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The door opened in front of me to reveal Damon and as soon as he laid eyes on me he got confused. I pushed passed him to get to where I could make my way up the stairs to throw what little stuff I had in a room, but before I could make it up the stairs he stopped me.

"What are you doing? Are you okay?"

I took in a shaky breath as my angry was welling up in my chest but also thinking about what just happened with Elena had tears brimming to my eyes. The relationship I had with Elena and it was all my fault.

"I just ruined the relationship I had with my sister. All because of a stupid mistake I made," I put my stuff on the ground as I kept my back facing toward the brothers. I heard feet shuffle forward. "Don't come near me."

"Cass," Stefan said cautiously. "Cassidy, do you need to stay here?"

"I need to stay somewhere, yeah, however, I'm going to avoid you, Damon, as much as I can," I looked over my shoulder as I kept a tear from escaping as I picked my belongings back up and made my way upstairs. As I went passed Damon's room, I went to the end of the hallway and set my things beside the door way inside the room. I looked around seeing how luxurious it was and probably how much I didn't need this. It was humongous for my little ole self.

"You wanna talk? That's why I'm here, remember?"

I took in Stefan's words as I made my way to the bed and sat down on the edge. He shut the door and made his way to sit down beside me.

"I destroyed my sister ship with Elena," I muttered as I looked down at my hands. "I mean, we've always butted heads before but I really .. really messed up."

"Did it have something to do with Damon?"

"I kissed him," I blurted all to quickly as I slammed my face against my hands. I gripped at my hair as I slammed my back into the bed. I heard a scoff from Stefan as I could feel him shake his head. I peeked my eye under one of my hands in curiosity.

"Did you come first or was it him?"

"Him .. twice but!" I quickly sat up before Stefan could interject. "I didn't know about the first one until I had turned. He compelled me to forget about that one."

"He came onto you? Cass, why didn't you tell someone?"

"I didn't want to hurt Elena if she found out .." I muttered.

He scoffed again as he shook his head unbelievably. I knitted my brows as I looked into his eyes.

"He did the same thing with Katherine and Hanna."

I sat up straighter as my look grew more confused to the statement. I wanted to know more about their time in 1864 with Katherine and Hanna.

"Tell me," I scooted closer to him. He took in a breath as he placed his hand on mine. He slowly shook his head, "I don't think you want me to do that. It may change your whole outlook - "

" - Stefan, tell me."

" I was out in the yard cutting it one day because there was some reason our yard keeper was ill, so I took it upon myself to take care of it myself to calm my nerves. Damon was making me angry with the way he was treating me around Katarina and Hannabella. He was making me look like I was younger than what I was.

"Stefan," I could barely hear the sobs over my concentration of trying to push that lawn cutter through the grass. It wasn't one that has a motor because do remember this is 1864. Anyway, I could barely hear the sobs over my concentration.


I turned around and saw Hanna standing there with the evidence of a broken heart on her face. Her freshly done make up that her maid had helped her with was running down her face. She had tears just heavily streaming her face and it broke my heart to see her this way. I had no idea what to do other than go up to her and politely ask.

"Hanna, are .. what happened?" I walked up to her and gently took her hand in my own. "I'm sorry for my physical appearance and my sweaty hand," I smiled lightly trying to make her laugh. I always enjoyed when Hanna laughed, I thought it was the most beautiful thing.

"Katarina has disgraced me. She has lost her trust in me," she sobbed out harshly as she threw her face into my shoulder. I was taken by surprise as I wrapped my arms around her protectively, keeping her close. She took in heavy breathes as she gripped at my shirt.

Hanna and Katherine were very close because all they had were each other. Klaus murdered their family way back in the 1400s after Katherine had her baby. Of course, I hadn't known that at the time since we didn't know they were vampires.

"What happened, Hanna?"

"She .. She saw Damon come onto me and she had thought that I had come onto him first. She called me horrible names, Stefan. She said I was a disgrace to her and that it was wrong of me to do. She probably would have said I was trying to show him skin, Stefan," she broke into tears again as she gripped onto my biceps. I grew angry at Damon for allowing this to happen to the girl that was evident to have liked him. Hanna liked Damon so much, it was as evident as it was that I liked Katherine, however, Damon made sure that it looked like Katherine didn't like me.

"What should I ever do, Stefan? I would never do those things," She pulled back as she had small hiccups escape her lips. I wiped the tears from under her eyes as I gave her a caring look. I smiled as I locked eyes with her.

"You ignore the things Katherine said. You're a sweet, beautiful, caring girl, Hannabella. You don't need Damon of all men to treat you the way he has done. You need someone more caring to take care of you," I continued to give her a smile as I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She smiled as she let her hands rest around my wrist as my hands carressed her face. "

It got quiet between the both of us as I stared a hole into the ground beneath the bed. I scratched at my bicep as I took a shaky breath.

"Did you like both of them, Stefan?"

"Thinking back on it, I'm not sure actually. I had the deepest liking for Katherine of course and that's what led me back to Mystic Falls was Elena being her dopplegänger. The point was .. Damon did this to those sisters as well. Not just you with Elena. I hate him for it."

"No, Stef, don't. It's fine, really."

"You say it's fine now and then when she no longer speaks to you and sees you as nothing but disgust for what Damon did it will kill you," he stopped talking and looked at the ground in concentration. I went to speak but he got up and left the room before I could say anything. I let out a breath as I slammed my back onto the bed with my hands covering my face.

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