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"What was she doing? Why was she in the cemetery?"

Elena looked at Damon for the answers to her questions as if he had known. To her, he had to have known since he was in the cemetery with Cassidy. Despite worrying about her sister, Elena also had a jealousy vibe about the situation because Damon was her boyfriend - not Cassidy's. She's even said she's slept with Damon not because of the sire bond but because she was in love with him. Something Cassidy barely believed since she has always believed Elena just plays the brothers.

"I don't know, Elena, that's just where I found her. I happened to smell blood it led me to the cemetery and there was Cassi. She was unconscious, Elena. Why can't you be happy she's alive?"

Elena didn't respond to Damon at that thought because part of her wanted to say she was happy she was alive. The other part was concerned as to why she was even in the cemetery in the first place. It didn't add up.

Meanwhile, Stefan was upstairs in his bedroom with Cassidy on his bed after just giving her a shot of human blood. Realizing how slow the affect was taking, he bit his wrist and quickly put it to her lips giving her just a little bit. He looked at his wrist waiting for it to heal as he took her hand in his own.

"Cass, if you're okay squeeze my hand. It doesn't have to be hard. Just be okay."

He waited for a squeeze and didn't get one but as he began to pull away she squeezed as she stirred in her slumber. He let out a sigh as he put a small kiss to her hand as her heard her mumble he thought was about Damon but dropped it.

He let out a breath and stood up to wall downstairs to his brother and Elena.

"She's doing better. She's coming to her senses," he muttered as he walked down the steps wiping his hands. "Probably be best if you went to talk to her. You'll probably be the only one she tells the story to," he gave Elena a look as he poured himself some bourbon. Elena went to protest but Damon ushered her up the stairs.


I zipped up my right boot as I got ready for this stinking party for Tyler's sister. I was still confused as to why she wanted to invite Elena and myself. Jeremy I understood because they were close through Vickie when they dated and they are both hunters. I understood why she would want Jeremy there but why Elena and myself?

I made my way out of my room and down the steps to see a ready Elena and Jeremy. Stefan and Damon agreed to go to see if anything fishy would happen being that Tyler was one of Klaus's hybrids now. They felt they needed to be on the look out for one of the Mikealson's, which was completely fair.

"So Damon and Stefan are going to be meeting us there?" I asked in confirmation from Elena as I clicked my vervain bracelet together. I examined the bite mark on my bicep before throwing my leather jacket on over my dark purple spaghetti shirt. Elena nodded as she fluffed her curls before making her way out of the house.

Jeremy and I gave each other a look before followong her outside.


We walked up the steps of the Lockwood mansion, gave the body guard guy our names then walked through the house to the back where we were immediately greeted with the smell of alcohol. Stefan and Damon would be jumping the fence around the perimeter of the manor and hanging out in the back corner where there was a small hangout area.

"Hey! I'm so glad you guys could come!" Avery came up to us with a big smile on her face. I returned the smile to the best of my ability as my hand rested on my bicep. She was talking about something to Elena and Jeremy as I zoned out looking ovee her shoulder. I noticed someone different in the shadows with dark hair in a fancy suit. Definitely something that's considered over dressed for this occasion.

"Cassidy?" she put her hand on my shoulder. I shook out of my thoughts as I noticed Jeremy and Elena walked away. "I asked how you were. I heard about the attack that happened after we talked the other day. I felt so bad to hear about it."

"I'm all right," I try to look over her shoulder again curiously. "Jeremy thinks it's gonna scare about not too bad. Oh do you hear that? I think he's calling me actually. Coming, Jer!"

I walk away after playing that off to the mysterious figure in the shadows. I had to know who it was and why they were so fancily dressed for this occasion. I know it's a party but it's not a fancy party. I skipped the steps two at a time to get to the bottom of the yard and passed all the sweating people. It was beyond loud in here and the smell of alcohol seemed to have gotten stronger. It reminded me of Vickie's parties.

I got to where I thought the man was standing but he was nowhere in sight. I knit my brows as I look around only to feel something grab my arm pulling me somewhere. We were in a gardening shed now and it was that man in the suit. He looked awfully familiar.

"You look really familiar."

"I am one of the Mikealson children," he said so sophisticated like. "You are the middle Gilbert child. You are Hannabella's dopplegänger."

My heart suddenly began to pick up. I was alone with one of the most dangerous vampires. I was human. He could kill me in an instant.

"My name is Elijah. Please don't freak out. I'm here to help you. You just need to watch who you trust and who you talk to."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I knitted my brows curiously as I looked out of the small window of the gardening shed. Watch who I trust?

"Tyler .. Tyler has close connections with my brother and my brother - "

" - I know Klaus. He's crazy and he's tried to kill my sister and me before to make his hybrids."

He was slightly taken aback before he went into a thinking mode. He began to slowly freak out and the look on his face made it seem like he heard something. He flashed out of the small shed faster than we got in there. I could see he was now talking to Avery in a corner as Stefan flashed in the shed.

"I can't trust anyone, can I?"


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