Chapter 13:

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Newt really couldn't be bothered to search everywhere, so didn't. He poked around the bottom floor, avoiding the dead body as best he could. He hated offices now. There seemed to be endless amounts of them. Every other building proved to be the dreaded workplace. It was the fact that there was paper and computers everywhere that Newt hated. Granted, the computers were dead and the paper ripped, but there was always a chance he'd stumble on some important information. It made surveying very difficult.

There was a total of 32 little spaces and each one had a broken computer monitor and files stacked up or scattered on the floor around the white plastic desks. Newt had looked through every one, hoping to stumble upon something. He didn't find much only a book about a place called Stonehenge. The book was charred and falling apart but words were still kind of clear. The boy started to read. It was fascinating. Stonehenge had been built nearly 5500 years ago and was one of the most famous standing stone circles in the world. It was built to align with the midsummer and midwinter sunset, just proving how sophisticated the people were back then.

Soon, Newt had read most of the book and was addicted to it. He was curious to see if it was still standing even after the sun flares. He shrugged it off and put the book down. Turning away, he walked towards a doorway, leading outside. However, when he passed by a window he realised it had to be about 2 pm, as the sun was falling closer to the horizon. As much as he wanted to get out of there, he knew there wasn't enough time to search a new building and he couldn't just waste time moping around. He would have to continue looking around his current building until it got dark.

After that, he could head back out into the Scorch and find somewhere safe, well as safe as it got in a Crank filled complex, and sleep. So, he started to make his way over to the only staircase in the room. Once there, he was surprised to see it looked almost new. It was still dirty but there were no cracks or splintered wood. The metal supports couldn't be seen like they were in the other stairways and the bannisters weren't bent or melted. Newt already felt safer. Haha, no.

Each step made him hold his breath. The stairs' good condition put him on edge. He knew there probably was a logical reason for why they were untouched but it still felt wrong. On the other hand, Newt didn't have much to lose. Well, except his friends. If he died they wouldn't know what had happened to him. They might find his corpse mutilated by Cranks and rotting away. He could imagine the horrified look on Thomas' face... Newt shuddered at the thought.

Well, he would probably die anyway. If cranks didn't rip him apart then the dehydration and starvation would kill him. Just the thought of food was enough for Newt to lose his concentration. He stepped on a slightly weak board and it splintered under his weight. He jumped away in fear. It was only a crack but proved the steps weren't as sound as they looked. The boy continued again with caution.

"Oh shuck."

He made it to the top and realised that he was repeating the same thing over and over again. He would travel slowly up the stairs and when he made it to the summit, would look around to make sure nothing lurked. He was starting to wonder whether he should bother being so cautious about Cranks. The truth was, he'd only seen about 5 and some of them hadn't even seen him.

As he glanced to the left of another office, he saw something crouched in the corner. He had just jinxed himself. Standing very still, Newt risked a glimpse of the rest of the room. From what he could see, it was the spitting image of the floor below. Apart from huge full height windows that gave the room contrasted shadow and light. The figure was hiding in the shadow. Just typical.

When Newt turned back, the apparition was gone. He'd only turned his head around for a split second, but still, it was gone. He wondered if it was just his dehydrated mind playing tricks on him. No one can move that fast. Can they?

"What the bloody shuck?" Newt whispered.

He walked only three paces when a voice behind him said:

"Where do you think you're going?"

AN- Sorry. I think this chapter is badly written. Any ideas, please comment. :)

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