Chapter 21

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Violet POV

"Wake up you little bitch." I growl as I pour water over his head, he wakes startled and begins fighting against his restraints, but it's useless

"You fucking whore I should've killed you when I had the chance." He spits at me and I laugh.

"What about you prez? You got anything to say for yourself?" I ask turning to the other Diablo restrained in front of me. Both of these men raped me and it's the idiot to my left who I used to escape.

"Maybe I should've fucked you harder you little whore." The president says with a smirk

"Well god knows I didn't feel whatever you were doing so maybe you should've." I lie holding in the cringe trying to travel my body. I am strong, I am fearless and I will have my revenge, I remind myself looking into the faces of my nightmares.

"Just get this over with whore." He says and I laugh again

"You obviously know everything about me, you know who my father was and you will know that he was trained to carry out certain tortures. If the press found out what the CIA do to their prisoners the CIA would be shut down. My father taught me them all. I haven't had chance to practice a few on a real person, so this is like my birthday. By the time I'm done you'll be wishing the Vietcong had kidnapped you, not little whore me." I look between the men and the president tries is best to keep his face neutral but the other idiot has eyes full of fear and I smile as I step out of the cell

"I'll be back with my tools boys, I don't want to get your bodily fluids on my nice shoes." I giggle as I head up to the bar.

"Having fun Vi?" Bones says as I walk up next to him at the bar

"The president is trying to put on a brave face but I know the other one is going to be entertaining." I reply

"Vivi, I got your kit so you're good to go." Diego says entering the bar

"Awesome, let me check in with Circuit and then the games will begin." I smile before walking off towards Circuits office

"How we looking Circuit? They made the call yet?" I ask as I enter the office. In the excitement last night I managed to plant some listening devices in The Diablo clubhouse so not only have we hacked their cameras we can hear them too now.

"They've just gone into church with the VP. They all look so panicked." Circuit grins as he turns up the speakers

"It was that fucking bitch, I know it was. Should've killed the whore when she was in that warehouse." One member spits

"She has the Virginia chapters $5million so we couldn't kill her, they want their money." The VP says. Go on, call the Virginia boys, do it.

"Well it's not their clubhouse that's been shot up and it's not their president who's been kidnapped. She took Carlos too, the whore was still passed out in his bed." Another member says

"I'm going to call in the Virginia chapter, they will be here tomorrow and tomorrow night we will hit the Reapers clubhouse with that bitch there, the Virginia chapter can take her off our hands and we will get prez back." The VP announces and I cheer and do a little happy dance in Circuits office.

"They're playing it exactly like you said they would." Circuit says looking up to me

"I knew they would, I know how they play, I spent too long studying their movements." I reply.

"Keep me updated on the Virginians arrival, I don't want to keep the prez waiting." I laugh as I leave Circuits office and head back to the cells.

As I walk into the cells I see Diego, Bones, Bear and Knuckles standing by the cell containing the Diablos.

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