Chapter 15

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Bones POV
I sat in the chair for hours just watching her sleep, wondering what it will be like when she wakes up. Will she want me to hold her? Will she be scared of me? I wish I knew what to do for her, I love her and promised to protect her but this happened. She's been through so much and I can't fix it.

She rolled over onto her side and groaned at the pain she must feel

"Vi?" I asked softly, not knowing what to say, she looked over her shoulder at me before rolling onto her back

"You're safe now Vi, I won't let anything happen to you" I say and reach out to touch her but she flinches away from me. I lean back in the chair to give her space. We sit in silence for a few minutes, I don't know what to say to comfort her

"If you're in pain I can go get Doc" I say and she nods

"Ok" she whispers, I stand up and head out to find Doc

"Doc she's awake and she's in pain." I say as I walk up to him

"Ok, let me grab my bag and I'll be there" he says standing up and heading for his room. I head back to my room, not wanting to leave Violet alone for too long, but when I get back she's not in bed. I can hear the shower running so I go over to the bathroom but the door is locked. Doc walks in and I point to the bathroom

"Vi, Doc is here with painkillers for you, let me in" I say loud enough so she can hear but I don't want her to think I'm shouting at her

"Tell him to leave them, I'll take them later" she says between sobs

"Let me in Vi, I'm worried about you"

"Just go away, all of you" she replies

"It's ok, just give her time, I'll give you the painkillers, just get her to take them when she comes out. I'm staying at the clubhouse today so I'm here if she needs me" Doc says searching through his bag before handing me two bottles of pills

"This one is to help her sleep if she needs it." He says before leaving.

"Vi, just open the door so I know you're ok, I love you, this is killing me" I say resting my head against the door

"I'm ok, I just need to be alone" she says, still crying, I wish I knew what to do. There's a knock on my bedroom door and I open it to find Erica

"Hey Bones, Bear told me why don't you take a break and I'll watch her, she might feel more comfortable with another woman" she says resting her hand on my arm, I nod and she walks in

"She's locked herself in the bathroom, she's crying but she won't let me in" I say as she walks over to the bathroom

"Go have a beer or a smoke or something, I'll stay with her." Erica says waving me out

"Hey Violet, it's Erica I wanted to come and see how you're doing." She says against the bathroom door as I step out and head outside.

I step outside, close my eyes and let the cool breeze wash over me before lighting a cigarette, I pull out my cell phone

"Hey Diego, she's awake but it's not good." I say into my phone

"I'm on my way, I'll be 5 minutes" he says before ending the call. I finish my cigarette and head inside to the bar. I grab a bottle of Jack and take a long drink

"How's she doing?" Bear asks as he walks in. I just shake my head. I take another drink before heading back upstairs. I step into my bedroom and see the bathroom door is open, I walk over and see Vi sitting on the floor of the shower under the water, still wearing my shirt crying with Erica sat on the floor next to the shower.

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