Chapter 22

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Violet POV

I nuzzle my face in Bones neck as he carries me to his room. Two days. Two days and this is over. It didn't hit me until he said that, in two days the thing I prepared for for the last nine years is over. What the fuck do I do then? Will I even make it out alive? The way my dad talked I would either run for the rest of my life or I would be killed, hopefully after I succeed with revenge.

Bones lowers me onto the bed and climbs on top of me, I sigh as his lips leave feather kisses down my neck. I'm not afraid to die, I happily lay my life on the line for what was done to my parents. At least that's what I thought but as Bones kisses my whole body I can't help but think could I leave him behind? I love him and I want to stay with him. I moan as his lips find my nipple and run my fingers through his hair

"You're so beautiful" Bones whispers hovering above me before his lips crash into mine. I roll us over so I'm on top of him and straddle him. He groans as I grind against him, I pull his shirt over his head and throw it to the floor, I kiss him as my hands find his belt buckle and I slide his jeans and boxers to the floor. I'm going to make these two days count, I plan to fight with all I have but if something happens I want to spend these next two days with Bones, showing him how much I love him in case I lose the fight.

Bones hands on my hips I lift up and lower down onto him as a moan escapes my lips.

"Fuck, Vi." He moans as I begin moving above him, he sits up and wraps his arms around me as we begin moving together, his lips trailing along my neck as he thrusts up into me and I meet him with my hips. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and run my fingers through his hair as he looks up to me and our lips crash together.

My grip in his hair tightens and my head rolls back as I feel my orgasm build. We move faster, together desperate for release

"Oh, Bones, I..." is all I manage before my climax hits me hard and my body shakes, Bones holds my hips and helps me move as I fall apart on him. My climax triggers his and I feel him release inside me before we fall back onto the bed, me landing on his chest.

"Fuck I love you Vi." He groans as he tries to catch his breath

"I love you Bones." I giggle as I roll off of him and curl up against his side. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me tight against him.

"Lets go to the beach tomorrow." I say running my finger over his chest

"You really think it's safe to go to the beach with The Diablos after you?" He replies

"Who cares? If they find me there it just means they'll get buried at sea. It's been so long since you took me to the beach, I want to do it again." I look up at him pouting and he laughs

"Ok, ok if you want to go to the beach we will, but I think we shouldn't go alone so that we have back up if things go wrong." He replies and I nod curling up against him before drifting off to sleep.

"Morning Vivi, are we training again today?" Diego asks as I enter the kitchen, he's making his eggs and I followed the smell from the stairs

"Nope, I'm going to eat your amazing eggs, then I'm going out for today." I reply as I sit down on a stool in front of Diego

"Well you're not going out alone, I'll come with." He replies as he puts a plate in front of me, I smile before digging into the eggs.

"Why are we here? You're not planning on working today?" Diego asks as I pull up outside the tattoo shop

"No, I'll be like an hour and then Bones and I are going to the beach." I reply climbing out of the truck

"Vivi, don't think I don't know what you're doing. You are going to come out the other side of this." He says pulling me back from the door

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