Chapter 17

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*** Can I just apologise profusely for how long it's taken for me to put this chapter out. I had a shock and found out I'm pregnant and then I had all these issues and tests and risks bla bla bla. Anyhow I'm ok for now so I finally wrote a chapter. Hopefully the streak will continue 🤞🏻. Again I apologise.***

We arrived at the warehouse and split up, Bear and a few guys went left, me, Dragon and Knuckles went right

"Remember, we find any of those three guys I want them captured alive" I whisper as we approach the door. We navigate the corridor as Knuckles silently takes out one man standing guard, the corridor opens out into a large room with 3 dirty, ripped couches and an old TV. There are 6 men scattered around the room, a few are nearly passed out drunk. I spot a man sitting on one of the couches and point out to Dragon and Knuckles that I want him alive. We charge into the room and take out the five assholes in quick succession. The prick I want panics and falls off the couch onto the floor, Dragon takes cable ties out of his pocket and goes his arms and legs. Bear and the rest of the guys walk in

"We took out four, but none of them are the guys we're after" he says looking down at the man Dragon is tying up.

"Looks like this motherfucker is the only one here. He'll do for now" I say picking him up off the floor

"What the fuck are you doing?" He spits trying and failing to free himself

"You hurt my sister and for that you are going to suffer." Diego says stepping out from behind Bear. I hand him over to Diego and he takes him out to the van

"Lets clear the rest of the place and get out of here." Bear says as we head through to the stairs leading to the basement. We walk down the corridor until we come to three holding cells, what I see in the second cell makes my blood boil

"Are those Violets boots?" Knuckles asks looking through the bars of the cell door. So this is where she was, the whole time I was looking for her, all the things they did to her happened here.

"Fucking torch it" I say turning away and heading back upstairs, I can't look at this place any longer, I need this place to not exist.

I head back outside and mount my motorcycle, I sit and wait until I can see the flames destroying everything that building represents before starting the engine and heading for the clubhouse.

All I could hear was her screams as Matt carried her away. I kicked The Diablo I was holding and he fell to the floor

"Put him in the cells" I ordered as Knuckles and Dragon carried him away. I walked over to Erica

"What the fuck was she doing out of my room?" I ask

"I went to check on her and Matt carried her down for something to eat, she smiled, she was making progress I didn't realise you'd be bringing one of the men who raped her back or we would've hung out in your room" she says cleaning up the plate of half eaten food. I head upstairs and I can hear Vi screaming and smashing things as I approach, I open the door and immediately duck to avoid something flying through the air

"And you! What the fuck? I pointed them out so you could kill them, not bring them here to finish what they started." She screams and charges towards me around Matt and I instantly feel the sting on my cheek from her slap

"How many of them are here Bones? Are they all here? Or is it just him?" She asks, fighting back tears threatening to fall

"Just him, the other two weren't there. We're going to use him to find the rest" I say reaching out to touch her arm but she steps back she walks over to her stuff and pulls out the keys to her truck

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