Chapter 5

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I've been here for a month now and I'm happy. Yes, I wish my dad didn't have to die for me to come here, but I feel like I'm finding a new family. I'm getting into a routine, I get up early and work out, head to work, spending the day doing what I love and laughing with the guys, then spend my evening either at the bar or with Bones. On my days off I've been fixing up the house and I'm nearly finished, I painted the outside a light grey and it's finally starting to look like a country home.

I've been keeping my promise to my dad and practising my training. I'm off work today so I started with my morning work out, then went through to the gun range to practice my shooting, afterwards I worked the punching bag, this was better when I had someone to train with, but my dad would only ever let me train with him. I hear the security system beep and head through to check the monitors, it's Bones, fuck, he's not supposed to be here today. I quickly wipe the sweat off my face and lock up the basement and run up the stairs, I open the front door as he steps up the porch

"Morning Vi, thought I'd take you to breakfast." He says walking in

"I'm was just about to take a shower" I say walking into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water

"You been working out?" He asks brushing my hair out of my face

"Yeah, let me shower quick and we can go" I say leaning against the counter. He walks up to me and bending down grabs my thighs lifting me onto the kitchen counter. Standing between my legs he leans forward and kisses me passionately

"Maybe we skip breakfast and just go for that shower together instead" he whispers against my lips, my body shivers and I close my eyes. Bones and I have been spending most nights kissing, but I haven't let him sleep over and I haven't told him I'm a virgin yet, it's just weird at my age.

"Or maybe, you sit here and cool down while I shower and then we go to breakfast" I say pushing past him and off the counter. I hear him groan behind me and sit down, I laugh to myself and head upstairs. After a quick shower I dress in denim shorts, a blue tank and my boots. I slip my knife into my boots and my gun into my bag. I head back downstairs and find Bones where I left him, sitting at the kitchen table

"Ready?" He asks, I nod and we head out to his motorcycle. We arrive at the diner and sit in the same booth we always sit in. Our food comes out and we eat and talk

"So why Bones? I mean I get Bear is the size of a bear, but why are you Bones?" I ask between mouthfuls of pancake

"When I was a prospect we were on a ride and I crashed my motorcycle into a ditch, when they found me my leg was broken, with the bone sticking out of my skin, I had a concussion so I was a little confused but apparently I said 'look you can see my bones' and passed out. It's embarrassing but there you go, it just stuck" he says with a smirk

"Oh man, that is embarrassing, you poor bastard. I thought it would be something cool like you enjoy breaking people's bones" I say laughing and he nudges me with his leg under the table

"Hey, Knuckles and I never told the guys about the first time we met you, but we soon can, you fighting in nothing but a t-shirt, huh?" He says with a wink

"I would be proud, I can kick your ass in nothing but a shirt, that's a good thing" I say back smugly. He laughs and we carry on eating.

After breakfast Bones said he was taking me somewhere, but refused to tell me where. We rode for a while, my arms wrapped around him the whole time, as much as I love the freedom of riding, I've decided I love riding with Bones more. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realise we were stopping, I looked up just as Bones turned off his engine

"The beach?" I asked looking around. I climbed off the bike and took off my helmet

"Yeah, you like the beach?" He asks taking his own helmet off

"I love it!" I squeal unzipping my boots, putting them next to the motorcycle and running to the sand. I run down the beach until I feel the water hit my toes. I close my eyes and feel the sun on my skin and the water on my feet

"Having fun Vi?" I turn and see Bones coming towards me, jeans rolled up and bare foot

"Look at the big scary biker" I laugh, he growls and runs towards me, I laugh and start running, within seconds I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he picks me up and spins me round, I laugh as he puts me down, pulling my body against his. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers as we walk along the beach

"Thank you for bringing me here, the last time I went to the beach was with my Mom." I say giving his hand a squeeze

"Tell me about your Mom"

"She was a total free spirit, she loved being outside and being with nature. She's the reason I love The Doors and I inherited my art skills from her. She was the complete opposite of my dad, he was a suit and tie guy and she was a flowers in her hair girl, but they were so in love. We were devastated when she died, she was so amazing." I feel a tear run down my cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb. He kisses me softly and I smile as we carry on walking together.

Bones POV

I love seeing her smile, I love making her laugh and I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with her. Problem is I don't know how much of the real her I'm seeing, this last month has been great spending time with her and kissing her, but whenever I try to take it further she backs away. I wonder if there's something from her past stopping her, I want her, all of her but I can't talk to her about it because I don't want her to run or shut me out.

We pull back up at her place after spending the day at the beach, I follow her inside, she grabs two beers from the refrigerator and we sit on the couch together. I pull her into my side and she curls up against me resting her head on my shoulder

"I had so much fun today" she says taking a sip from her beer

"Me too, I love hearing you laugh" I reply. She puts her beer down on the coffee table and moves up onto her knees, she leans forward and kisses me passionately, I wrap my arm around her waist as I put my beer down. My other hand finds her hair as I lower her onto her back, my other hand moves down her side and under her shirt, I run my fingers over her soft skin and she moans softly into my mouth, my hand finds her breast and I run my fingers over the lace material, she moans again but suddenly places her hands on my chest and pushes me away. We sit back up and I see she's blushing

"What's wrong Vi?" I ask as she avoids looking at me

"Nothing, its late and I have work in the morning" she says looking at the floor

"Talk to me Vi, tell me what I'm doing wrong" I say touching her chin and forcing her to look at me

"It's not you, I liked it, it's me, I..." she runs her hand down her face

"I'm a virgin and I'd never been kissed before until you kissed me, I didn't want you to think I was weird" she says moving back away from me. She's 23 and I was her first kiss? How has a woman this beautiful never been touched before? I pull her to me and sit on her my lap,

"You're not weird Vi, I just can't believe you haven't had guys all over you, your so beautiful" I say running my hand down her spine

"My Dad never allowed boys, they're a distraction, I didn't have time for boys when we were training." She says resting her head against my shoulder

"Well, seen as you've never done this before, now I understand why, we will go as slow as you need to." I say kissing her forehead.

"Thank you" she whispers wrapping her arms around me. I pick her up and stand

"What are you doing?" She asks tightening her grip on me

"Now we've talked and we know where we stand I'm taking my girl to bed with the promise I'll keep my hands to myself" I say walking up the stairs. I walk into her bedroom and put her down on her bed. She walks off into the bathroom and I take off my clothes, leaving my boxers on and climb into bed, a few minutes later she comes out with an oversized t-shirt on and climbs in next to me. I pull her close so her back is against my chest and wrap my arm around her waist, she rests her hand on mine and I kiss her temple before relaxing and falling asleep with my girl in my arms.

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