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I skipped down the road of a busy Chicago street to get to Damon whom was standing outside of an old antique shop on the phone. He smiled once he saw me and hung up whatever phone call he was having and I did a small twirl as I shown off my freshly cut curled hair with a lighter tint to it. He held his arms bent out as I put my hands on his forearms as I stopped in front of me.

"New hair, new Cassi?"

I smiled as I moved my head from side to side feeling my hair move against my face. I loved the new feeling of it!

"Do you like it?"

He chuckled, "It looks good." He seemed to lose his smile slightly as he looked it my brown eyes. "How are you holding up from Elena?" His icy blue eyes moved back and forth between my brown orbs.

I slowly dropped my smile as confusion in as to why he asked me about that. I shook my head.

"I don't want to talk about her. I want to have fun here," I rolled my eyes as my eyes immediately fell upon a guy across the street from us. I heard him let out the quietest sigh before I was able to speed away from him and push the guy into the alley way.

Chicago sure is in for a treat.


"So does that mean my mom or Isobel is her mom too?"

The youngest Gilbert had just received the news that is other sister just like his oldest didn't have the same father as he did. Deep down he was beginning to feel alone and like he was about to be the only Gilbert left if Cassidy wasn't his blood sister.

"We haven't gotten that far yet. Ric ran out before we could question him about it," Caroline said quietly as she tried to look at Jeremy cautiously. He let out a shaky breath as he looked to the side with an unreadable look. Stefan went to open his mouth to ask the youngest Gilbert if he was okay but he beat him to it.

"You know, when we figured out that Elena was Isobel's I didn't know how to feel because that meant that she wasn't dad's either, and it ended up turning out that she was Uncle John's daughter. I thought Cass was the only blood I had left and now you're telling me she is Alaric's. Does that mean she is Isobel's too or is she mom's?"

It was evident that Jeremy wasn't okay but this surprising family news. It was evident that he was starting to feel like he was all by himself, but it was still unknown if Cassidy was that selfish, supernaturally obsessive woman's daughter or if she was the sweet, taken too soon Miranda's daughter. Only Alaric had that answer but there was no telling if he would reveal that seeing he was trying to keep from anyone knowing that he was Cassidy's father.

"Jeremy .. there's no telling. She favors you a lot so maybe she is Miranda's daughter too. We're going to figure it out but right now we have to figure out how we're going to tell her," Stefan explained calmly as he noticed the uneasy, angry look on Jeremy's face. He was feeling all of the emotions he felt when it was revealed that Elena was John and Isobel's all those years before when the Salvatore's first returned to Mystic Falls. He felt betrayed.

"Where is Cassidy anyway?" Jeremy now began to radiate anger at the thought that she was somewhere with Damon. Not to mention that her humanity switch was flipped. That part was really what made Jeremy Gilbert pissed on the subject of his older sister.

"Ehm .. " Stefan and Caroline exchanged quiet looks as if asking each other whether they should tell Jeremy that she was all the way in Chicago.

"If you care you will tell me."

Caroline broke as she looked back at the youngest Gilbert child, "Chicago! She's in Chicago with Damon!"

Little did they know, they had listeners inside the Mystic Grill with them.


"So tell me," I laughed drunkenly as we lain atop a building looking into the dark very light star lit Chicago sky. I hate I can't see any stars but that's what happens in big cities like Chicago. "Is this where you bring all of the girls when we flip our switches?"

"Actually," he laughed back, propping up on his elbow to look at me. "I took Elena to New York.  I wanted to take you somewhere different that way you wouldn't have to share something with your sister for once in your life," he looked deep into my brown orbs as he placed the bottle of bourbon down. I looked back into his bright blue ones leaning in slightly only to grab the bourbon bottle and hop up and dance around the roof. I heard a soft huff from Damon as I began chugging the bottle. I knew what he was doing and it wasn't going to work.

"You're not going to make me switch it, Damon, so stop trying," I didn't look at him as I looked out to Chicago smelling the pumping blood that was going through the thousands of veins. I heard him let out another sigh as he stood to his feet.

"You're a Ripper, Cassidy. I'm doing this for Stefan's sake."

"What right does Stefan have to try and get into my life? You said it yourself, Damon, I heard you. You said I'm the happiest I've been in a while. I am happy, Damon, I'm more than happy. I don't care about a damn thing and I like the way it makes me feel. Stop trying to change me because I know deep down in your thick skull you like me better this way, but hey, you did with Elena too," with that I sped off the roof and away from Damon Salvatore.

It was high time I did some exploring on my own without a Salvatore up my ass.

xXxXx xXxXx

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