Chapter 28

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I wasn't supposed to survive this, I was supposed to die. Although I say survived, my body is pretty fucked up.

"I tried to stop you but Bear held me down. I was so fucking angry, I could've stopped you." Bones says as he sits beside my bed holding my right hand, apparently the only part of me that isn't fucked up.

"I made Bear promise me you would make it out alive, if something happened to me I didn't want you to die too." I reply

"Watching you run into that building is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, but now you're awake I'm never letting you go again." He says as he stands and sits on the bed next to me. He wraps his arm around me gently, trying not to hurt me and we lie down together. I try my best to curl up against him but it's difficult when I can't tell what my legs are doing. I haven't said anything to Bones yet but I can't feel anything in my legs. Part of me doesn't want to admit it, that I think I'm paralysed, but once the doctor comes in here to check me over he'll soon know.

"I love you Vi." Bones says as I rest my head on his chest

"I love you too." I reply. We spent the next few hours like that, just curled up together and kissing and him holding me. I shouldn't have survived this, I should be dead.

"Violet Wilkins? Glad to see you're awake, I'm Dr. Latham." An older man in dark scrubs introduces himself as he enters my room and Bones quickly slides off the bed

"If you don't mind I'd like to just run some basic tests to see where we're at with your injuries." He says as he picks up my chart.

Sure enough I can't feel anything from the top of my thighs down, at least that's where I stopped feeling the needle on my skin. Dr Latham said he was happy with my memory and everything else, but now he wants to run some tests to find out why I can't feel anything.

"Can I get out of this bed yet?" I ask as I try to stretch my back, apparently I've been in this damn bed for a month, but the way my body aches it feels like years.

"Yes of course, let me get some one to help and we'll get you in the chair for a while." He says but before he can I slide my legs off the edge of the bed and Bones picks me up, gently placing me down in the chair. He takes a blanket from my bed and lays it over my legs

"Ok then, well I shall go and order the tests, hopefully for this afternoon." He says before leaving the room.

"You don't have to take care of me you know." I say as Bones sits beside me

"Vi, I love you of course I'm going to take care of you. It's only temporary any way, when you get back on your feet then you can return the favour." He says wiggling his eyebrows and I laugh. I hope I can get back on my feet and this little arrangement isn't permanent, I don't see much of a future at my house if it involves a wheelchair.

"Lucy, you're awake." I turn and see Mick walking into the room

"Hi Mick." I reply as he sits down on the side of my bed

"We haven't got long until my Underling finds me, useless little turd. We need to go over your cover." Mick says pulling out his notebook.

"Did any of The Diablos survive? We didn't miss anyone did we?" I ask

"So far no, you were the only survivor at the Diablo clubhouse and we're pretty certain that all of the members were there at the time of the explosion. At least that's what my sources are telling me." Mick replies

"Ok, so what cover have you been going with while I was out?"

"You're Violet Wilkins and you moved here when you inherited your aunts house. You were dating one of The Diablos and you were at the clubhouse with him for the party." Mick says

"Which one was I dating? And who is Bones then if I was seeing some one else?" I ask looking at Bones confused

"I haven't said which Diablo you were connected to and Bones wasn't meant to be part of the story but as he refused to leave I created Mark Peterson, who is a friend of yours."

"Mark?" I chuckle looking at Bones and he rolls his eyes

"There was no way I was leaving your side Vi." He replies as he takes my hand

"What about Tomas? He was one of the quieter members, I didn't get a lot on him but that can only be a good thing right?" Mick agrees. Suddenly the door opens and what I assume Mick was referring to as 'Underling' walks in

"What do you mean Tomas didn't make it." I fake sob as I bury my face in my hands, Bones strokes my back gently.

"Yes perhaps we should give Violet a moment to come to terms with this information. Here is my card, when she is ready to talk you call me." I continue the fake crying until I hear the door shut, when I look up it's just me and Bones alone again.

"You're good." Bones smirks before leaning forward to kiss me.

Bones POV

Fuck I hate watching her suffer. In these past two weeks since she woke up she had nothing but tests and pain. Now she's in PT as they try to work on her legs. I know she's strong and I know she can do it, but I also know she's hiding how much pain she's really in.

The CIA have stopped coming around now, seems there were too many suspects and no evidence to pin it to anyone. Violet doesn't remember anything useful to help their investigation, she's just the grieving widow. Mick still checks in on her, but the investigation has been dialled down.

"I just want to get the fuck out of here now." Vi says as I lift her back onto her bed from the wheelchair.

"I'm fed up of the tests and the stretches and the exercises. I want to go home." Vi grumbles as I sit on the edge of the bed beside her. I pull her against me and wrap my arms around her.

"Get some rest Vi, I'll be right back." I say as I kiss her forehead and stand. I head out to the nurses station and find Natalie, she's been great with Vi.

"How's she doing?" She asks as I walk up to her desk

"What's the chances of me being able to take her out of here for a day?" I ask and she smiles.

"I'm sure we can work something out. I think it would be good for her. My only concern would be the burn on her arm, the risk of infection. Give me a few hours I'm sure I can figure something out and we can break her out tomorrow." Natalie says and I thank her before heading back to Vi's room.

"You just missed seeing me naked." Vi giggles as I lift her onto the chair in the shower

"If I want to see you naked all I have to do is close my eyes and remember." I close my eyes and groan as she bursts out laughing.

The nurses offered to help Vi shower but she's my woman, as long as she needs help I want to be the one to help her. I help her wash her hair and then wash her body before grabbing a towel and helping her dry off. I help her get dressed in jeans and a tshirt and then slide her boots on. I lift her into her wheelchair and Natalie comes in

"Ok, let's wrap up that arm and then you're good to go." She smiles as she wraps Vi's left arm to cover the burns.

I wheel Vi downstairs and out the front door to find Matt standing by an SUV.

"Matt" Vi smiles as he leans down and pulls her into hug.

"Violet, it's good to see you again." He says as he stands up and opens the back door. I pick Vi up and slide her onto the back seat as Matt puts her wheelchair in the back seat. I walk around to the other side and sit next to Vi in the back as Matt drives

"So where are we going? Can you tell me now?" Vi says and I laugh

"It's a surprise Vi." I reply.

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