Chapter 7:

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It only took Newt's shattered mind five minutes to return to consciousness. He felt awful. Not just from pain and nausea, but he also felt bad about his rage. It was no time to kick out, quite literally, but he had and this was the consequence. He was seriously pissed with himself.

The rubble on top of him was very heavy and hard to shift. It had landed right onto the wound on his side. Newt had to pull himself away from the plasterboard to get free instead. He had also gained a concussion, which only added to his sickness.

Sitting up and surveying the now half-destroyed room, he realised it must have made a spectacular noise. He needed to get out before cranks came to investigate the collapse. That's if they were intelligent enough to do so.

With immense effort, Newt stood up. He limped back towards the hallway with the quickest pace he had, scooting past debris and collapsed roof.

He leaned wearily against the door frame when his vision went black and his head pounded like a bass drum. He breathed heavily like he'd just run four-hundred meters or like when he'd seen Thomas shirtless...

Once he got his head straight(ish), he moved into the hallway and picked up his pace, being cautious of his concussion.

He'd made it to the third floor in five minutes and in another five, he was back outside in the scorching heat of the flare devastated world.

The wind had picked up and was blowing sand into the boy's eyes. He stumbled through the assault, towards the next building in the complex. It was only a hundred feet, but with the continuous onslaught, it felt like twice that.

However, once Newt was to the doorway, he was relieved to find that it was unobstructed, and toppled inside, into shadows. In his sitting position, he looked around and squinted into the gloom, trying to get his bearings.

The room was pitiful, with only a single narrow window and two doors. The first was the one he'd come through. The other led to a dark corridor that Newt really didn't want to explore but knew he had to.

Though first, Newt lay down. He needed a break but tried his hardest not to slip into sleep. His injuries only made his exhaustion worse.

He lay there for a few minutes, breathing slowly and shallowly, wishing he could just cuddle up with Thomas and sleep. But he knew that wish wouldn't be granted.

He pulled himself up, with great reluctance, and moved towards the dark doorway. He was shaking with the effort and fear. There was something very wrong with this building and Newt couldn't think what.

He slipped into the darkness and instantly tripped over rubble. His face hit the concrete. Pain erupted in his lower jaw.

He cursed and pulled his aching body back up, and this time put his hands in front of himself to feel in the dark.

He walked a few yards before he came across the back wall of the walkway. From there, he searched the wall, with his touch, for an opening. Just then, when he'd found a gap, Newt realised what was wrong.

There was absolutely no light. Even if this was a hallway he was in, there should still be light pouring in from windows in the rooms around it. And even if the windows were blocked, there would still be light escaping from small cracks.

The lack of light was extremely disconcerting, so Newt decided to go as quickly as he could until he came into a light area. However, the dark did help with the headache that was developing.

He shuffled through the gap into a large room. Well, he couldn't see if it was big but could sense more space, and started to feel along the walls. He just wanted to get out of the dark.

Once again, he found a doorway and moved inside. He looked around and discovered, with great relief, that there was a slight wash of light.

From what he could make out, there were computer desks dotted around the room and, as he suspected, the windows were blocked with only small cracks to reveal what they were. He was in another office. Ugh.

Newt poked around for a minute, looking for anything that could help him, but gave up when he realised there wasn't sufficient light. Instead, he moved towards the brightest opening in the room.

He limped through the fifth room in the office building, but by now the room was nearly fully lit. The brightness had increased in each office, since the first, which was a great relief for Newt.

He looked around the room instinctively. He saw nothing, so moved on to the next one.

However, the next office wasn't even an office. It was a staircase, leading to the next floor. Newt dreaded climbing the half-destroyed steps. Exhaustion racked his body even worse than before.

So instead, he sat down and rested. The room was thankfully light because of a large window. Newt looked out of it and noticed the light beginning to fade.

He needed to get a move on if he ever wanted to see Thomas or the rest of his friends again, so pulled a snack bar out of his pack, to gain some energy, and crammed it into his mouth. Then he started his ascent up the stairs.

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