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I threw my dude along with his head of course as I looked over to Katherine and Elijah feeding off of the same body. I looked down at the body I fed off of seeing it completely pale and no blood seepin from the neck telling me it was dry, yet I was still hungry. I heard them drop their body before looking to me and Katherine raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"You're a Ripper too?"

"She certainly is. How many bodies did you have in Mystic Falls?" Elijah asked me curiously as he whipped a handkerchief out of his suit pocket to clean his face, however, Katherine stopped him from using the small cloth. I suppose she had something different in mind to do.

"Six or seven," I shrugged as I saw that their body they were feeding off of wasn't completely empty. Katherine kicked the leg of the body in my direction telling me to finish it off. I sped to it picking it up as I continued draining the blood.

"Well then this will definitely be fun. It was always fun when Stefan was a Ripper," Katherine smirked as she looked back up at Elijah, letting herself clean the blood off of his face with her tongue as he slowly closed his eyes.

"Oh please, get a room," I pulled back from the neck of the body as I witnessed Katherine and Elijah doing whatever they were doing. "That's gross," I muttered before I went back to feeding.

Katherine laughed as she pulled away from Elijah, letting him finish cleaning himself off with the handkerchief. He offered it to her as I threw the body down with the head barely hanging on. I looked at the both of them smiling as I could go for more but I knew I probably shouldn't.

"Elijah, let's show Cassidy what a good time in New Orleans is like," Katherine looked to Elijah with a pleading look in her eyes. He just gave a small smile in my direction.


"If I were a newborn vampire with no emotions and I were a Ripper and it was my first time in New Orleans, where would I go first?" Damon stepped out of Stefan's car along with Stefan. The two brothers looked to one another as the jazz music was picking up being that it was almost sun down. The party always started at night for New Orleans. "Memories flooding back, brother?"

"Some not good ones," Stefan sighed as he looked around, spotting a bar from his Ripper days. Stefan spent time in Chicago and New Orleans during his 1920s Ripper. Something deep down told him that Cassidy had been there. "Let's start there."

"Stef, I like me some bourbon and scotch too but I thought we were here on business," but before Damon could protest all the way Stefan was already walking over there. Damon rolled his eyes before smiling and following after his brother into the bar. He walked into the bar to someone holding Stefan against the wall in attempt to shoot at him with wooden bullets.

"I told you you weren't allowed here, Salvatore."

"Whoa, hey, hey," Damon sped over pushing the hunter (the same one that shot Cassidy and Katherine by the way) away from Stefan. "If anyone is going to kill my little brother it's going to be me," he whispered to the hunter before shooting the hunter with his own wooden bullets. Of course, he didn't let the bullets kill the hunter. Not in front of all these people anyway.

He got back up and looked to Stefan whom was giving him a concerned look. The elder vampire looked to him with a small smirk as he looked to the bartender.

"Question time," Damon walked to the bar and leaned over it. The bartender looked to him with narrowed eyes before he spotted the youngest Salvatore.

"Salvatore brothers. How can I help the two vampires I absolutely never wanted to see ever again?"(This was a different bartender than the one Cassidy and Katherine ran into seeing as that one was human.)

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