Chapter 23

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Bones POV

Watching Vi pace the parking lot I can tell Mick is as happy about this as I am. If it were up to me Vi would be locked in the clubhouse with the old ladies while my club took out the Diablos, but one thing I love about her is how determined and stubborn she is, so I know I can't talk her out of it.

"Mick I know what I'm doing, just let me and Diego do our part, can I count on you?." She says as she rolls her eyes.

She hangs up the call and walks over to me sighing

"I don't know who was worse, him or my dad." She laughs as I take her hand and head inside. Bear calls church and we all take our seats as Vi and Diego head to the board with a map of The Diablos compound.

"Ok listen up, tomorrow we end The Diablos for good. Violet, go ahead." Bear says looking over to Vi

"I just got off the phone with Mick, he confirmed the Virginia chapter have left, heading this way. He's also on standby so when the law are notified of what we're doing he can take over the investigation and keep us and the club out of it."

"Who says the law will get word?" Knuckles asks

"Well, once you see how we're doing this shit, the fucking state will know." Diego says stepping forward

"Just as when we did the recon to take the president we only need you guys for back up. You take to the surrounding woods and shoot any Diablos trying to run. Vivi and I are going to barricade all the exits and lay explosives. We need a 300ft clear zone, then Vivi will hit the detonator and boom, no more Diablos." Diego says pointing to the map

"So just a few people might notice the big fucking explosion." Vi smiles

"When are we doing this shit?" Dragon asks

"Tomorrow night, just after dark. The Virginia chapter will arrive tonight, then they'll hold church tomorrow to plan how to kill me and party tomorrow night before they start their plan. As soon as the party starts we set our plan in motion." Vi finishes.

"Circuit will stay here to monitor the cameras and we will communicate through the ear pieces. Bring all old ladies in and the prospects will stay here to guard the club house. The rest of you ride with us to finish these mother fuckers." Bear says before dismissing church.

"Where you running to beautiful?" I question in Vi's ear as I grab her from behind and pull her against me

"To my house, wanna come?" She asks giggling, I spin her around to face me

"Diego and I are going to get all the weapons ready." She says placing her hands on my chest, I lean down and kiss her before we head out to my bike. She climbs on her bike

"As hot as you look on that bike I prefer you on here." I say as I tap the back seat of my bike

"I'll ride back with you." She replies before putting her helmet on and we head off to her house, Diego following in his truck.

We pull up at Vi's house and head inside, down to the basement and head for the room full of weapons. Vi is like a kid in a candy store in a room full of weapons, she really loves them, she picks out a sniper rifle and another gun

"Wanna play?" She smirks as she moves through to the gun range and sets up the rifle. We spent a few hours getting target practice and picking out the right weapons before Vi and Diego got the explosives ready to go.

"What is it?" Vi asks answering her cell

"They have, fuck me they're early.... ok. Yeah we'll stay here, link me the feed." She says before hanging up

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