Chapter 26

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Bones POV

If you told me a year ago I'd be ready to settle down and get married I'd tell you to fuck off, but I was ready, more than ready. I wanted to put her on the back of my bike and take her to Vegas and marry her straight away. I never cared about a girl before, just fuck 'em and leave but she was everything to me.

As I lie in my bed I can still smell her scent on the sheets, 2 bottles of whiskey have done nothing to ease the pain I feel. I've never cried, not even when my parents died but I can't stop the tears that burn my eyes and run down my face as I relive watching her run from me, watching the building she went into explode and then leaving her behind. I should be there, I should be trying to find her in that basement.

My cellphone buzzes but I ignore it, the only person I want to speak to is gone. I'll never hear her voice again as she sings along to whatever music she's playing. That cute smile on her face, the smile she had the whole time we were at the beach, when she showed me she had my name on her skin.

That's when it hits me, she knew this would happen, she knew she would die to take out The Diablos. Getting my name on her, going to the beach, the sex. It was all as if it was the last time. I roll towards the wall and slam my fist against it over and over. How dare she fucking leave me? She made me fall fucking hard and had me truly pussy-whipped and now she's left me alone.

"Bones open the fucking door" Bear shouts as he bangs on the door

"Fuck off." I shout as I throw my empty bottle at the door and it shatters on the ground. I know I have a duty to the club but fuck I just lost my love, my everything, I deserve some fucking peace

"Bones open the door or I'll fucking break it." He shouts as he continues to hammer his fist on the door. I jump from the bed and storm to the door, not giving a fuck about the broken glass under my bare feet

"Why the fuck won't you just leave me alone?" I growl as I rip the door open

"Diego just called, there was a survivor of the explosion, female. She's at the hospital." I look up to him and mentally beg he isn't fucking with me

"Is it her? Is it Vi? Please, tell me it's her, that she's alive" I plead as I run for my boots

"They don't know yet, that CIA guy Mick is on his way there, you can wait for Mick to call but I thought you might want to see for yourself." Bear says as he watches me hop into my jeans and boots. I grab my shirt and run passed him to the stairs. She's alive, I know she is, it has to be her. She can't leave me behind, I knew she wouldn't.

Bear is on my tail as my motorcycle roars to life and I speed out of the compound towards the hospital. Just let her be alive, we can handle anything else, just let her live. I don't give a fuck as I dump my bike at the hospital entrance and run inside

"Can I help you" the bitch behind the desk asks, eyeing my leather cut

"A girl was brought in from the explosion. I need to see her. Where is she?" I ask, trying to stay calm, but I will jump over this counter if this bitch keeps me from Vi any longer

"I'm afraid the authorities aren't allowing any visitors sir you'll have to come back another time." She smirks looking up at me.

"Excuse me, I'll take over. I'm Agent Sanchez, may I speak with you." I look up to see Mick and he guides me into an empty room

"What's going on Mick? Where is she? How bad is she hurt?" I ask as he just stands there. My woman is alone in a bed hurt, I need to get to her, how do they not get this?

"I'm pretty sure it's her. I mean, the tattoos match." He says stroking the back of his neck

"What do you mean? Where is she I need to see her." I groan, already pissed off with these fucking games.

"Bones, she's got some pretty serious injuries. You can see her, but only for a few minutes and then she needs to go to surgery." Mick replies

"What happened? Everyone thought she was dead." Bear says from behind me

"There was a walk in freezer in the basement, she must've got in there just as the explosives detonated, she's burnt her left arm and the force of the blast means she has serious head injuries. She must've been thrown into a wall hard. The doctors are concerned about bleeding on the brain, come and see her for a minute and then she's gotta go straight to surgery." Mick says opening the door. I follow him down the long corridor and to a small side room. It's her, I know it is. I don't need to see her face, that is my Vi. She is hurt, bad, her face is covered with bandages, but I can still tell it's swollen, hell her whole fucking body is covered in bandages. I walk up to her and stroke her right hand, the only part that doesn't seem to have bandages on it. As soon as I feel her skin my heart starts beating again, it doesn't matter what the fuck happens, she's alive.

"Ok, they need to take her Bones. You can wait for her, but other agents will be here with questions and I don't think you'll like that." Mick says as they begin wheeling her out of the room. No fucking way am I leaving her

"Tell me what to say, I'm not leaving until she comes home with me."

Mick POV

I better get my ass to the damn hospital so I can start cleaning up her fucking mess, this ones gonna be a bitch to explain, but thank fuck she's alive. I arrive at the hospital and immediately dismiss the underlings guarding her, I know Diego will have told her boyfriend Bones and I don't think he's the type of man to stay away. Her father would definitely approve of him, but I won't tell Lucy that.

"Agent Sanchez, I'm Dr. Latham, chief of surgery, do we have any information on the Jane Doe?" The ageing man in scrubs says approaching me

"No, not yet, but I have men working on it. What are her injuries? I want to interview her as soon as she's awake." More like I need to tell her the back story we're rolling with to get her out of this shit storm.

"I'm afraid if she wakes up it won't be for some time. I'll be honest with you Agent, I haven't seen injuries this severe for some time, at the moment I'm unsure if she will pull through. I'm just waiting for the MRI results and then once my suspicions are confirmed she'll need emergency surgery to stem the bleeding on her brain. She has burns to her left arm, but they are not my priority right now. As soon as you have any information on her can you please let us know." He says before walking off.

She better pull through so I can kick her ass for making me clean up this shit storm. At least Diego followed orders and got out of here, while Lucy is like a daughter to me Diego is like a son more than a nephew. His asshole father left my sister up shit creek so I took over as father figure for that sweet mommy's boy and made him a man.

Go figure I can't get Bones out of the way while I clean up this mess

"Ok then, fine. Here's the back story. Violet Wilkins moved here when she inherited the house and was seeing one of The Diablos. She was at the clubhouse partying with her boyfriend and was lucky to be in the freezer getting ice or some shit when the place exploded. If you insist on sticking around lose the cut, get Bear gone cos my Underling has seen him and you can be the concerned friend." I say looking between the Reapers stood in front of me. Surprisingly Bones follows orders and removes his cut, it does little to make him look less like a criminal but I'll get him some clothes.

"You need a name, Bones isn't going to work for this." I say send a message to my contact to send clothes and create Violet Wilkins best friend

"Mark Peterson. That will do, I'm having clothes sent over so you look less outlaw and then you can stay. I need to deal with underlings so stay under the fucking radar while you're here. I have enough messes to clean up already and say goodbye to Bear." I say as I head for the door, just as I close the door underling arrives

"Sir we still haven't been able to ID the girl, but I promise we are doing everything to find her." Underling says nervously, I can see him sweating

"Violet Wilkins, she was with one of the Diablos. You'll need to work your sources better than that if you plan on becoming an agent." I say as I walk passed Underling to the nurses station.

"We have a name on the Jane Doe, can you let Dr. Latham know she is Violet Wilkins and her friend Mark is in her room waiting for her to get out of surgery." I say to the nurse and she nods as I head out. So far so good, hopefully she'll pull through and all this mess will go away.

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