Chapter 6

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I woke up after the best sleep I've had in a long time, I opened my eyes and was met with his solid bare chest, damn he is so hot. His arm wrapped around my side and my head resting on his shoulder

"Morning Vi" I looked up and saw him smiling down at me

"Morning Bones" I smile back and reach up until our lips meet. He pulls my body on top of his and I straddle his hips, his hand runs through my hair as he deepens the kiss and I rest my hands on his shoulders. He rolls us over so his body is pinning mine to the bed, his lips move, leaving kisses across my jaw and to my neck, I moan as he sucks on the sensitive skin before moving to my collar bone

"That's how I want to wake up every morning" he says lifting his head to look into my eyes

"Me too" I say blushing slightly, he kisses my lips softly and then climbs off, heading into the bathroom. I get up and head downstairs to make coffee.

I walk into the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine. Suddenly I hear someone knocking on my front door and I jump. I grab a knife from the drawer and slip it into my underwear under my t-shirt. I walk over to the front door and see Mick standing there

"Mick what are you doing here?" I say swinging the door open and running into his arms.

"It's been a month, my sources say the heat has died down so I wanted to see how you're doing Lucy" he says hugging me tightly

"Who the fuck is this?" I hear from behind me, I turn and see Bones coming down the stairs

"Bones, this is my dads best friend Mick, Mick this is my friend Bones" I say letting Mick go and walking over to Bones

"Nice to meet you Bones" Mick says walking over holding his hand out. Bones shakes his hand but I can tell from their eyes they don't like each other already

"Why don't we all sit and have coffee" I say walking into the kitchen, they follow and we sit at the table

"I would love to stay Mick, but I have work in an hour, maybe we could meet for lunch?" I ask putting my empty cup in the sink

"I can't stay, I need to get back, but I'm glad to see you're settling in well, we'll talk soon" Mick says standing up and kissing my forehead before walking to the door

"Nice to meet you Mick, don't worry about Violet, I'll make sure she's safe" Bones says

"Yes, thank you Bones, goodbye Violet" Mick says as he leaves. I watch him get in his car and drive away. I head upstairs and quickly get dressed in black ripped jeans and a band tshirt. I grab my boots and slip my knife in, before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. I set the alarm and lock the front door, bones pulls me into him and kisses me

"I gotta get to the garage, but I'll see you tonight?" He asks running his hand through my hair

"Sure, meet me here? I'll cook" I say smiling, after another kiss I head for my truck and he gets on his motorcycle.

I arrive at the tattoo shop and head inside

"Morning guys" I say as I walk into the kitchen area, I grab a bottle of water and head to my room. I turn on the sound system and start cleaning up and setting up ready for my first client of the day

"Some one is in a good mood" Needles says leaning in the doorway

"Just slept well" I smile

"That wouldn't have anything to do with Bones not coming back to the clubhouse last night, would it?" Needles says with a wink, I feel the heat spread across my cheeks, he laughs

"I'm just messing with you Violet, nice to see you both happy" he says before turning and walking away.

The day was fun, I had three clients and Matt came in to ask me to design something for his leg. I said goodbye to the guys and climbed in my truck. As I'm driving I notice the same black escalade behind me, ok Dad, first time I'm using this training. I slam my foot on the gas and speed off, I turn three times and head down a side street. I may just be paranoid, but I swear that escalade was following me. I use the back roads to get back to my house and head inside. I go down to the basement and check the security system, then I go into the weapon room and grab a couple of extra guns, I stash four around the house and two in my car. Yeah, I'm being paranoid. I head into the kitchen, turn on some music and start cooking.

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