Chapter 24

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"That little fucking whore has caused more problems than her father ever did. We need to end her now." Samuel spits as I watch the camera feed in Circuits office

"What's the plan pres?" One of his minions asks

"I had a prospect watch her place last night, I know she's sleeping there again, she only had two guys with her, one of them had a cut and one didn't. Whore is probably fucking both of them. I'm gonna get the prospect to watch her place again tonight, then once she's asleep I'm going to go in, take out the two assholes while she watches and then show her how displeased I am with what she's done." He smirks as he finishes his plan and I can't help but cringe at that.

"I don't see why we can't just storm in the place so I can personally slit that mother fuckers throat." Bones growls from behind me.

"Because there are more than 50 of them between the two chapters and it would risk too many injuries to your guys if we take them out in a gunfight." I reply placing my hand on his arm to try and calm him

"What do we do about the prospect watching your house?" Circuit asks

"All my lights are connected so I can set them to come on and off so it looks like I'm there, Then one of the guys left here guarding the women can head across the brush and take him out." I reply and he nods.

"Our plan still goes ahead, we'll just have to make sure he doesn't leave to try and kill me before we can do it." I say pointing to Samuel on the screen.

The sun is beginning to set as I strap on my Kevlar vest and attach two handguns to my belt and thigh. I attach a knife and then take three grenades and attach them too. Finally I grab my rifle and place the strap over my shoulder.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Bones asks, as he has been most of the day

"Been ready since I was 12." I reply strongly. He pulls me against him and kisses me passionately

"Don't take any of this off after, I like it." He says wiggling his eyebrows and I giggle. He kisses me one last time before climbing onto his bike. I watch the guys ride off before I climb into Diego's truck

"Let's do this bitch." Diego says as he pulls out of the compound.

We pull up behind the trees and quietly climb out of the truck, I can hear the music coming from inside the clubhouse, that will make things easier

"All my guys are in place. There were two guys on the gate but we took them down." Bear says over the earpiece

"Ok, we're moving in." I reply as Diego and I grab the explosives and head over to the clubhouse. I move around to the door to the basement of their clubhouse

"Circuit is the basement clear? I'm moving in." I say as I cut the chain on the door

"Yeah you're clear to go." He replies, I open the door and creep down the steps into the basement. I move quickly laying out the explosives and Diego joins me to help finish up before he heads out to begin barricading the doors.

"Violet you got one approaching." I hear Circuit say and quickly hide behind shelves full of booze. I watch as the Diablo stumbles in, clearly drunk and grabs some bottles from the shelf I'm hiding behind. He drops a bottle and curses as it smashes on the ground, he leans down and spots me

"Hey you're that..." is all he says before I take my knife and slam it into his neck, quickly covering his mouth with my free hand so he can't raise the alarm.

"Vi you good?" Bones asks over the earpiece

"Yeah, took him out." I reply quietly before I head back up the steps and out of the basement.

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