Chapter 19

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I published this earlier but apparently it only published half of it, that's fixed now 🙈 Sorry it's taking so long but I've found inspiration and I've got a few more chapters up my sleeve xx

Bones POV

Having Vi back in my arms and tasting her lips made everything alright again. I didn't know what I was going to do if she wouldn't forgive me. After her declaration against The Diablos Diego and I followed her into the basement, this safe room is like an apartment all by itself. She pulled up all her information, she's got everything of this club, I don't know how she found it all but it's going to make killing them a lot easier.

"When we get back I'll take all this to church and then we can come up with a plan for taking them out." I say looking through the pages of information of each member

"No Bones, this is my intel and I will be using it. No voting at the club, I'm taking the lead on this. I have to." Vi says as she continues looking at the computer screen.

"You guys only just made up and you're gonna start a new fight? Ouch. I'll give you two space." Diego says handing a file back to Vi and heading back upstairs.

"Vi I failed to protect you and that kills me. Now I have you back I'm never letting anything happen to you again if it's the last thing I do." I say placing my hands on her shoulders

"You have to understand Bones I have been training for this since I was 12, it's all I've ever focused on, there's no way I can't do this. I have to do it for my parents." She says looking up into my eyes

"Just promise me you'll come home with me and we'll take it from there." I plead looking down at her. She nods her head and I pull her against my chest, wrapping my arms around her

"I'm never letting you go again." I say resting my chin on her head, she wraps her arms around my waist and we stand there in comfortable silence for a while just holding each other. She pulls back and leans up until our lips meet, I pull her body back to mine and run my fingers through her hair as our tongues move together, savouring the taste I missed. She wraps her arms around my shoulders as I slide my hands down to her thighs and lift her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Her hands roam my body until they find the hem of my shirt and she lifts it up over my head

"Vi, are you sure you want..." how do I ask her that? I look into her eyes, all I see is want and passion until she buries her face in my neck and sighs

"I want to, so badly, but I don't know if I can." She sighs again but I just hold her tighter

"It's alright Vi, I love you we'll get there when the time is right." I reply as I kiss her forehead.

"Don't try any shit, I will kick you ass if you do." Diego says as Vi leans against her truck

"Yeah you, kick my ass, bring it bitch." Vi replies before climbing in. It's been two days since we made up and after Diego and Vi gathered all the intel they needed we're heading back to the clubhouse to get the plan rolling. I wanted her to ride back with me but she insisted on bringing her truck, Diego will go up front and I will ride behind. Hopefully that way she can't run off without us again.

Even I can hear the music blasting from her truck as we hit the highway, her window open as she smokes a cigarette, her red hair waving in the breeze. We pull up at a scrapyard and Vi hops out of her truck looking back to me, I climb off the bike and walk up to her

"This is Walters place. He can get anything and I mean anything." She says as we head to a cabin

"Violet, back so soon." The short balding man says running up to her

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