Chapter 2

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What a dumbass. Way to go Lucy, in this house for 5 minutes and you leave the door unlocked and two men get in.

I give up on sleeping and head for the shower, I take my dads t-shirt and my panties off and step under the hot water, after washing my hair and my body I step out and wrap a towel around me. I dry my hair and let it hang loose down my lower back, I go over to my bag and grab clean clothes, black ripped jeans and a red v neck. I zip up my boots and slip my knife in, tuck my gun in the back of my jeans and head downstairs.

I need supplies first, there's no food and if I'm going to clean this place up I'll need stuff for that too. I grab my keys and head out, remembering to set the alarm and lock up this time. I climb into my truck and head towards the town. Let's see what my new home is like, I park up and start walking.

This town isn't too bad, I saw a bar that looked decent and I just picked up a new iPhone, I'll use the burners to keep in touch with Mick. I keep walking and spot a tattoo shop, I walk in and am greeted by a hot young guy with a shaved head, brown eyes and muscles upon muscles covered in ink

"Hey there beautiful, I'm Needles, can I help you" He says as I walk up to the counter

"I wondered if you had any work? I just moved here, but I used to tattoo in my hometown" I reply

"Well sure, you got a portfolio beautiful?" Fuck I left it at home

"No, I left it but I can draw anything you like.... oh wait" I unbutton my jeans and pull them down to my knee to show the tattoo covering my left thigh I did myself

"I did this, designed and tattooed it myself" I say looking down at the portrait of my Mom with flowers around it

"Damn" I hear and look up the see Bones coming from behind Needles with no shirt on, I could say Damn myself, his perfect abs and the V that travels straight into his jeans. I shake from my thoughts and quickly pull my jeans back up

"You like showing me them legs huh Violet?" He says putting his shirt back on

"You know this girl?" Needles asks

"He broke into my house this morning" I say buttoning my jeans

"Violet here just moved into the abandoned old house at the back of the clubhouse, Bear sent me and Knuckles to check it out" Bones says smirking at me

"Well Violet, how about I give you something to design for me, if I like it I'll give you a chance" Needles says handing me paper and pencils, I nod and head to sit down and start. Bones leaves and Needles head to the back of the shop.

I finish off drawing what Needles asked, a skeleton riding a motorcycle and added my own flare to it, I'm just finishing off shading the smoke when some one stands over me

"Damn Violet, that's good, I'd get that myself" I look up and see Bones standing over me, a piece of his black hair hanging over his deep green eyes, he reaches up and runs his hand through his hair pushing it back. I stand up and place the sketch on the counter

"You done already?" Needles asks as he picks it up

"This is good, tell you what, you come with me to Erica's bar tonight and I'll introduce you to some guys, they'll be lining up for tattoos from the beautiful girl" he says putting the paper down and smiling at me

"Sounds good" I smile back at him, we exchange numbers and I head out. I finally make it to the grocery store and grab food and cleaning supplies and head home.

It's 9pm and I'm sat in my truck opposite Erica's bar. I'm nervous, my dad would beat my ass if I told him that, but I am. I've only been Violet for one day and so far I keep calling myself Lucy and I let two strange men in my house. My dad told me to find a job and try and be normal when I got here but I don't want to fuck it up, dad didn't give me a back up plan, so if I get found here I really am on my own. Suck it up Violet and get your ass in there, be normal. I sigh and climb out of my truck, I run my fingers through my long hair and smooth out my leather jacket before walking into the bar

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