Chapter 14

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Diego POV

I knew something was wrong, I shouldn't have waited so long

"Tio it's Di, something went wrong. Lulu is missing, I'm headed to her truck now"

"How is she missing, you are there to watch her Di" Mick replies

"She was breaking up with Bones then coming home to me, but she never came home, I can't track her cell and her truck hasn't moved"

"Let me see what I can do" Mick says ending the call. I pull up at the diner and Bones is already there with Bear. I climb out my truck and head over to them

"I never should have left her. If anything happens to her it's my fault. I'm going to fucking burn The Diablos to the fucking ground" Bones roars punching the hood of Lulu's truck

"What's going on?" I ask Bear seen as Bones clearly isn't thinking straight

"When we got here her keys were on the floor and there's blood on the drivers door. She's been taken by force." Bear says as Bones punches the truck again

"She'll kill you for denting her truck when we get her back Bones" I say to try and calm him down

"You'll need your head on straight for finding her. I already called Mick, I'll go to the house and grab my stuff. I'll meet you at the clubhouse." I say before heading back to my truck and speeding off.

I arrive at the clubhouse and head for the bar, it's unusually quiet. I set up at one of the tables and open my laptop, my cellphone buzzes and I answer it straight away

"I've pulled the footage from the diner, I'm sending it to you now. She was put in a van registered to The Diablos but it hasn't got a tracker. I'm compiling info on all known hideouts so you can start looking into them." Mick says as I receive the footage

"Thank Tio, I'm going to find her. I'm at the clubhouse, between the club and I we'll get her back, I promise." I reply as I open the video

"You better, her father trusted me to keep her safe if anything happened to him, she's like a daughter to me Di. As soon as I can I'm coming down to help you find her"

"No Tio, it's not safe for you here, they want you just as much as her, you're more help there, you can access more information from there. You know she's like a sister to me, I'll get her back safe." I say before ending the call.

I play the footage and see Bones ride off before Lucy walks over to her truck, she pulls her keys out of her pocket and then I see The Diablo approach her, she tries to reach for her knife but he hits her on the head and she falls forward hitting her head again on the door. He picks her up and I see blood running down her forehead as he loads her into the back of a van and it speeds off.

I carry on working, trying to ID the man who took her when all of the guys filter out of their big meeting room, Bones spots me and comes straight over

"Have you found anything?" He asks

"Mick sent me the footage of her being taken, so I'm working on IDing who he is, he's going to send me a list of their known hideouts too so we can start looking" I reply without looking up from my screen

"Send the footage to me and I'll see what I can do" Circuit replies, Lucy said he was their tech guy but I'd be surprised if he can do better than me and Mick.

After 5 minutes Circuits calls me into his office and pulls up a mugshot of the guy who took Lucy

"This is everything Violet sent me about two weeks ago, this is the fucker who was tailing her. Mateo Diaz, he's a prospect for The Diablos. He probably thought he could score points by taking her himself instead of reporting back to his club." Circuits says as we read through a pretty long rap sheet for a 22 year old

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