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I slowly allowed my eyes to open up as I felt something that felt rather hard beneath my head. I knitted my brows as I allowed my eyes to open the rest of the way as an excruciating headache forming. I slowly lifted my head with a groan then noticed the object beneath my head was a shirtless object. Then I noticed who it was.

"Oh my god!" I threw myself off of the bed landing on the floor with a loud thud and another groan escaping my lips. He just looked down at me with a smirk playing on his lips as I gripped at my head. The headache was growing.

"What am I doing in here? I was spending the evening with Stefan. How in the hell did I get in here!"

"You need to calm down," he smiled offering me his hand to help me back onto the bed. I shook my head as I stood up a little too fast. My hand went to my stomach as I felt it churning and then I felt myself running straight for the bathroom spilling everything that was in my system.

"God, humans."

I heard his footsteps graze against the wooden floor as he made his way to the bathroom. He held my hair back as I let all the bourbon leave my system from the previous night. That's when I happened to have noticed my thighs were cold from the tiles. Which meant I was lacking pants ..

"Oh my god, we didn't - "

" - No, Cassidy! I'm dating your sister!"

"Why am I in here? You know what forget it. I gotta go to Stefan's room before Elena comes over," I got up from the ground only to be chest and chest with Damon. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his ice blue eyes. I let out a shaky breath as he gave me a smile before I left his room to make my way to Stefan's.

I walked into the doorway to see Stefan was on his stomach with his arms under his pillow with a smile plastered on his lips. I still had an excruciating headache that felt like it was getting progressively worse. I was making my way over to the bed when I felt my stomach churning again making me go to Stefan's bathroom this time.

I heard him stirring in his sleep and then I heard feet grazing the wooden floor and then my hair was being held back again. After that episode, I stood up looking at me after flushing his toilet.

"How are you feeling?" he questioned as he pushed hair behind my ear.

"I'm hungover," I laughed softly then regretted it by holding the side of my head. "Join me back in bed?"

"Gladly," he smiled as we headed back to his bed and he got back where he was and I got in the side I had assumed I started in. I turned on my side to where I was facing him and he turned to where he was facing me.

"Stefan, we didn't .. you know?"

"No, we didn't. You got hot when we made our way up here. You took your pants off and in the drunken state I was in - I didn't really care," he laughed to himself softly. He then got a curious look.

"Where were you this morning?"

"It may sound weird but I woke up in Damon's bed. I don't know how I got in there or why I went in there."

It fell silent between the two of us and we just stared into one another's eyes. I propped up onto my elbow about to ask a question when I heard a voice downstairs.

"Stefan! Damon! Is Cassidy here?"

Stefan sat up rubbing his face as we heard my sister downstairs. Damon walked passed the room looking at Stefan and I, an unreadable look plastered on his face. Stefan stood up.

"I'll go tell her you're coming down. Feel free to use one of the toothbrushes under my sink. Your pants are over there on the dresser," he gave me a soft smile before leaving the room shutting the door behind him.


"Why were you interrupting me last night, Elijah! I almost had one of them!"

"Because Avery, I don't want to see you turn into a hunter like from when Niklaus and myself were the first vampires. Hundreds of years ago. That is what he is doing to you," Elijah placed his hands on Avery's biceps rubbing up and down in a soothing way.

"I don't want to see you become a killer," he whispered in her ear softly. This sent shivers up and down Avery's spine as she refrained from looking at the vampire.

"If I don't get the Gilbert dopplegängers he's going to kill Tyler."

"That can be changed," Elijah stands the side of her, making her face him and look into his eyes. He puts his hand under her chin and allows his thumb to rub over her lips. She lets out a shaky breath letting her hand rest on his forearm as he slowly leans down. She meets him the rest of the way and he leaves a soft, gentle kiss on her lips.

"Promise me, Avery, that will we try to do something about Klaus before you try to hurt those girls again."

She hesitated before nodding her head softly.


I went around the living room cleaning up the mess Stefan and I had made last night. We went through six bottles of bourbon last night. That's a lot of damn alcohol but I'm not complaining because from what I could understand we had a good time.

"Why did you drink that much? Stefan, why did you allow this to happen?" Elena was rather upset with me for drinking that much and was upset with Stefan for letting me do it. I rolled my eyes as I threw the last glass bottle away.

"Elena, we were having a good time. Stop being such a buzzkill," I mumbled the last sentence as I passed the trash bag to Stefan. He gave me an apologetic smile as he took the bag elsewhere. "I mean, do you know how wasted you were last night? I don't understand why you're so hard on me than you are on Jeremy. You treat me like I'm the baby, Elena, and it's just about tiring."

"Just about tiring? You act as if you're completed tired," Damon spoke in hid smartass voice with hid signature smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes as I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. He immediately caught it with his reflexes. He kept his smirk as he sent a playful kiss in my direction. "You can't touch this, sweetheart."

"Look, I'll take the complete fault for it. I'm sorry, Elena, I won't let it happen again," Stefan walked back into the room as he sat back down on the couch. "I do request we discuss Hannabella and Katherine because if you haven't forgot, Hanna fed off of Cass the other day."

"She sounded weak too .. sick."

"That could mean absolutely anything with Katherine and Hannabella. They could have just gotten out of some business with a hunter," Damon stated very bluntly. Elena excused herself and went to the kitchen I assumed. She walked in that direction anyway. "I'm so positive of this that I'm sure the next time you come in contact with her she'll be healthy as ever. With you being a weak, little human you don't need to be alone."

"I'm not weak!" I protested angrily.

He sped over and had me against the wall making me take in a sharp breath as he had my arms on the wall. I tried to get out of his grasp and that's when his signature smirk appeared back on his face.


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