Chapter 2:

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The hot wind was blowing Newt's hair into his face as the vines and thorns snagged at his legs, causing his limp to become more pronounced and new scratches to form on the tender skin of his ankles. The walk to the doorway felt like it took ages but finally, he made it. He lifted the beam so that it was directly in front of him and peered out into a small hallway, where there were no windows but cracks in the walls and ceiling allowing for light. Newt didn't know if it would be a good or bad thing that he was situated on the top floor of the building, but for the moment, he welcomed the well-lit space.

He scanned the short hallway for threats in amongst the concrete playground but saw nothing that looked particularly out of the ordinary. Well, what you could call ordinary in a devastated building that was a part of a disease-ridden world.

Once satisfied there were no immediate dangers, Newt stepped into the hallway and slowly made his way towards the exit at the other end, making sure each step was a tiptoe that wouldn't even disturb the dust motes that had collected from years of neglect. Time crawled on at a pace that wasn't complementing the light intensity but Newt wanted to prioritize caution rather than speed. However, at long last, he finally made it to the next room, which was, unfortunately, much longer and held even more trip hazards than the previous hallway.

This isn't going so bad, he thought to himself, at the moment anyway. Don't get hopeful.

He continued this cautious routine for the next few hours. Glancing through open doors in search of dangers, silently scanning for what he needed and then tiptoeing to the next room. It wasn't the lack of food or sleep that was making him so exhausted, it was the need to be so careful.  

Though, several rooms and absolute caution later, he hit the jackpot. The room he found himself in had clearly been an old mess hall before it was left to sit in dust as there was a large canteen on one side of the room. In the eating area, broken tables clutched at benches that hung precariously on their sides and serving tables lay on the floor, spilling cutlery like they are trying to rid themselves of their old purpose. Alongside the canteen, a counter was scattered with the smashed glass of its warming plate, never able to produce heat again. But none of the destruction was what caught Newt's eye.

In the far right corner of the dilapidated hall, resting on a not-so-sturdy table were three boxes sat in a line next to one another. There were also water canteens that had fallen on their side, some even spilling their precious contents into little puddles on the dirty floor.

Not being stupid, Newt scouted for traps or assailants before he even though about making a move towards the potential bounty. It was some of the easiest supplies to ever be laid out before him that it sent the hair's on the back of his neck on end. And yet, he found no threat, so made his way towards the boxes. When he was only a few feet away, he stopped dead in his tracks. For the second time that day, his breath was caught in his throat. Not because of fear, but in complete shock.


The word was printed on the side of one of the boxes in bold black and he knew it would most likely be found on the others as well.

"Bloody hell!" Newt choked in a gruff voice.

Suddenly, realisations kicked him so hard he literally staggered.

That's the reason I'm here, he deduced, WICKED kidnapped me. But why me? Why not Minho or Tommy? I'm nothing compared to them. 

"I'm glad it's me, though." 

At last, Newt snapped out of his daze and cautiously moved closer to the boxes. He could never trust WICKED. But, as much as he hated them for all they had done to him and his friends, he needed those supplies. There was a moment of hesitation before he opened the closest flap of cardboard but he ignored the impulse to run and quickly opened the box. There were granola bars and dried food filled all the way to the top.

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