

"Okay, to go over the plan .. " Caroline cut in to get Damon to shut his bickering. " .. I'm going to go down there and spark conversation and when I go to leave I'm going to "accidentally" leave the door unlocked .. then .. "

"Damon and I are going to be arguing and it get physical and then .. " Stefan looked to his oldest brother whom looked reluctant to the plan but went with it anyway.

"I'm going to break the leg off of a chair and make sure she's watching before a stake Stefan dangerously close to the heart and next .. "

"I'm going to already have Stefan protected by a spell before any of this happens that makes him  dessicate but doesn't kill him completely," The brunette girl muttered as she noticed the frustrated look on the eldest Salvatore's face.

"Give her a couple more hours and she'll be too weak to fight back. She was already weak when I went to talk to her," Damon informed them as he went to the parlor and poured himself a glass of bourbon.


I took in a wheezy breath as I heard someone take steps down the stairs and fiddle with the lock. I looked at the door as it opened to reveal a certain blonde vampire.

"Just the whiny, control freak I wanted to see," I stated sarcastically with a small smirk on my face. She took in a hurt breath before brushing it off and sitting in front of me.

"You know, Elena wouldn't want you to be like this," Caroline said softly as she looked deep into my eyes.

"It's a good thing she's dead then, isn't it?" I whispered as I looked away from her tiredly. I felt weak and hungry. I am so hungry. She looked slightly taken aback by my remark and I gave a small smirk.

"Jeremy doesn't want you to be like this. He misses you, Cass," she tried once more and honestly the game she was pulling wasn't working.

"I'm not going to flip it, Caroline. I'm going to remain like this and you guys can keep me down here and starve me all you want. Everything you do won't work."

She pursed her lips, showing that she was giving up before going to the door.

"You always give up so easily, Caroline," I wheezed out as she ignored me. I smirked as she shut the door but I never heard a complete click of the lock. I heard half of a click. I stumbled up to feet, stumbling like a drunken person to the door where I lightly put my hand on it. It jiggled but it didn't move all the way so I put as much body pressure on it as I could before I fell onto the ground letting out a cough.

I was out of the cell.

I gripped onto the wall to pull myself up then began stumbling up the steps. I could vaguely hear ruckus going on upstairs along with some colorful words being exchanged.

"I wonder what the idiots are fighting over now. Elena's dead," I said to no one in particular as I continued pushing myself up the stairs. I made it to the top a took a deep breath before pushing myself to the doorway of the living area.

"Damon, it's your fault as it why it happened!" Stefan shouted in anger as I heard a chair being snapped. It went quiet as I peeked around the doorway to see Damon gripping the leg of the chair. I rolled my eyes as I knew Damon wouldn't do anything to hurt his baby brother. He didn't hate his little bro that much.

"Stop trying to make me the good guy! I'm not the good guy, Stefan!" he shouted angrily before speeding to Stefan shoving the wooden leg into Stefan's chest.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I about fell over as Stefan looked over to me with pain in his eyes as half my body leaned against the wall.

"STEFAN!" I screamed watching him begin to turn grey and veiny. I sped over catching him before he fell as I could barely see or breathe. Every emotion that was locked away was hitting me all at once in this moment but the one thing I felt at this moment was heart break. "Stefan, no, no, no, no, wake up .. WAKE UP!" I screamed gripping onto his shirt as I pulled the stake out of his chest. He was dessicating and it was reaching his face. I couldn't lose my best friend. I couldn't stop the sobs and at this point everything was beginning to sound raspy that came from me.


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