Chapter 16

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I used to live and breathe this club. Everything I did was for the club or because of the club. Here I am again in church and all I can think of is Vi. I love her more than I ever have anyone, apparently even my club. I know Vi is safe in my bed with Diego watching over her so I shake myself from my thoughts and concentrate on the club.

"So we know this is where The Diablos were keeping Violet, I suggest we go hunting and take out any of the mother fuckers still there. What do you say guys?" Bear says pointing to the map

"Let's do it" Knuckles says banging his fist on the table

"I'm in" says Dragon

"We should hit it tonight. I want those bastards to suffer" I say looking around at my brothers. Everyone agrees so Bear closes church and we head out. I find Diego sat at the bar and he turns towards me

"We need to talk about Lucy" he says, I can see how concerned he is, but she's like a sister to him. I nod and sit on the bar stool next to him

"We need to figure out how to get the old Lucy back. I said about training once she heals and she told me she's not fighting anymore, that she's done. She called me Diego, she's always called me Didi, since we were kids." He says before knocking back another tequila

"I know, I hate seeing her like this, I want the girl I fell in love with back. I think she just needs time, we need to pull together for her and help her get through this, she'll soon be back, I know it." I reply as the prospect sets the whiskey down in front of me.

"We're going to the hideout they held Lucy in tonight, thought you might want to tag along. I'll get Erica to watch Vi" I say before letting the whiskey burn my throat.

"Oh I'm in, I'll show these bastards a new level of suffering." Diego says I fire rising in his eyes. Circuits comes up to me and hands me a file, I'm hoping Bi won't shut down when I show her this, I'm hoping it'll bring her anger and passion back.

I nod to Diego and head up to my room, I find Vi lying in bed

"Hey Vi, listen, I know you're hurting, but I need to show you something" I say moving around the bed and sitting next to her. She sits up but doesn't say anything

"We're going to raid where The Diablos were holding you. I've got mugshots of The Diablos and I want you to pick out any who hurt you in any way so we can make them suffer for what they did." I hand her the folder and she placed it down on the bed in front of her

"I can't do this. I'm done, I'm not fighting anymore, my parents are gone I don't need revenge, I need to get away from The Diablos and stay away." She moves to lie back down but I stop her

"Leave me alone Bones" she whispers as tears roll down her cheeks

"Vi these men killed both of your parents and look at what they've done to you. Where's the girl I met full of fire ready to act out her vengeance on these assholes?" I say angrier than I would've liked, but it needs to said.

"Where's the girl you met? The girl you met has been raped by three men, that's where she is. The beating was nothing, my dad trained me for that but do you know what I had to do to escape? No? Let me tell you" Vi bellows standing up from the bed

"When the third guy was raping me, I knew he wasn't as smart as the other two so I played along. I pretended he was you 'baby that feels so good' 'oh god don't stop' I asked him to untie my hands so I could feel him. When I faked an orgasm the fucking idiot let my hands go so I knocked him out, grabbed my jeans and ran.

My dad taught me to withstand all forms of torture, ranging from a simple beating to fucking water boarding, but obviously never thought how his daughter would cope with the rapings and the answer I can't cope. I knew how to survive the torture but I don't know how to live after." She lets out a long breath and the tears are flowing freely now. No wonder she didn't want me to touch her, I don't want to react in front of her but my blood is boiling. I climb across the bed and wrap my arms around her

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