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I stared at my hands as I leaned my elbows on my knees while sitting on the couch. I let out a shaky breath as two feet appeared in front of me making me look up to the face. Alaric gave me a a small smile as he held out a cup of what I assumed coffee since I could smell that in the air. I gave a small smile as I took the cup and smelled the hazelnut creamer in it.

"What exactly happened?" he spoke quietly as he sat down next to me. Damon had gone upstairs where Caroline and Jeremy were still with Elena's body. I haven't been back up there and I don't think I could bare to go back up there. "When did you become a vampire?" I let out a shaky breath as I set the cup on the table.

"Elijah Mikealson's blood is what turned me, however, Katherine is the one that killed me," I whispered softly as I rubbed my face stressingly. He put his hand on my forearm making me look up at him. "I'm a Ripper, Ric. I can't stop once I start and that's what got Elena killed. It's my fault she's dead."

"Cassidy - " 

I shook my head as I got up from the couch nearly knocking over the cup of coffee by bumping my knee into the edge of the table. I walked over to the fireplace mantel taking a picture of Jeremy, Elena and I from the top of it. I took a long look at it as my chest rose shakily as Jeremy was laughing as he pushed Elena and I from each other as we play fought with smiles on our faces.

"Cassidy, it's not your fault," he got up from his perch on the couch and walked over to me. I went to throw down the picture but he quickly grabbed my wrist and made me look into his eyes. I choked on my breath as I pulled my eyes away from him when I heard the door open. Alaric looked over and immediately stood in front of me at the sight of Elijah there.

"I'm not here to harm anyone. I heard what happened to Elena."

I locked eyes with Elijah as I looked over Ric's shoulder at the Original. He looked into my eyes and something told me to go over to him and I did just that. Alaric went to grab at my wrist like the protective person he was but I slipped my hand away. Elijah gave me a small smile then hugged me tight.

"Cassi, do you - "

It got quiet as I looked below Elijah's arm at Damon who had stopped on the stairs. He knitted his brows as he was looking at Elijah and I assume toward Alaric too. He gave an awkward cough and that's when Elijah quickly pulled away from me. He gave a cough himself as he straightened out his suit jacket.

"I came to talk on behalf of Avery," he looked me in the eyes and with that statement I felt the anger swell up inside of me. I went to speak but Damon beat me to it.

"Actually, while you're here, why don't you break the bond, Elijah? We really don't need things like that to happen," I could hear the jealously in Damon's voice and I could see the uneasiness in Elijah's face.

"Right, the bond. I forgot about that."

"Bond?" Alaric asked curiously as he walked over to the three of us.

"Elijah here managed to get little Cassi sired to him when she got turned into a vampire."

It fell awkwardly silent after that was said and I could tell what was coming next. I looked over at Elijah as he loosened his tie out of nervousness before he took a step or two forward. I bit the inside of my cheek as he took a breath that indicated that he was about to talk.

"Cassidy, I want you to rid of the thought of me that lingers in your head. You should no longer think it is okay to see me or .. want .. me. That's what I want you to do. I want you to keep away from me and not come near me, okay? Can you do that for me? That's what I want you to do. It's what I want."

And somehow I felt this relief get lifted off me shoulders that told me I didn't have anyone to listen to. I somehow felt better and more free compared to what I already was. I looked to Damon as a breath escaped my lips and from some reason as I looked into those icy blue eyes, something was trying to pull closer to him. I pulled my eyes away from him as I looked up the stairs then to Alaric's eyes.

"Wait .. who was the hunter?"

"Avery Lockwood," I said without hesitation as I felt that anger swell up inside of me again. Just the mention of her name made me so angry and now seeing Elijah here in front of me made me angry simply because he associated with her. I looked back to Damon.

"Do you want to go get a casket?"

I felt a weight be put down on my chest as those words fell out of his mouth. I let out a deep breath as I let my eyes trail up the stairs hearing Caroline and Jeremy talking lightly. I was happy she was up there with him instead of him being by himself. I needed to be the one with him but I couldn't be around Elena's body right now. I gave a soft not before looking to Alaric.

"Could you keep an eye on Jer for me?"

"Of course, go get her a beautiful casket. I'll call Bonnie or something and her and Caroline can put her in a dress or something. Go get some fresh air," he gave me another long hug as he assured everything was going to be okay here.


Avery sat on the couch in the living room of Lockwood Manor as she stared before her at a stake sitting on the table. She took into thought that she had killed one of Tyler's friends but the hunter part of her didn't care. To the hunter part of her, she killed something that was seen as a potential threat to everyone. It was her job to keep the town safe from things like that that fell in her category.

"Would you snap on me like that?"

She snapped her head around to see a slightly shooken Elijah who's tie was loose. He looked more nervous than anything as his eyes adverted from hers to the stake sitting on the table and back to hers. It took Avery a second before she realized what Elijah was really talking about. She stood up as she threw the stake into the duffel bag beside the couch.

"No, I .. I wouldn't dare."

"Would not because of Niklaus and my family or other reasonings?"

"Because I love you, Elijah," she took a step forward as she noticed his stance soften. "But I hunt vampires, Elijah, I'm going to hunt. It's my job."

"I understand and wait what?" he shook his head questioningly at what she had said at first. She knitted her brows before realizing.

"You, I love you, Elijah."

xXxXx xXxXx

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