Chapter 20

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I use my body weight to jump onto his shoulders and spin around, cutting off his air supply with my thighs as I hold my knife against his cheek. He falls to the floor under me and taps on the mat three times

"Fuck Violet we're meant to be sparring, you're not meant to actually try to kill me." Diego says sitting up and rubbing his neck

"Sorry." I say laughing as I put my knife down and grab my water bottle. I wipe the sweat from my face and turn to see Bones

"Enjoying the show?" I ask as he walks over to me

"Hell yes and I think a few of those moves could be handy in bed tonight." He smirks

"What have I said about you two being disgusting?" Diego says wiping his chest with his towel

"How's the training coming?" Bones asks

"I think I'm ready. I say we start tonight. I want this over." I say as I gather my stuff

"What do you think Diego?" Bones asks over my shoulder and I scowl at him

"If the lady wants to start tonight we start tonight. I think she's ready." Diego says as we head out of the gym. I head up to Bones room and take a quick shower before heading down to the bar. I didn't expect many members to want to join in taking down the Diablos but apparently everyone wants to watch them burn so they are all in.

"Church in 5, Violet and Diego you're in on this too." Bear says as he heads to his office

"Violet, I got what you need, I've set it up on the iPad for you." Circuit says handing me an iPad. The Diablos have CCTV all through their clubhouse and we hacked it so we can see every move those fuckers make.

"Wait so we're not blowing up the clubhouse tonight?" Knuckles asks looking at Bear

"No, this is more recon than destruction. I want to take the two other fuckers and bring them back to the cells so I can kill them slowly, hopefully once I take their President they will call in the Virginia chapter to assist and I can kill two birds with one stone. When we return to blow up the clubhouse we can take out the North Carolina and the Virginia chapters in one blow." I grin pointing to the remaining two faces haunting my dreams.

"But boss wouldn't it..?" Knuckles starts but is cut off

"This is her plan, none of us have to help, you don't want in, you don't have to. I'm only in because they destroyed my clubhouse." Bear says and I smile. Considering he didn't like me he's been with me all the way.

"So there's my plan, kill whoever the fuck you want but these two are mine. Take them alive and then we come back here. Wait until the Virginia chapter come in and then it'll be a better display than 4th July." I finish as Bear ends church and I head back to my place to get my weapons for the night with Diego

"I'll be back in 30." I say to Bones before kissing him and heading for my truck.

When we arrive at my house we head straight to the basement and I change into my armoured combat pants and shirt. I fasten my boots, pull my hair back into a braid and then head for weapons. I strap a handgun to one thigh and a knife to the other. There's a knife in my boot and another gun with spare magazines on my belt. I grab my assault rifle and place it over my shoulder

"You look like you're going to war." Diego smiles as I step out

"I am." I reply before grabbing the flash bangs and grenades.

"If this is a recon mission I can't fucking wait for the finale." Diego says as he grabs his rifle

"Looks like someone can't wait for kick off." Diego says pointing to the cameras

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