Chapter 7

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I woke up in Bones arms, have I mentioned I love sleeping next to him? There's just something about Bones, I think I'm falling for him. I just wish I could show him the real me, I mean I'm still me, but will he want me when he finds out I'm actually 21 year old Lucy and not his Vi. I don't know where to begin explaining what he saw in the basement, at least he only saw the monitors and not the weapon room.

Bones is still asleep, so I slip from his arms, get dressed and head downstairs. I must be the first one awake so I start making breakfast for everyone. Soon after people start coming in and eating

"So this is where you ran off to" Bones says walking into the kitchen

"I made breakfast for everyone, I told you I like cooking." I say as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"I like seeing my girl providing for my club" he says before kissing my cheek and grabbing some food, sitting down with the guys.

I spent the rest of my day sat in the bar of the clubhouse, Needles leant me some supplies so I could sit and design Matts leg tattoo, the guys were in and out dealing with 'club business' they kept calling it, but I was never allowed to ask my dad questions about his work, so it didn't bother me.

All of the guys were gone accept for Knuckles, Doc and Matt. I set my sketchbook down and went to grab a drink when Matt came running through to the bar

"Everyone get down we're under attack." Matt shouted and the old ladies all hit the deck, grabbing their kids. I looked on the monitor behind the bar and saw a van ramming the gate, I grabbed my gun from the back of my jeans and ran after Matt, we met Doc and Knuckles at the door

"Violet, go back to the bar and hide with the girls." Knuckles said pulling his gun

"You three can't take out that van of men alone, especially as you're wounded, I can help." I reply, Knuckles hesitates for a moment before nodding and we head out the door, I tip a table and hide behind it as the van pulls into the compound. Five men charge out from the van heading straight for us and they open fire. It doesn't take us long to take them out and Doc and Knuckles work quickly to secure the gate

"Shit Violet, you've been hit" Matt says walking over to me, I look to my left shoulder and see the blood on my shirt

"It just skimmed me, I'm ok" I reply, I check over the five men who just attacked us and find one of them still alive

"This ones still alive" I shout to the guys and Doc and Matt come over

"Take him downstairs" Knuckles says, Matt and Doc pick the guy up and carry him inside, Knuckles and I following. I walk back into the bar and pour myself a shot of whiskey, before grabbing my med bag and checking the wound on my shoulder

"Let me take a look" Doc says walking into the room, I move my hand and he checks it over

"I'll need to stitch it to stop the bleeding, let me go get my bag so I can numb it first" he says standing up

"No it's ok, just go for it" I reply pulling a needle from my bag, he nods and quickly stitches the wound. Bones walks in and runs over to me

"What the fuck happened?" He growls

"I'm ok, the bullet just clipped my shoulder" I reply resting my hand on his arm

"You should be proud Bones, Violet took out two of the men that attacked the compound" Doc says as he applies a bandaid to my shoulder

"You guys should've been protecting the women, not using them to fight." Bones spits, glaring at Knuckles as he walks in the room

"I insisted I help, Knuckles told me not to but I did anyway." I say pulling his glare from Knuckles before continuing "you wouldn't have been able to stop me from helping either" he looks at me for a minute before leaning down to kiss me. I take another shot of whiskey and stand up

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