Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry it took so long guys, long story, but I had some personal drama that gave me major writers block. This chapter is a bit longer to make it up to you xx

I gotta say Bones looking after me was kinda hot, being carried around and bathed by a sexy muscle bound biker, yeah it did it for me. I get why guys like the nurse fantasy, I really do. But there is no fucking way I'm letting the men protect me and take out The Diablos for me. Why the hell did I spend nine years training with my dad to fall in love with a biker and be rescued by him and his club. My dad would turn in his grave, and my mother, lord, yes she was a free spirited hippie chick but she was also a massive feminist and she would kick my ass if I didn't put my big girl panties on and handle this.

I'm surprised that Bear and Bones didn't have more questions, but times up on the Q&A boys. Time to go to war. I head out of Bears office and up to Bones room to grab my bags. Thank god I drove my truck here, I don't think Bones would be too eager to give me a ride out of here. Speak of the devil

"Vi, what the hell are you thinking?" He says storming into the room

"Babe, if I hadn't met you I would be doing this alone anyway, untwist your panties and let me handle my shit" I say stuffing things into my bags

"This is insane, you're still hurt from being attacked 2 days ago, if I can't stop you at least let me come with you." He grabs my arms and pulls me into him

"Sweetie, I do not need a man to save me. If you came with me you would be too busy trying to protect me and end up getting yourself killed. I'm sorry but stay here. I may need the clubs help yet, let me get home and make my calls first" I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. He lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist, our lips part

"And when I come back, we can finally finish what we keep starting" I say laughing, he smiles, but a smile that doesn't reach his eyes

"Damn right we will, you're mine" he says as he slaps my ass and puts me down on my feet.

"I love you Bones, don't forget that. I'll be back." I kiss him one last time and head out to my truck.

"Mick, The Diablos found me" I say into the burner phone, I'm in my basement going through my weapons

"Fuck, how? Are you ok Lucy?" He asks, his voice full of concern

"I took a pretty tough beating but I don't have time to heal. They'll notice there guys haven't returned so it's only a matter of time before they come looking."

"Fuck, I'm coming to you. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"No don't, one of the men said they followed you here. You've got a tail mick I can't risk you getting killed too."

"I can't stand by and wait to hear if they kill you Lucy. I'll send my guy to you. You can trust him and the Diablos won't link him to me. Let me see what I can do, maybe I can shake my tail and come help you myself soon. Stay safe Lucy." With that he ends the call.

I pull out my laptop and begin digging into the Diablos. I'm not great at hacking but I know the basics. I tap into the computer at The Diablos North Carolina compound and start looking in to what they know about me.

After a few hours of research I realise how screwed I am. They know I'm Violet Wilkins and where I live, they know where I work and they even have photos of me and Bones together. Bones and the club are in danger because of me. I have to fix this. I'm pulled from my thoughts by my security system alarming. I look to see a dark blue pick up pulling up next to mine, after a few seconds a man steps out, he's clearly tall next to the truck. He starts walking up to my front door. If he's alone I can take him. I grab my gun and head upstairs, making sure he can't see me I head to the back door and out onto the porch, I creep around slowly

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