Chapter: 22

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They were waiting for him.

The light bounced and jumped hazily around the circular building. There in front of it were his friends- Thomas, Minho, Frypan and more. Birds were singing and trees swayed happily in the imaginary wind. He shivered with the chill of the breeze but the heat of the bright, bright sun caused sweat to drip down his face, keeping things comfortable. Everything was perfect. He just had to ge-

Newt fell, grazing his knees and hands on the rough sandy ground. He was instantly snapped back into reality as the paradise was only a figment of his overactive mind. The cool chill and warm sun was the fever beginning to take over. He was severely sick and slowly slipping into the realms of isolation insanity. Due to all the things he'd been through, due to the hell he'd had to endure, the boy was quite simply dying.

He'd been stumbling to the point he was at for at least ten minutes, even though the walk should've taken no more than two for a healthy person. As he limped along, his mind had slipped out of reality and he'd begun to hallucinate. But now that he was back in the real world, a sadness filled him to the brim and desperation clawed at his skull. He just wanted to survive to see his friends again.

The last building loomed above him. He was finally at the structure that he actually wanted to investigate but he only wished that there were better circumstances. He desperately wanted to lay down and sleep but knew he couldn't until his mind was at rest, which meant checking every last square inch of the place.

There was a beautiful stone archway above a very dark entrance. Though it was falling apart, the workmanship was clearly incredible. It really was a shame it was slowly crumbling away with the passing of time. As he watched, a sprinkle of dust fluttered down, catching in the light breeze so that it sparkled.

Newt gazed in awe as his mind began to slip away again but this time he kept a tight hold on reality. Slowly, he limped forwards and was emerged in the darkness. Instantly, he began to panic. Things moved in the dark. They squirmed and jumped towards him. Appearing and vanishing. Clear white but also the darkest black.

Fear. It was all he knew now. His instincts told him they weren't real but his muscles wouldn't allow him to move. Closing his eyes to try and block them out, Newt stepped forwards. He was blind either way but at least with his eyes closed the creatures weren't able to assault him. He took another cautious lurching step forwards, then another and another. Newt didn't know where he was going but he hoped it was somewhere full of light.

Suddenly, his next step didn't go so well. He'd reached the wall and his hands had been too slow to stop his face from hitting it. Pain sparked in his nose and he felt blood trickling down his top lip. Tears also traced their way along his cheeks and dripped onto the floor.

He had automatically opened his eyes after hitting the blockade but luckily the things in the darkness had disappeared, otherwise, he knew he would have had a meltdown. He looked around, his eyes slightly used to the dark and was able to make out the wall he'd walked into. From there he saw a small light shining in from a doorway. It wasn't from the entrance, as that was behind him.

Newt smiled and laughed to himself as he staggered towards it, "I must look psychotic with the blood, tears and smile on my face."

The light was coming from a small crawl space where a door used to be but like everywhere else, it had collapsed. Newt fell to the ground in exhaustion. However, being on the floor made it easier to get through the little gap. He got the feeling of deja-vu as he wiggled through the crawl space. Then he realised. It was the same as the night he'd had an argument with Thomas.

Luckily, this space was wider and he didn't get stuck like before. Once on the other side, he was glad to see that the light was considerably brighter than the room before and could see everything but small details. The room appeared to be a hallway. It was only short and there was only one way out of it. Rubble littered the floor but nothing interesting was hidden in amongst it.

Newt didn't linger. He was so tired and felt so horribly sick that he worried any second he'd pass out and never wake up again. He staggered to the only door, using the walls as support and crashed into it when he lost his balance. Grabbing the knob, he pushed the door open and stumbled inside, falling to the ground in the process.

The first thing he saw left his mouth hanging open. The room was beautiful, to say the least, even with debris littering the floor. There was the most breath-taking streak of sunlight falling from a small circular hole in the roof, which made the atmosphere of the room magical. As Newt had predicted, the space looked to have been an auditorium. It was perfectly round with seating on a slope, enclosing a large stage.

He simply lay there, his head pounding and gut churning with sickness, as he stared in wonder. He couldn't believe how beautiful the room was, even with its apocalyptic looks. However, Newt knew he wouldn't get anything done by lying down.

He began to pull himself back up and almost passed out. Blackness seeped into his eyes as his head felt close to bursting. Newt realised with a shock, that he seriously didn't have long before he would black out and had to just hope that the chance to find something would present its self before that happened.

Now that he was standing, he was able to see more than before. That meant he could see the desk on the stage and the papers stacked on top and the computer next to them. Nerves racked his body, worrying that he would find more about him and his friends. Though now, Newt was ready to read what WICKED had to say. He was going to find his friends and no one was going to stop him.

AN- I think I'm going to publish every day this week until I've finished my fanfiction. Hopefully, it will be an ending you'll enjoy but still plays out the plot for Scorch Trials. Once again, thank you and bye for now. 😁

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