Chapter 10

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Man I must be getting used to the bed in this cell because it's comfy as hell. Oh man, the bed is comfy but my whole body fucking hurts, Jesus what the fuck happened last night? Why can I hear music? Is that The Doors? Oh god I can't open my eyes, I'm fucking blind? I lift my hands and touch my eyelids, oh fuck they're swollen

"Vi? Vi it's me Bones, you were beaten pretty badly, I don't know if you can open your eyes" I hear his voice, god I missed that voice so much. I managed to open my eyes a bit and I finally saw his face. I tried to talk but nothing would come out, I saw him disappear and then come back with water, he helped me drink a little

"What happened?" I whisper, I feel him lie down next to me

"The Diablos attacked while we were all at Erica's when we got here there were 12 of them, when I went down to the basement I found two of them beating the hell out of you. You've been asleep 36 hours Vi" he says stroking my hair. I try to sit up and wince at the pain in my ribs, stomach and well, everywhere. He helps me sit up and my vision is getting a little better

"Why aren't I in the cells?" My voice is coming back better now.

"I carried you up here, I'm not letting you out of my site, you're mine Vi" he says kissing my forehead

"Did you put The Doors on? I love it" I smile, but that just hurts my split lip.

"Let's get you cleaned up and fed and then you can get some more rest" he says helping me stand, my right leg gives way but he catches me and carries me into the bathroom

"Are you ok with me helping you shower?" He asks softly, his hands resting on my hips

"I was hoping the first time you saw me completely naked would be more fun, but yeah, you've already seen most of it." I say trying to laugh but just triggering the pain in my ribs. He helps me take off my clothes and then lifts me into the shower. I try to stand but my right leg just doesn't want to play today

"They stabbed you in the thigh, so it might take a while, just lean on me" he says, one arm wrapped around my waist and one pushing my hair back under the warm water. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he washed my hair and rinsed it, then he gently washes my body. He kneels down to wash the dried blood off my legs and I look down, seeing how awful my body looks, every inch of me is covered in bruising or had been cut. He turns off the water and wraps a towel around me, he lifts me onto the counter before wrapping a towel around himself. He comes back with another towel and gently dries my hair.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me to the bed and sits me down, I pull his face down to me and press my lips against his

"Thank you" I whisper as he steps back. He grabs me a clean shirt of his and helps me slip it on

"Get comfortable, I'll go get you some food, then you can get some more rest. You in pain? I can ask Doc for something for you" he asks slipping on some sweat pants and heading for the door

"I'm ok, I don't need pain killers. Thank you Bones, for everything." He nods and heads out the door.

Why am I not in the cells? Knuckles told me Bones was banned from seeing me and he stuck to it, so he wouldn't go against Bear. If Bear has agreed I can stay here what's changed? Did The Diablos tell them something? Or is this my last night with Bones before Bear kills me tomorrow for being a traitor? The week I spent in the cells killed me. Not because I was in that box, not because I had to pee in a bucket, but because I missed Bones. I wanted to hear his voice, to feel his skin, to taste his lips on mine. I'm going to tell Bones everything. I love him and I trust him, I want him to know the real me.

Bones walks back into the room with a plate of food and sets it in my lap

"Eat up Vi, then you can get some more sleep. Bear wanted to come see you but I told him to wait until the morning." He says sitting next to me

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