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Cassidy was laying in her bed curled up in a ball as she continued to think about Stefan being all gray and veiny (and wanting her sister of course), but she was trying to find it within herself to forgive the raven haired vampire she had feelings for. The more she thought about the elder vampire she grew more upset because one he staked his brother but the other was that she couldn't find it in herself to say that she was completely angry.

She only remembered the feelings she felt and the moments they've shared.

While she was stuck in her thoughts, there was a small knock on the bedroom door. She lightly lifted her head off her pillow as some of her short brown hair fell in her eyes. She let out a huff in hopes of the person figuring out the door was unlocked.

She dropped her head back down on the pillow as she heard the doorknob twist, not bothering to see whom it was because there was just a limited amount of people: her brother, Damon or maybe Caroline because the blonde was her best friend.

She remembered, however, that the Forbes vampire probably wasn't happy with her after what she had said to her with no humanity. The voice that filled the room told her it was someone she wasn't expecting.


She wouldn't turn over because no matter how much she wanted to show she was okay and didn't need help. She couldn't find the strength in herself to find it and she felt like she could if only she had Elena, because no matter how much of a fight duo the sisters were they wouldn't be able to get through life without each other.

Cassidy was feeling the effects of this right now.

"Hey, Cassidy," the voice said softly as he took a sit on the side she was facing looking down at her. He pushed some hair out of her face as he looked into her eyes and all he could think about was her mother. He saw the sadness that filled them.

"I need Elena," she finally croaked out as the result was raspiness. She hadn't moved from her bed since she had came home last night. She hadn't seen Jeremy since Elena's funeral and she was beginning to wonder where her brother disappeared.

"Cass, you know she isn't here," Alaric said softly as he ran his fingers through his daughter's hair lightly. He was happy to see her emotions were back on, but he didn't like all this sadness she was being put under. He let out a breath as he brought his hands in front of him, leaning on his knees by his forearms. Cassidy noticed his anxious behavior and sat up in wonder.

"You're hiding something," the vampire noted.

The blonde looked to the girl in shock of how she would know he was keeping something from him. She looked to him expectantly wanting to know the information she was being left out on at the moment. He took in a shaky breath as he looked into her brown eyes.

"Okay, uhm, how do I come across this? You ever wonder how easy we were able to get along? Maybe wonder how I always managed to make sure I was there for you?"

The only brunette in the room knitted her brows curiously as she sat up straighter, giving him the silent motion to go on. The Saltzman couldn't take his eyes off of his hands as he just blurted it all out at once.

"I'm your biological dad, Cass."

The Gilbert/Saltzman child stared at her father in bewilderment with the unexpected news. She took her eyes off of Alaric as she was now the one looking down at her hands. She had a million and one thoughts running through her mind amongst Stefan, Elena being dead, where Jeremy was, this news of Alaric and also if Miranda or Isobel was her mother. She looked like Elena but when she was a child so many people said she was a spitting image of her mother being Miranda.

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