Chapter 4

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"Honestly Mick I'm fine. I got a job at a tattoo shop, I'm going to a bar tonight with some of the people I work with. I'm fitting in like a normal girl, I'm fine" I say into a burner phone

"You're sure? Your dad would kill me if I didn't make sure you're safe. Anything happens I want you to tell me. I can't risk coming to see you yet in case they find me but I have a man I trust to send if you need it" Mick says, his voice full of concern, I turn and see Bones standing at the front door

"I have to go, my friends here to pick me up, but I'm fine, we'll talk soon" I end the call, turn the phone off and put it in a drawer before opening the door to Bones. He's wearing dark jeans a black t-shirt and his leather cut, his black hair slicked back

"Almost ready" I say as he walks in, I run upstairs and grab my bag, check my make up in the mirror. I bought some make up after work and after watching like a million youtube videos I figured out how to put it on right and I actually think I look good, you can't see my busted lip and I like the way the eyeliner makes my blue eyes look. I run back downstairs and Bones is stood by the kitchen table

"I'm ready" I smile as we head out, I set the alarm and lock up. I look at Bones motorcycle, it's a beautiful black and chrome fat boy, I climb on behind him and he hands me a helmet, I fasten it on and wrap my arms around his waist

"You ready?" He asks turning back to look at me, I nod and he heads off. I forgot how much fun it is to ride, my dad taught me in case I needed to get away fast. Hell, my dad taught me everything he thought I would need, to shoot, fight, kill, drive at high speed and to ride a motorcycle like my life depended on it.

All too soon we pull up outside the bar, I climb off and give Bones his helmet back, he takes my hand and we walk inside, it surprised me at first but I like him holding my hand.

"You must be Violet" a petite blond woman walks up to me and pulls me into a hug

"I'm Erica, Bears old lady and this is my bar, come and meet the girls we're doing tequila shots" she takes my hand and pulls me towards the bar, I smile back at Bones and watch as he walks over and sits with a group of men

"Violet, this is Cherry, Sheila and Crystal." I say hi the the women and Erica hands me a shot of tequila.

After several shots and agreeing to go shopping with Erica and Cherry on my day off I'm pretty buzzed and I'm dancing with the girls, they're so nice. I know I keep saying it but when you think of a motorcycle club you think of bad guys, but they're not. They've welcomed me and made me feel like I've always known them. When I lived in Virginia with my dad I didn't have friends, I had training, we spent all our time drilling codes into my head, learning moves over and over until it was perfect. Yes I did work at a tattoo shop but not regularly, only once or twice a month.

"Babe, we gotta head home, the sitter finishes in twenty minutes" Bear says wrapping his arm around Erica

"Ok, Violet I'll see you for shopping" she says pulling me into a hug, she says goodnight to the others and her and Bear head out. I feel Bones walk up behind me and wrap his arm around my waist

"You want a ride home Vi?" He asks, his lips dangerously close to my ear, I nod and turn to face him, our bodies almost pressed together. I step back and he smirks, he moves his arm from my waist, takes my hand and guides me out of the bar. I wave to Cherry, Sheila and Crystal as we leave.

We climb on the bike and head off, I wrap my arms around Bones waist and rest my head on his back. We pull up in front of my house and I hand him his helmet. He walks me to the front door and I unlock it

"Thanks for the ride Bones, I had fun tonight" I smile and go to walk inside but he grabs my arm and turns me to face him, his lips crash into mine. One arm wraps around my waist my pulls my body against his while his other hand runs through my hair, I wrap my arms around his neck, he bites my bottom lip and I gasp. His tongue slides into my mouth as he tastes me.

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