Chapter 9

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"Lucy! Lucy Deacon" he screams as I stand back up. Everything goes dark and I can no longer hear what's being said. Lucy, Lucy Deacon, that's me. I'm the reason Crystal and Knuckles were hurt, I'm the reason the clubhouse was attacked, they found me faster than I thought. I pull my stuff together and go to head out of the cell when Bones stops me

"You did good Vi, now we know why they're targeting the club" he lifts my chin to look at him but I step away and run for his room, I need to get my stuff and go now, pull their focus from the club back to me. I rush around the room throwing my stuff into my bags and throw them over my shoulder when Bones walks in

"What are you doing Vi? Is this because I watched you torture that guy? Don't be ashamed, I loved seeing how strong you are." He says taking the bags off my shoulder

"No, it's not that. I need to go Bones and don't try to stop me" I reply, I grab my bags and kiss him for the last time before heading for the door. I don't even make it to the top of the stairs and I feel his arms wrap around me, he lifts me up and carries me back to his room, locking the door

"What the fuck is going on Vi? You told me to trust you, I do, but I need to know why you all of a sudden feel the need to run from me." He says firmly taking my bags from me and throwing them to the other side of the room. How is he not figuring this out? Do I have a thirst for dumb guys?

"Open this fucking door" Bear roars from outside as his fists pound on the door. Bones opens the door and Bear charges right for me, he grips me around the throats and lifts me off the ground

"I was right all along, I should never have trusted you, you bitch" he growls as I grip his hands begging for air

"What the fuck is this Bear? Let go of her" Bones says, Bear drops me to the floor and I gasp for breath

"Circuit just looked into Lucy Deacon, the girl The Diablos want, Lucy Deacon is the daughter of CIA agent Andrew Deacon, who is investigating the Virginia chapter of The Diablos. Your Daddy send you here to spy for him Lucy? Couldn't get The Diablos so he thought you could get in with The Reapers Riders. Is that what this is?" Bear roars at me trying to grab me again but Bones and Knuckles stop him, when I look up I see half the club gathered in the hall watching

"I'm not here to spy on anyone, the best thing you can do for your club is let me leave and take the heat off your club. You will never hear from me again." I say trying to get on my feet.

"Oh no little girl, you're not going anywhere, can't risk you telling Daddy anything and sending him to us." He spits

"My Dad is dead. He was killed before I even got here, so what the fuck do you think I'm doing here? I wanted to stay under the radar of The Diablos, not get involved with another MC. I didn't mean for any of this to happen and now your men are getting hurt because of me. Let me run before The Diablos attack again." I say desperately.

"Take her to the cells. Until I decide what we do with you, you will stay locked up where I can watch you" he says as Knuckles comes over and grabs me, guiding me down to the basement. We walk passed JT, who is still on the floor bleeding and Knuckles puts me in the cell next to him, there's a bed and a bucket, oh joy the Ritz.

"Sorry kid, but gotta do as boss says, hopefully this'll work out" Knuckles says locking me in and leaving. I take off my boots and lie on the bed. Better than the bed in the cell my dad trained me in. Problem is, my dad trained me what to do against the enemy, I can withstand their torture without giving up information but he never taught we what to do when some one I love and people I see as family want answers. I've already told Bones too much, but I think my only way out of this is to give them the truth.

Bones POV

It's been a week since Bear had Violet locked up. I tried to see her but Bear said I was too close to her and to keep away while I remember my loyalty is to the club, which it is, but at the same time, I'm in love with her and I just want to hold her. I looked through the information on Lucy Deacon and sure enough it's her. She's only 21, no wonder I thought she was innocent, all she's been through and so young, I'm amazed she's still fighting.

It's a Saturday night and I'm sat in Erica's bar drowning my sorrows under a bottle of whiskey, most of the guys are here drinking and partying like we always do, but all I can think about is my Vi, should I even still call her that, should I call her Lucy now? Will I get to see her again to ask her what I call her? God I sound pathetic.

"Cheer the fuck up Bones" Knuckles says walking over to me and ordering a beer

"Fuck off Knuckles, leave me be" I reply downing another glass of the dark brown liquid as it burns my throat.

"Bones, I know it's my fault for raising my suspicion to Bear when I was wrong, but I'm keeping an eye on Lucy. She's ok, she's not complained once and nobody has laid a hand on her." Knuckles says quietly checking no one is in ear shot

"I just need to see her, I know if she tells us the full story, there's more to it and she is innocent" I reply staring at my whiskey bottle.

"Bear is cooling down now, let me see what I can do, you stay back from it for now." He replies before grabbing his beer and walking away. Bear comes running into the room

"The clubhouse is under attack, everyone move now" he roars as everyone runs out the doors to their motorcycles. We fly the short distance to the clubhouse and sure enough 3 vans belonging to The Diablos are in the gate. We charge the clubhouse guns drawn and take down the men in the bar.

"They're heading for the basement" Doc says from behind the bar and I immediately run towards the cell where my girl is, Knuckles on my tail. I see two men carrying JT, out of his cell and shoot them both, then as they drop I see Violets cell door is open, I run and see two men, one holding her while the other punches her already beaten body, I shoot them both and run to Violet

"Vi, talk to me, what happened?" I say picking her up and pulling her onto my lap

"I told you to let me run before they attacked again, are any of the club hurt?" She asks quietly through bloody lips, before I can answer she goes limp and passes out in my arms.

"I'll go get Doc" Knuckles says running up the stairs. Fuck this, she's not staying in these cells any longer. I carry her up the stairs and into the bar

"I'm taking Violet to my room. Doc meet me there" I say not stopping and heading upstairs. I lay Violet on my bed and Doc and Bear walk in

"Not now Bear, she's too badly injured" I say glaring at him

"Help me undress her Bones" Doc says lifting her shirt. We take her clothes off down to her underwear and her whole body is beaten. Cuts and bruises everywhere and she's been stabbed four times. Doc quickly works on stitching her wounds and then I clean her body up as best I can. Doc leaves and I take off her bra and dress her in one of my t-shirts. I strip down and climb in bed next to her, gently pulling her against me, I'm not letting her go again, I don't care what the club say, she's innocent and I need to protect her. Bear comes back in the room

"How is she?" He asks quietly, sitting in the chair opposite my bed

"Four stab wounds and her whole body is beaten" I reply, trying to calm my anger, if he hadn't had her locked up this wouldn't have happened

"She can stay here, The Diablos that came let some information when they had Doc pinned behind the bar. I think you're right. I don't think she is here for us. I think she's in trouble." Bear says resting his elbows on his knees. That's the closest to an apology I have ever seen from Bear and I'll take it

"What did they say?" I ask looking down at my girl

"They were shouting for the 'bitch' whose father owes The Diablos $5million. The two who were beating her that you shot had Virginia on their cuts. When she wakes up I will speak with her and she will give me the truth, but I won't put her in the cells again." He says standing, he nods and leaves the room.

I lie down and pull Violet against me, careful not to hurt her and I just hold her, hoping she wakes up soon. I kiss her forehead before I drift off to sleep.

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