Chapter: 25

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The Gladers managed to walk six and a half miles before it got dark and they decided to stop for the night. Newt had kept up really well and barely needed to lean on Thomas as support. He'd also eaten small amounts of food regularly so now felt even better. All he needed was sleep and he was sure he'd be able to walk twice the distance the following day.

The group settled down in amongst a small clump of debris and lit a small campfire, to give themselves some security. Many of the Gladers ate a granola bar or some fruit, then went straight to sleep, not really wanting to join into a conversation. Those boys moved away from the fire slightly to get a bit more darkness and quiet from the now chatty bunch that was left awake.

Newt was one of the still conscious boys, though he didn't know how, as well as Thomas and Minho. They sat in a loose circle around the flames as they talked. At first, Newt sat up on his own but eventually, he scooted over until he was leaning on Thomas. The brunette slipped his arm around Newt's waist and pulled him closer.

"So, Newt, what actually happened to you in that place?" Minho asked.

"A lot," Newt said before breathing in deeply and explaining all of what happened. How he'd woken up on his own and decided to look around for something to locate where his friends were. How he'd lost what food and water he'd found and how he'd slowly slipped into starvation. He talked about the documents he'd found and that he thought the whole kidnapping was just a side trial that WICKED had put him through.

Once he'd finished talking, Thomas hugged him closer, as Newt wiped at his tears that had begun falling. "What about you guys? What did you do without me?"

Minho smiled, "well at first, we just assumed you'd gone off with Thomas to do stuff.-"

"Nope," Thomas said quickly, "what even made you think that?"

"Well, isn't it obvious. The way you're holding each other for a start." Minho said as he dropped another couple of sticks on the dying fire.

"I can barely sit up on my own, that's why I'm leaning on Tommy and he has an arm around me to hold me up," Newt added.

"Whatever you say. Anyway," Minho continued as he stared suspiciously at the two boys, "that theory was ruined when Thomas looked just as worried as I felt. At first, we looked everywhere in the rubble of that old house but we didn't find you. After an hour of wasted time, Thomas here finally decides to tell us that you two had an argument the night before-"

"I didn't tell you straight away because it was a personal argument." Thomas cut in.

"Yeah, anyway, Thomas worried you'd ran away because the argument upset you but I knew you hadn't. You're too logical to do something so stupid." Minho said.

"Hey. I didn't say Newt ran away." Thomas exclaimed.

Minho just shook his head, "you were implying that he did. So I-"

"Can you two stop arguing and just explain what you did without me, before I fall asleep." Newt intruded.

"Sorry." Both boys said before Minho continued.
"We worked out that you had been kidnapped and that, unfortunately, there was nothing we could do, so we continued walking towards the mountains. Our week seems boring compared to yours so I'm not even going to bother explaining that. We saw the complex yesterday and decided to make camp there for the night and that's when we found you, crumpled on the ground, out cold. And well, the rest you know."

"Wow." Was all Newt could say as it sunk in. If they hadn't decided to go to the last building he was in, then they might not have ever found each other. He realised that it was just a lucky twist of fate that had landed them in the same room together, out of everywhere in the Scorch.

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