Chapter 13

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"Then you say, go slow, I fall behind, The second hand unwinds If you're lost you can look and you will find me Time after time If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting
Time after time" I sing as I clean up my station from this mornings session. It's nice to be back at work, to be normal.

"She's been doing it all morning. She hit Matt cos he didn't know who Fleetwood Mac are" I hear Needles say laughing. I need to concentrate because I almost never realise I've been singing until it's too late. I hear Bones laugh as he walks into the room

"Hey Vi, ready for lunch?" He says walking over to me and kissing me softly. I nod, finish up cleaning and grab my bag. We head to the diner and sit opposite each other in the booth we always sit in. We spend lunch laughing, talking and I may be teasing Bones under the table

"You keep doing that I'll take you right here" Bones says tapping one finger on the table, I feel my cheeks heat up and can't help but giggle. We finish lunch and Bones walks me back to the shop before riding off back to the clubhouse. I set up for my next client and spend the afternoon listening to music and working.

"Where's my Lulu?" I hear from out front and look out the doorway to see Diego stood at the counter

"Hey Didi, you finally pull yourself away from Alexa?" I say as I step back into my room to finish up.

"Let's just say if I did relationships, I could have one with her, she's amazing. I'm seeing her again tonight, if you know what I mean" he says leaning against the door frame wiggling his eyebrows

"Eww gross. I'm guessing you're my escort home seen as Matt took off an hour ago?" I reply. He nods and we head out

"See you at the clubhouse Needles" I say heading for the door, he smiles. Diego and I get in my truck and head for the store. Two full carts later we load up my truck and head to the clubhouse where Diego and I are preparing a feast for the whole club. I pull up and two prospects come out to help carry everything inside, Diego and I head for the kitchen, he puts some music on and we start cooking, it's like Lulu and Didi were never apart. We lay out the trays of food as the club members pour in and fill their plates.

After eating we all piled into Erica's bar to drink and dance and have fun. At the end of the night Diego went with Alexa and Bones took me home for amazing sex and then I slept in his arms.

And that's how the next two weeks went. I spent my days either working or hanging out with Bones, after the first week my injuries were pretty much healed so Diego and I started training. Then we spent our evenings partying and having fun

"So you're still going ahead with this stupid plan then?" Diego asks as I wipe the sweat from my face after our work out

"It's not stupid and I have to. I need to pull attention away from the club to me. It's me they're after but it's the club that keeps paying for it. My wounds are almost completely healed and I'm fighting for so I'm starting my plan tomorrow. Yes, it sucks I won't get to be around Bones for a while but at least I'll know he's safe." I reply picking up my water bottle.

"Are you even sure you're still being followed by The Diablos?" Diego asks leaning against the wall

"Yes, I've seen him, he's a sneaky bastard but I know he's there, last night when we left Erica's I saw him. Hopefully he'll follow me and Bones when we leave the diner and my whole plan can begin." I say standing and heading out of the gym. I head up to my room and jump in the shower, washing the sweat from my hair and body. I scream when the shower door opens and turn to see Bones stepping in behind me

"Don't do that, you scared me" I say hitting his arm, he laughs and wraps his arms around me, my back against his front, he trails kisses along my shoulder up to my neck and I tilt my head to give him better access, his hands feeling all of my body before resting on my breasts, massaging them before teasing my nipples, I can't help the moan that escapes my lips as I lean back against him. We step out of the shower and dry off quickly before Bones throws me onto the bed. He climbs on top of me, trailing kisses up my body before our lips meet, I run my fingers over his shoulders and down his back feeling every muscle as his tongue invades my mouth. He moves back down my body, leaving kisses until his tongue meets my nipple causing me to gasp, my back arches as he teases them both. His hand finds my core and his fingers begin to tease me, I moan softly, my hand running through his wet hair, I can't wait anymore, I need him

"Fuck me Bones, I need you" I beg as his fingers continue their torture. I close my eyes, desperate for release when I feel his hands leave my body. I open my eyes to see him hovering above me, I wrap my legs around his waist and with one strong thrust he fills me completely. I moan as I feel myself stretched around him, he doesn't give me time to adjust before his thrusts come hard and fast, each time Bones becomes a little rougher and I love it. I moan his name as I dig my nails into his back, I must be drawing blood but it's all I can do not to lose it completely. I roll my hips to meet his powerful thrusts as I feel my pleasure building, he grips my hips tightly and thrusts faster, I can't hold on any longer, I scream his name as my climax courses through my body, with a few more thrusts I feel him climax, he collapses on top of me and I kiss his shoulder softly. He rolls next to me and pulls me close, wrapped up in his arms I drift off to sleep hoping it isn't too long before I'm in his arms again.

"No fucking way Vi, I can't let you do this" Bones says pulling me back from the door

"I have to do this, if you won't I will" I storm out of the diner with him right behind me, he stops me just before my truck and turns me to face him

"Please Vi" he begs, it's enough to make me cry, which will come in handy in a few minutes

"Bones, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. I slept with Diego" I say loudly looking at the floor

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Bones roars as he steps right up to me

"I'm sorry Bones, this is the best way" I whisper, yep I can feel the tears coming

"Fine, fuck you you fucking whore" Bones yells as he storms passed me to his motorcycle, I'm crying now.

"Bones I'm sorry" I yell as I walk towards him but he holds his hand out to stop me

"No, stay the fuck away from me and the club, were fucking done" he shouts climbing onto his motorcycle and riding away. I watch him go and turn to head for my truck. I wipe my tears away and reach for the door handle when I sense someone walk up behind me, I reach for my knife but before I can get it I get a sudden burst of pain in my head and watch as everything turns black. This was not part of the plan, fuck.

Bones POV

I couldn't fall in love with a quiet girl who listened to me and just cooked and cleaned, waited for me to get home from work and became my old lady. No, I had to fall for a stubborn idiot. Why couldn't she just stay at the clubhouse while my club eradicated The Diablos so she's safe? They've been our enemies for as long as I can remember so the club would love to take them out. No, she thinks she can take them out alone and keep the club safe and refuses to listen to me. So she started her plan anyway, step one: make the Diablo tailing her think we broke up, she's out of the club. Step two: Needles fires her so she has no link to the club at all. Step three: her and Diego fight and she's left all alone, The Diablos will use this to attack her and Diego and the club will sweep in behind them and take them out. It's a stupid plan, she could get killed before we get there, but she's determined it will work.

I arrive back at the clubhouse and head straight for the bar, I can't handle being away from her sober.

"I take it you kids broke up?" Bear asks sitting down next to me, I nod and empty my glass. The prospect quickly refills it and I take the bottle from him, I'm going to need that.

"She'll be fine, she's tough as hell and she's got Diego for now." Bear says taking a sip from his beer. A few hours later and everything is a little hazy but I'm still not drunk enough to go to bed alone, I've forgotten what it's like to sleep without her in my arms. I feel my cellphone buzz in my pocket

"Yeah?" I answer

"Bones, it's Diego, did you and Lulu follow through on the plan?" Diego says, he sounds panicked

"Why are you asking me, she was supposed to go straight home to you after, we broke up a few hours ago. Isn't she there?" I ask hoping she's there, maybe she's as pissed off as I am and just hasn't spoken to him

"No, she never came home. I hoped she couldn't go through with it and was with you. I tried her cell, it's off and I can't track it. The tracker on her truck says it's still outside the diner."

"Meet me there." I say hanging up my cell and running for my bike. Bears hot on my heels

"What's going on?" He asks climbing on his motorcycle

"Vi's missing" is all I say before speeding out of the lot towards the diner.

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