Chapter 1

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"My name is Violet Wilkins, I'm 23 and my Aunt died and left me this house" I repeat to myself for the millionth time. I've prepared for this, I've practiced, but now the time is here I'm nervous.

"My name is Violet Wilkins, I'm 23 and my Aunt died and left me this house" I say tapping my hand on the steering wheel of my new black Dodge Ram 3500. I've been driving for hours but I finally made it, the sun is beginning to rise as I drive down the long dirt drive to my new home. 'Come on Lucy, you've been practicing for this since you were 12. Violet, your fucking name is Violet' I think to myself as I pull up in front of the big house. I climb out of my truck and look up at my new home, it's a huge farm house that looks like it's sat empty for decades. I walk up to the front door and think through what my father said

"When the time comes, go to the farm house in North Carolina, the code panel is hidden to the right of the front door, the code is 021697, your real birthday" I listen to his voice in my head and feel along the wood panelling at the side of the front door. I press down and a key panel comes up, I type in the code and the front door opens. The alarm starts beeping so I run over to the alarm box and type in that code, the alarm stops and I look around, so this is home now. I give myself a tour of the house, three bedrooms two bathrooms, it's nice, but it needs work, I'll soon have it cleaned up. I head towards the basement door

"The basement code is 082575, your Moms birthday, everything you need will be in the basement" my fathers voice fills my head, it's almost as if he's here, but that won't happen. I enter the code and the door opens, I walk down the steps into the darkness and feel along the wall, finding the second key pad, I enter my fathers birthday and the door in front of me opens, the lights come on and I step in.

The door closes behind me and I scan the room, to my right is five monitors showing the outside of the house, in front of me is a door and to my left are two doors, these aren't locked, I open the first one and see all the weapons, guns, knives, grenades, flash bangs etc and I smile my dad thought of everything, I go to the second room and it's like a make shift hospital, everything I need to treat injuries. I step out of that room and head for the final door, it's a training room with a gun range to the left and a holding cell to the right. What did my dad think I would be doing here? I laugh to myself and head back to the first room. I look through the cabinets and find a stack of burner phones. I pull one out and dial the number

"Mick?" I ask as the call is answered

"Lucy? Where are you?" He replies, at least he's alive. I couldn't lose them both

"I just got to the safe house" I say heading back upstairs

"I'm so sorry Lucy, I didn't think they would kill him, I shouldn't have let him go alone" I hear his voice break

"Uncle Mick it's ok, he always told me this could happen, it's what he trained me for, I'll miss him, but we'll make it" I say trying to sound strong

"Let the heat die down and I'll try to come and see you, I gotta make sure they aren't following me first"

"It's ok, I'm safe, stick to the plan, I'm going to start my new life here like he wanted me to"

"Stay safe kid, we'll talk soon" he says before ending the call. I put the phone in my pocket and head out to my truck, I grab my bags out of the back seat and head back in, I look around the kitchen and sigh. I take my jacket off and start cleaning, there's dust on everything, I wipe down the counters and the table, I grab a bottle of water from one of my bags and drink. Grabbing my other two bags I head up to the master bedroom, I find clean sheets in the closet and change the bedding. I take my gun out the back of my jeans and the knife out of my boot, strip off my jeans and shirt and grab my dads t-shirt out of my bag and put it on, I climb into bed and lie down, my new life can start tomorrow, I need sleep.

Bones POV

I arrived at the clubhouse at 6am sharp and started opening up the garage, I headed through to the kitchen to get coffee before heading back to the shop, Bear met me on the way back

"Morning Bones, how's Erica's truck looking?" He asks

"To be honest Bear if that truck belonged to anyone but your old lady, I'd tell them to give it up, but I'm trying, I got a few more parts coming in this morning, hopefully she's lucky" I say before heading over to the old Chevy truck. Bear follows me and heads over to the motorcycle he's working on, I hear a motorcycle approach and see Knuckles pull up, get off his bike and walk over to us

"Morning fellas, hey Bear, I saw tyre tracks going up to that abandoned house, I went and checked it out there's a Dodge Ram parked out front of it"

"Hmm, you and Bones, go scope it, see who the truck belongs to, The Diablos better not be thinking of setting up camp in our town" Bear says. That house has been empty since I was a kid, some lady is on the deeds for it, but the land has been used to stir shit a few times in the past, so we keep an eye on it.

I start up my motorcycle and follow Knuckles out of the lot and out on the road, it only takes 10 minutes and we're pulling up next to the truck

"This truck is brand new, but it's got North Carolina plates" Knuckles says looking through the drivers window, I step up onto the porch and look through the window into the kitchen

"Some ones cleaned it up and there's a bag on the floor" I say to Knuckles as he comes up behind me, I walk over to the front door and try the handle, it's not locked. We step inside and check the floor, it's empty, I head upstairs, with Knuckles on my tail, we split off, he goes right I go left. I approach a bedroom door, the door is slightly open, I push it open and step in. The bed looks like some one has been sleeping in it, I step towards it and suddenly some one jumps on my back, their legs wrap around my waist and I fall onto the bed

"The fuck are you doing in my house" the female voice says pressing a gun to my temple. I hear Knuckles come running

"Drop the gun bitch" he says

"Don't make me kill both of you, get the fuck out of my house" she says shifting her body on top of me to look towards Knuckles

"Ok, ok, how about everyone puts their guns down and we figure out what's going on" I say holding my hands out. I feel her climb off me and I stand up, she walks around the bed away from us and I motion to Knuckles to lower his gun. I look over to the girl, she's beautiful, long black hair, pale blue eyes, soft full lips and the curves under that t-shirt

"If you're done checking me out, why the fuck are you in my house?" She says, I lift my gaze to meet hers

"This house has been empty for years, we're checking you're not causing trouble" I say, still keeping my hands up because she's still holding her gun, but she's not pointing it at me anymore

"I just inherited this place from my Aunt, I moved in this morning, my Aunt was Ivy Wilkins" she says putting her gun on the nightstand

"I'm Bones and this is Knuckles" I say holding my hand out to her, she takes my hand and shakes it firmly

"L-Violet, my names Violet" she says letting my hand go

"Well I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm your new neighbour, so you can go now Bones and Knuckles" she says pointing to the door, I laugh and back out the door

"Didn't lock the door on my first day, Dad would have me doing fucking drills til sundown" I hear her mutter behind me

"You here by yourself?" I ask as we reach the front door

"Yeah, but I'm fine, bye" she says pushing me out the door and shutting it

"Damn, that bitch is feisty" Knuckles says as we head to our bikes

"Yeah, she's hot too" I reply, Knuckles laughs as we climb on our motorcycles and head back to the clubhouse.

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