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"Damon, can I talk to you?" I looked over to him as he was in deep conversation with Stefan, Elena and Caroline. "Alone," I muttered sheepishly as I stood at the bottom of the stairs. I watched Elena look at him out of the corner of her eye as he made his way over to me following me up the stairs. We made it up the stairs and then I turned around walking backwards looking at him. He gave me a cute smile.

"What is it?"

I whooshed to his bathroom and turned on the sink as he shut the door behind him. I walked over to him.

"We have to talk."


I gave him a look saying he should know what I'm talking about all too well. He let out a small sigh as he nodded his head.

"The kiss. What's there to talk about?"

"What do you mean "what's there to talk about" Damon? There's everything to talk about about it. Like why did you do it .. twice, Damon? Two times!" I held up two fingers as he began to put his signature smirk on his lips. "What?"

"It was almost three," his smirk grew full on.

"Damon!" I looked at him with disbelief taking over my face. He started laughing slightly.

"C'mon, Cassi, you can't tell me that you haven't had a single thought about kissing these lips. Wishing you were in Elena's place. You can't tell me you haven't, Cassi. I heard your pretty little heart speed up any time you were in my presence," he took a step forward and I found myself yet again caught with my breath stuck in my throat. He stepped closer to me. I let out a shaky breath. He let his lips begin to brush the corner of my lips.

"Like right now," he smirked pulling back quickly. I smiled rolling my eyes as I looked up at him.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Damon, but you're with my sister so I would appreciate it if you would stop leading people on. Get your mind in the right place, got it?" I turned around quickly and left his room after finding a new confidence within me. I could feel the confusion coming from him as I went down the stairs and out of the house.


I put the Diet Coke down on the table that requested it and made my way back behind the bar next to Matt whom was cleaning it. He looked up from the counter to me and smiled as I leaned against my elbows.

"How's the new vampire life?" he spoke quietly.

"I'm honestly hating it, Matt," I look away from him and to my note pad flipping to a clean sheet. I let out a breath as I pushed back my feeling of hunger. "I'm constantly .. " I let out a breath. "I feel hungry all the time. I can't satisfy my hunger," I look at him and he seemed to tense. "I'm not going to rip your throat out."

"Yeah, I heard about your Ripper problem. Jeremy was hoping that's the only reason you haven't been near him. He misses you, Cass," he gave me one of his famous worrisome looks as he stopped cleaning the bar.

"I know he won't stake my heart .."

It was a few minutes of silence between the two of us. I knew he was waiting on me to complete my train of thought. I wet my lips as I didn't take my eyes off of one of the customers in a seat not too far from us.

" .. I'm just scared of lashing out on him or something .. Stefan said this whole Ripper thing is hard to control and I'm beginning to think he's right," I grip the counter.

"Cass .. " Matt looks at me cautiously. "Here, come to the back," he took my hand guiding me to the back of The Grill. He rolled his shirt sleeve up as he sat me down in one of the chairs in one of the closets. I knitted my brows as he started to hold his wrist out to me. "I did this for Elena when she first turned."

"Matt, no, I won't be able to stop," I pushed myself away from him. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You don't need to jump on someone in the middle of The Grill, Cass."

"And I won't."

He gave me a look.

"Don't make me call your brother to make sure you won't."

"I won't, Matt."

He pulled his sleeve down before going to walk out of the room. He stopped and took a breath as if he were going to say something, but he brushed it off instead and continued his action. I looked up at the ceiling before collecting my thoughts together then exiting the room to continue my job. As I walked out of the back, I noticed Matt was occupied by dealing with a table and a customer walking by their lonesome out the side alley door. My hunger got the best of me and I followed the person outside the grabbed them and pulled them to the side.

"What're you doing?" she looked at me with an angry look. I let out a shaky breath before throwing my fangs into her neck and draining her of her blood. Her breath had gotten caught in her throat, keeping her from screaming for help. She slowly began to grow limp as I continue drinking and then eventually her head ripped off. I pulled back with a happy sigh escaping my lips as I dropped her body and her head. I needed more. A lot more.

I whooshed over to a different person that was in the shadows beside the building we were beside. I looked into their eyes telling them to calm down and was satisfied when I succeeded with my first compulsion. I sank my fangs into their neck ending with the same result as the person before them. I went to another shadowy part in this town only for there to be a stake thrown into my stomach. I started gagging on my blood that immediately rose in the back of my throat.

"You're just going to kill people whenever you feel like it? Not in this town, honey," the stake was dug deeper into my stomach. I looked up at the owner to see Avery standing before me.

"St - Stop," I gasped as I went down onto my knees. She bent down and took my daylight ring off of my finger then stood back up.

"You reckon the sun will eventually face this way? Or do you reckon you will drive yourself so crazy that you'll just walk into the sun? At this point, I don't care because I'm the predator and you are the prey and guess what, Cassidy?" she bent down getting face to face with me. "At this point I will do anything to watch you fall in pain. Maybe even die because I'd rather watch you get tortured and slowly die than me shoving a stake through your heart," she bent back up as I sat there against the wall with the stake deeper into my stomach. She slid my ring into her pocket before walking away.

"Oh, by the way, next person you kill that I find out about, someone close to you is dying."

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