Chapter 12:

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The fire exit led to a small alleyway between the sports facility and another interesting building. The tarmac walkway had been melted during the sun flares, so was uneven and cracked. Plants had pushed up through the cracks as the sun wasn't able to assault the narrow walkway 24/7. There were yellows, greens and pinks that brought life into this harsh landscape. It was quite pretty.

Newt looked through one of the windows of the new building. He had a strange thought of whatever this building was, the people inside had a shit view of the sports centre. However, he pushed the thought away and concentrated on the interior. The windows looked into a large room with plastic office dividers hiding desks. The workstations closest to Newt were covered in ripped, dirty paper and smashed computers. The building was yet another office.

"I'm shucking done with offices"

Even with his statement, he moved to a completely glass free window and moved his good leg onto the frame to lever himself in. He grabbed the frame but made the mistake of using his sprained hand. He yelped in pain but managed to stay up. It was strange how he'd managed to play basketball with no pain before but now was in agony.

Grabbing with his other hand, Newt pulled himself inside. There was blood on the window frame when he'd looked back out and he panicked, afraid he had cut something open but realised it was his already cut hand from when he'd rushed to get to the Reece's Pieces. It was still bleeding and open which would be bad if it got infected out in the middle of the Scorch. Newt grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt and ripped. It was already ripped from before, so was easier to get a piece of cloth, which he wrapped around his hand. The blood seeped through the material but it would be better than nothing.

As he'd seen from outside, the room was divided into small office spaces with ugly white plastic desks. Smashed computer screens and wires littered the floor and paper folders had been left open from when the sun had released its killer light. But Newt hadn't prepared himself for what he was about to see.

As he passed one of the many cut off spaces, the smell of rot assaulted his nose. At first, he just assumed it was a dead rat but as he glanced down at the desk he jumped back in shock. There was a dead person sitting in the chair with their head laying on the desk. The smell was clearly coming from the body. There was rot and mould covering the whole thing and a puddle of something had collected underneath. The person couldn't have died when the sun flares hit or even when the Flare started. It was to....fresh. Well, it would be a skeleton or wouldn't smell so bad if it had died a long time ago.

The stink was so awful that Newt had to walk on so as to not pass out. However, he couldn't shake the thought that the person, though he was rotten, didn't look like the skinny, vein covered creatures known as cranks. He looked normal. Turning back, Newt went to double check. This time he put his red scarf up to his face, to block out some of the smell. He moved closer, every instinct telling him to run away, and noticed something that shocked him more than just a dead body.

The person was a WICKED guard. He had the logo printed on his jacket. Something must have happened to the now dead man. You don't just die for no reason. He didn't appear to have any distinct wounds, not that you could tell with the decay anyway, so his death must have been internal or psychological...

"How did you die? What are you doing here?" Newt questioned the man, knowing he wouldn't get a response.

However, the smell was becoming too much to handle again and Newt didn't have the strength to investigate further. He turned around and walked away, hoping he wouldn't come across another dead body.

AN- Hello. This is a short one, so if anyone has an ideas for this chapter, please message me. Thank you.

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