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"You lost her? What do you mean 'you lost her' !"

Stefan was on the phone with his brother receiving the news that Damon did indeed lose the Gilbert/Saltzman girl. Damon took in a sharp breath as he yelled back at his brother that he simply didn't lose her .. that he only misplaced the girl that was clouding his thoughts. Caroline was looking at the youngest Salvatore with a worrisome look as she listened the the conversation unfold.

"Damon, if you can't find her you have clearly lost her. There are some messed up hunters in Chicago, Damon, and you know well enough her first instinct will be to kill them."

"And that's not exactly a bad thing," Damon traced the ring of his glass as he waited for the bar tender to fill it up with more bourbon. He could hear the scoff coming from Caroline that clearly told him she was listening in the conversation. He rolled his eyes as he expected some out rage from the Forbes girl when he got back to Mystic Falls. "Look, she's happy and it's kinda cute," he smirked into the phone.

"Damon, this is your ex-girlfriend's sister!" Caroline protested in out rage. Damon simply shrugged even though he knew they couldn't see him do this action.

It was Damon Salvatore. He hooked up with the Petrova sisters and they were both alive at the time.

Stefan held himself back from worsening the fight he and his brother were having right now. They've been fighting ever since Damon ran off with Cassidy to that party. Caroline noticed the uneasy, angry look on Stefan's face knowing that he cared for the Gilbert girl just as much as he did Elena if not more. They were best friends and she was like his little sister.

"Just find her," Stefan said angrily into the phone before hanging it up.

"Well, Mr. Bossy Pants," Damon muttered as he put his cell phone into his pocket and looked around the block for the middle Gilbert child.


The Lockwood Huntress walked up the steps of the Mikealson Manor as she was under yet another deal/threat situation with none other that Niklaus Mikealson. She took a deep breath as she looked around and through windows in hopes of Elijah being nowhere near the home. She gave the massive door two big knocks as she felt the white oak stake rubbing against her leg, reminding her that she came prepared if any funny business was going to be played.

The door opened to reveal the Mikealson sister who stuck a sickly looking smile on her face.

"Nik's been waiting."

"Of course," she breathed as she walked passed Rebekah.

She turned the corner and saw Niklaus standing over the fireplace continuing to look around and hear out for Elijah. (She had no idea where he ran off to that morning).

"Don't fret, love, he's not here so poor ole Elijah won't know you're betraying him," she could hear the smirk coming from the Original hybrid. She let out a breath as she tried to remain strong even though she was in front of the only person that she has ever feared. He turned around with an expectant look on his face for the information he so desperately desired.

"She's in Chicago with the older Salvatore."

"Damon would take her out of harm's way," Niklaus looked out distantly as he thought to himself. "I know some witches in Chicago, ya know, but oo a dirty place it is," he said so calmly that it sent a chilling shiver up the eldest Lockwood's spine.

"You got your information, Klaus. Can I leave now please?"

The Mikealson brother put a sickly smile on his face as he looked at Avery with desire laced in his eyes. This made her feel uneasy as she slowly began to back away only to bump into someone. She looked up and behind her to see someone she's never seen before.

"Little brother, nice of you to come back home," Niklaus looked at the younger Original.

"A - Another brother?"

"This one is a little more crazy than my older ones," the new Mikealson smiled sickly at Avery. "My how beautiful you are. Elijah just knows how to pick them doesn't he, big brother?"

"Kol, we agreed nothing too torturey unless she doesn't fulfill what she's asked," Niklaus looked at his younger brother threateningly.

"Where's Elijah?" Avery looked between the Mikealson brothers angrily. She was beginning to feel out of place and in need of some help. Her one white oak stake wasn't going to get both of these Originals.

"Eli's fine," Kol rolled his eyes as he looked to Niklaus.

"You're going to be the one to go to Chicago to get our dear Cassidy, and don't let her switch her humanity back on."


I threw done the sixth body and head as I licked my lips letting out a deep breath with a smile. I looked around finding a bar right down from where I was having my dinner. I was in need of a drink.

As I began to walk down the street, I felt my phone begin to buzz rapidly in my pocket. I pulled it out without even thinking to look at the caller I.D.

"This is the girl with zero cares and one hundred happies, who is speaking?"

"You actually answered me. It's so good to hear you again."

"Oh it's you," I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to the bar. I sat down at the bar and requested some bourbon and quickly downed the first glass as he began to talk.

"Right, you're going to act like you don't care with your humanity off. Look, Cass, come home, please. You know you're not okay."

"I'm actually really great," I laughed as I took the bottle of bourbon from behind the counter and poured some more into my glass. "I would be even better if you would stop trying to get me to do things I don't want to do. I'm having fun here in Chicago and you know I was actually thinking of going somewhere new like maybe hm oooo how about New Orleans."

"Cassidy, as your best friend who cares deeply about you and your safety, don't do that,"

I scoffed, "Cares about me? Let's face it, Stefan, no one cares. We're all in this on our own and honestly it's just me and myself. I've already ran off from Damon. For someone who cares he sure hasn't found me. I'm done with all of this, Stefan, and frankly, staying away from Mystic Falls sounds like a good plan. At least I won't be killed for feeding like I'm suppose to."

"Cassidy, no!" I hung up before he could say anymore and somehow I thought I heard a scream of Cassidy. I slammed my shot glass on the bar before getting up and walking out while slamming my phone against the wall.

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