Chapter 3

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I woke up and headed straight for the shower, I turn the water on and look in the mirror, tying my hair into a messy bun I check the damage to my lip. The swelling isn't too bad but it's nice and purple, perfect for my first day at work, I groan and step into the shower.

I get dressed in denim shorts and a black tank, leaving my hair in the bun I grab my boots and head downstairs. I turn off the alarm then head to the kitchen, I turn on the coffee machine and grab two cups. I don't know why I let Bones stay, my dad would be freaking out but something about him makes me feel safe, like I can trust him.

"Morning Violet" I turn and see a shirtless Bones standing in the doorway, am I drooling? I hope not, god he's sexy.

"Morning Bones, coffee?" I ask turning back to the coffee machine and casually checking for drool. We sat and drank our coffee together before I grabbed my stuff and got ready to head to my new job

"Can I give you a ride?" I ask picking up my car keys

"I left my bike outside the bar last night so I'll just walk up from the tattoo shop and get it" he says following me out to my truck.

I pull up and park outside the tattoo shop, I move in my seat so I'm on my knees and lean forward towards Bones, I kiss his cheek as I grab my bag

"See you around Bones" I say before jumping out of the truck and walking off inside the shop giggling to myself, I watch him get out the truck from the corner of my eye and watch him walk away looking at me the whole time.

Needles helps me set up and shortly after Matt, the prospect from the bar last night, comes in for me to tattoo his stomach, he lays on the table

"Any particular music?" I ask as I turn on my sound system, he shakes his head so I put on The Doors

"Never took you as a hippie chick" he says laughing, I smile and sing along as I get started. After two hours of talking and laughing whilst I'm tattooing him, I've learned a bit more about the club The Reapers Riders, and Matt is a really nice guy, but I can tell he needs a break

"Wanna stop and go for a smoke?" I ask, I see the relief on his face. He stands up and I cover his stomach so he can go outside

"Take 10 minutes and then I'll get that finished" I say as I stretch, Matt nods and head outside. I head to the kitchen and grab a drink

"How you doing?" Marco asks as I take a sip from my water bottle

"Good, it's nice to be back at it, after a month off" I smile sitting down next to him, we sit and talk for a few minutes before a huge guy comes in, he's easily 6ft4 with massive broad shoulders, long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, with a blonde beard, I would say he's in his late 30's

"You must be Violet" he says holding out his hand, I nod

"I'm Bear, President of The Reapers Riders, thought I should come and meet the clubs new tattooist" he says with a smile, that takes him down from looking dangerous to approachable

"It's nice to meet you Bear, all of your guys have been so welcoming" I say returning the smile and shaking his hand.

"What happened to your lip?" He asks, I've already had to tell Needles and Matt, I need to buy make up to cover this

"After I left the bar last night some guy hit on me and when I said no he hit me, but Bones was there to see me drop the asshole" I reply

"That explains why he was missing last night. Bones is a good guy" he says with a wink that makes me blush

"He just made sure I got home safe, that was all" I say looking away, trying to get the heat to go from my cheeks. We talk for a few minutes and he tells me to go to Erica's bar tonight to meet some of the old ladies, he says goodbye and heads out.

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