Chapter 18

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Bones POV

I have to find her, this is all my fault. I've vented a lot of anger on the filthy Diablo in the cells but that nor the many bottles of whiskey I have consumed have helped. I showered quickly and mounted my bike to follow Diego to Virginia to hopefully find her and bring her home, in my bed where she should be.

We turn into a long driveway lined either side with huge trees, it seems to go on forever until we reach a huge house within the trees. I know she said her dad had money but this is a mansion. I pull up next to Diegos truck and climb off my motorcycle.

"If I know Lucy she's hidden her truck somewhere, so no one can see she's here" Diego says as we approach the front door, Diego pulls a key from his pocket and opens it. We walk inside and the place has been completely trashed. If she is here I hope it was like this before she arrived, we split up and check the house, no sign of anyone staying here, finally we head back to the kitchen.

"Lucy, if you think I don't know about the safe room you're wrong, come out before we come in." Diego shouts, after a few seconds the side of the kitchen island opens and reveals stairs going down to the basement. There she is but her long black hair has changed, her hair is still that sexy length but it's red.

"Lulu do you have any idea how worried we have all been about you" Diego says leaning against the kitchen counter

"I'm not Lucy or Lulu anymore, I'm Violet. I don't want to be called that ever again." Vi says. I look her over, the bruising is fading and she looks as beautiful as ever, the red hair really brings out the brightness of her blue eyes, but she looks exhausted, she hasn't been sleeping.

"Vi, I just wanted to know you're ok, this is all my fault, I only want you to be safe." I say, but she won't look at me, only at the floor

"Well I'm safe, you can go now." She replies and turns to head back down the hidden stairs

"Oh no you don't. You have any idea how much trouble I'm in with Mick? Either you come back with us now or we're staying here with you, Violet" Diego says reaching out and grabbing her arm. She swings back and hits him square in the jaw

"I don't give a fuck what trouble you are in you are meant to be my brother and he is supposed to be the man I love and what did you do? You brought that man right to me. Why the fuck did you even consider that to be a good idea? Even if I hadn't been in the bar when you brought him in I wouldn't have stayed in Bones room knowing I was sharing a roof with him." She spits at him, poking him in the chest

"You're lucky I didn't shoot you both as you walked in the door" she says before turning and heading for the stairs again

"Vi, please, I don't expect you to forgive me yet, but give me a chance, I love you so much." I say, but don't stop her and she doesn't turn back. Once she's out of sight the island wall closes again

"Well I guess we'll just set up in the guest rooms until you come out and talk." Diego shouts before walking off to get his bag from the truck. I know I deserve this, I hurt her when I was supposed to protect her but when I saw her I just wanted to take her in my arms and hold her, but she won't even speak to me let alone touch me.

"Might as well get comfy until she comes round, pick any room. Violets is the fourth room on the left, you might be happier in there." Diego says as I pick up my bag and we head back inside. I climb the stairs and head to the left, Diego didn't need to tell me which room was hers because as soon as I see the flowers on the door I know it's hers. I open the door and although the room has been tossed it looks exactly like I expected her room to. The walls are light grey with posters of bands on them. There are pictures of her parents scattered around and string lights everywhere. I put her bed back together and lie back against the soft pillows, it even smells of her. Being in this bed without her might be worse than being in my bed at the clubhouse without her, but at least she's here. I text Bear and let him know we arrived and we found her. I take off my cut and my shirt and lie back, hoping I can sleep knowing she's here, even if she isn't with me.

Violet POV

I knew they would find me, I bet Walter couldn't keep his mouth shut, that bitch has been kissing Micks ass since Mick saved him from getting busted a few years ago. I hate how I felt when I saw Bones, I should hate him, I should be mad at him, but I'm not. I wanted to run to him, I wanted him to hold me, but I held myself back I knew if I looked at him I would melt into his eyes and his arms.

I sit in the monitoring part of the safe room, seriously this place is like an apartment. I watch Bones walk into my bedroom and lie down on my bed, why did he have to be shirtless in my bed? My body is betraying me, I want him, I want to lie next to him, against his chest and hell if I don't want to be under him. I resist the urge to leave my sanctuary and go to Bones, I move over to my computer and carry on what I've been doing, making a hit list. I don't know if the Diablos Bones found is still alive but if he is at least they are still holding him. I've tracked down the other two, so they're next and then the two who beat me, followed by the men who killed my father. I just need to make sure Bones and Diego don't follow me when I leave, I don't need them distracting me or trying to stop me. I know I said I was done fighting but when I saw him in the bar of the clubhouse I knew I couldn't move on and live knowing they were still out there, wondering when they would find me and do it all over again.

After working on my list for a few hours I get up and check the camera again Bones is still in my bed and Diego is in one of the guest rooms, he must know about the cameras because he's turned it off. I go over to the kitchen and grab a beer before going over to my bed and lying down, I don't think I can hold back from Bones much longer, even though I want to be mad at him.

I woke up and checked the cameras, he's not in my bed anymore, I look around and he's in the kitchen, at least he's not shirtless anymore that was killing me. I check for Diego and he must still be in the guest room. I take a deep breath and make my way upstairs, I never thought I would want for a man. I figured I would date eventually, but to feel this way about Bones, I would never have imagined, it's like I'm pulled to him and it hurts when I'm away from him.

I step into the kitchen and he turns to look at me, those eyes they kill me, I look down at the floor and hear him sigh

"I know you hate me and I deserve it but I hate that you can't look at me" he says, his voice full of defeat tugging at my heart.

"I can't look at you because I want to be mad at you, but when I look at you, I'm not." My voice barely a whisper as I continue to look at the floor, I feel his hand stroke my cheek and gently lift my face to look at him

"I will spend the rest of my life trying to make this up to you, I love you Vi" he says, his touch so gentle on my cheek, I wrap my arms around his waist and press my body against his. He wraps one arm around me and places his other hand in my hair

"I like your new hair" he says stroking it

"I don't want to be Lucy anymore, so I thought Violet could do with a new hair color." I reply against his chest, he leans back and looks down on me

"You'll always be my Vi" he replies. I reach up and stroke his jaw, he obviously hasn't shaved since I left, he looks even sexier if that's possible. He leans down and presses his lips against mine softly, I run my fingers through his hair and pull him down to me deepening the kiss. He runs his hands down my sides before picking me up and sitting me on the counter, he stands between my legs, our lips never parting

"Aww the lovebirds made up" Diego interrupts, I turn to look at him, feeling the anger on my face

"Now now Violet, the safe room is soundproof take it down there" he says reaching for the coffee. I jump down from the counter and grab myself some coffee before pulling the cigarettes from my pocket and lighting one

"When did you start smoking?" Diego asks

"It's new, but I like it" I reply before taking a drag, Bones takes the packet from me and lights one himself. We smoke and drink coffee in silence until Bones wraps his arm around me

"I don't want to upset you, or make you feel like I'm forcing you but are you going to come home with me now? I need you back with me Vi" he says before kissing my temple

"Well everyone on my hit list is back there anyway, so as soon as I'm ready that's where I'll be heading" I reply

"Hit list?" Diego asks

"I'm going to kill every fucker from the Virginia and the North Carolina chapters of The Diablos" I smile.

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