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I sank my teeth into the neck of a middle aged woman walking out of the hospital. I pulled her to the side of the building and began feeding until she was drained of her blood and her head came off. I threw her body to the side as an ambulance zoomed to the door of the emergency room door. The door to the ambulance opened and I instantly caught the smell of blood from the patient inside. From the looks of the injury, it seemed this person was very clumsy out on some rocks.

I edged toward the corner of the hospital still staying in the shadows only for someone to whoosh in front of me.

"I finally found you. You can't just leave bodies everywhere, Cassi."

I knit my brows as I looked up into those piercing ice blue eyes then looked behind me at the girl on the ground then looked down at my hands. I then thought back to all of the bodies that I left lying around Mystic Falls tonight and that's where I lost my breathing. I threw my back against the wall as my hand went to my hair pushing it out of my face.

"What have I done? What am I doing?" I started sobbing out as I brought my other hand to my other temple. My hands cupped my temples as I started bending down crying.

"Cassi," Damon tried to take my hands in his.

"No, Damon," I sobbed out as I snatched my hands away from him as I looked at the girl. "I killed her. I'm killing people, Damon! Four bodies I've left in places, Damon! With no head!" I sobbed out as I slid down the wall onto my butt.

Damon let out a sigh as he took my hand in his and pulled me back up. He pulled a napkin from his pocket and wiped my mouth off and took his thumb, gently wiping the tears falling from my eyes.

"Listen to me, Cassi, you're a new vampire. You can't control your blood intake and at the rate you're going you're going to become a Ripper. You know like how Stefan was? When he left because he was scared of hurting you and Elena?" I nodded at the memory of Stefan leaving Mystic Falls to try and keep me safe. I remember it like it were yesterday. "I can help you keep from doing that, Cassi," he continues gently wiping at the stray tears falling out of my eyes. I let a hand grip onto his wrist as I looked into his eyes pleadingly. "You're emotions are heightened so much. I don't remember the last time I saw you cry this much," he laughed softly as my tears began to pick back up as my mind wondered to me killing all of those people and letting their heads come off. He pulled me into his chest, stroking my hair. "Let's just go back to your house, okay? So we can reassure Stefan and Elena that you're fine."


"I told you it was going to happen, Elena. I knew it was going to happen. This is what I was scared about," I heard Stefan's frantic voice in the kitchen speaking with Elena and Damon. Elena had made me a cup of coffee when Damon and I got home from the hospital. I still haven't talked to Damon about what I really needed to talk to him about, Elena was now freaking out because I was on the verge of a Ripper and Stefan .. well, you could tell what Stefan's state was.

"Stefan, will you calm down. I'm sure us talking before she vamped out is what made her hungry enough," I heard the eye roll in Damon's voice. I heard the scoff from Elena and Stefan at Damon's comment. I let out a sigh as I took a sip from the glass of coffee in my hand.

Jeremy walked down the steps and saw the uneasy look on my face then realized that the other three were in the kitchen. He rolled his eyes noticing the conversation they had to have been having was bothering me and there was always something about Jeremy hating things that bothered me.

"You three not take in to consideration that your conversation might be bothering her? Instead of complaining and groaning - and trust me, I know you're discussing the events that happened - comfort her and help her. I don't want her going around killing people just as much as you do but the easiest thing would be to help her," as Jeremy stopped talking there was a knock on the door. I got up from my perch on the couch and went to the front door to answer it and the person on the other side surprised me yet I was intrigued.

"Cassidy .. um, Cassidy?"

I shook my head to get out of my daze before letting out a breath.

"Elijah," I had breathed out as I noticed no Avery standing behind him. I knitted my brows before looking back into his eyes getting lost again.

"I'm certainly glad to find you're not trying to attack me right now. I'm sure you did figure out, yes? Every thing that was hid from compulsion has made its way to the surface?"

I nodded slowly, "You .. turned me."

I spoke slowly and was broke from my gaze when he went down on his knee groaning. A wooden bullet was shot into his thigh and I took in a sharp breath as I twisted around to see the attacker. Jeremy was holding the gun the ran from Elijah, hovering over him with what seemed to be a stake but he does realize that won't kill Elijah, right?

"Jeremy, stop!" I went to get him off.

"Cassidy, stand back. I wouldn't want your brother's hunter instincts to backfire onto you," Elijah groaned under his breath and something in me made me listen and take a few steps back. I heard the other three run in and Damon shouted at Jeremy as Stefan stood behind me protectivlely.

"Jeremy, you kill him and Cass dies," Elena looked at Jeremy angrily. "When you kill an Originial you kill everyone they turn in the process, Jeremy, remember?"

Jeremy let out a clenched breath before backing off of Elijah with his eyebrows knitted angrily.

"You're not coming in here."

"I understand and that's fine," Elijah let out a deep breath as he snatched the bullet from his thigh. "I was wanting to know how she's doing. I heard about the four bodies around town so I thought it was her."

"We've got it under control. We don't need your help. You've done enough," Elena spoke up.

"Well, wait a second, Elena. Maybe he's got some useful information that would help more than the three of you bickering about my situation," I took a step from Stefan and toward Elijah who looked at me in my eyes. He gave me a small smile.

"I do think it's smart your drinking from the vein, dear, however, the amount you're drinking is dangerous to yourself and the human of course. No substitutes will help you such as animal blood. That is definitely not acceptable and a blood bag will help but not for long. You need to control yourself more when it comes to feeding from the vein. Self-control," he smiled as he straightened his suit jacket and his tie.

"We'll try our methods first, Elijah," Stefan locked his hands behind his back as he narrowed his eyes at Elijah. "You've done enough by turning her then stabbing her in the back by having Katherine kill her. We'll do just fine from here."

"Whatever you all think," Elijah spoke politely before turning his back to us and walking down the porch. Jeremy shut the door before looking to the four of us with a groan.

"I wanted to kill him."

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