Chapter: 17

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Once he was back outside, relief flooded into him. The sun was dipped almost all the way down, creating a spectacular sunset. It cast a warm glow on the recently scared boy. Newt loved this time of day. There was still a nice level of light but the sun wasn't baking everything in its path. That and how beautiful the sky looked cast in yellows, oranges and pinks. He had enjoyed the sunsets back in the Glade as well. He was a real softy.

After staring up at the sky in awe for several minutes, Newt jumped with a start, realising he was still in perfect view of that terrible crank. Logan had just broken all the trust he had with the cranks in the complex, which wasn't much anyway. Fear of what had happened was the reason Newt was withdrawn in the first place. It just solidified that cranks couldn't be trusted, no matter who it was.

However, by talking to Logan, Newt had finally admitted out loud that Thomas meant more to him than a friendship could ever amount to. He realised that if he found the others again, he would be able to tell Thomas how he felt, with only slight awkwardness. Not that he would feel the same way back.

He shook his head in disagreement and jogged away. He already felt tired but now also lightheaded. He regretted running but in the moment, needed to get away as fast as possible. Moving behind a chunk of concrete that had 'LEVEL 5' painted across it in neon yellow, Newt sat down and breathed in big gulps of air. His throat was so parched it felt like he was suffocating. His stomach also growled in protest. He was used to being hungry and thirsty due to spending so much time in the Scorch with only enough for each person in their group to survive on. However, this was 10x worse.

The last time he'd had a drink was before the crank tunnels and the only food he'd consumed was a small bag of candy. Being in the Scorch made the dehydration worse. As Newt looked about he realised he couldn't see properly. His vision was blurred and the world was tilting. His lack of food and water was really starting to take effect, so he had to clamp his eyes shut to avoid being sick, which was yet another consequence of starvation. He was so hungry that it felt like he was going to vomit.

Newt stayed like this for a minute or two before he opened his eyes and breathed in more fresh air. His vision was returning to normal after his short run but his body still begged for the essentials. Of course, he ignored it and instead, tilted his head up. The sky was just showing the first signs of night. A few stars were visible directly above, even this early in the evening. That was one of the only good things about the large expanse of desert. More stars could be seen and even the furthest galaxies sparkled with beauty and unknown wonders.

Along with the stars, the mix of sunset colours created a breathtaking scene, contrasting with the silhouette of crumbling buildings. Newt wished he could stay in that moment forever. It would be so much better if he had eaten, replenished his thirst and had his friends with him but he couldn't ask for that much. Could he? After all he's been through, surely this wasn't an impossible wish.

Newt ended up watching the sun disappear beyond the horizon in a strange sort of happy daze. But when full darkness did finally blanket the complex, the boy was instantly plunged back into reality. He was now on the third night alone in the Scorch. It had felt so much longer than it had been since that horrible night. The flashback was still very fresh in his mind after being reminded by Logan. He'd had the worst argument with Thomas yet and never got to apologise. The others might've even thought that Newt had run away in the night and weren't concerned because he'd brought it on himself. That wouldn't do him any good.

Now in the dark, Newt was beginning to worry about whether his friends even cared that he'd gone missing. Nights were always worse because of the shadows and darkness concealing horrors worse than his imagination could dream of producing. Not that he wanted to dream about anything he'd already witnessed.

He squinted through the black inkiness of his surroundings, keeping his awareness sharp just in case. He knew he needed to sleep but the fear of being attacked by a crank was too fresh on his mind. He would just have to stick it out till morning and move twice as fast the following day, to avoid yet another night alone in the crank infested area.

It hadn't really hit him until then, that if he didn't find any clues when he reached the last building, then he would either have to search the areas he'd already skipped or move the hell away from the complex, back into the barren Scorch. He knew which he preferred but both weren't great options. He just hoped beyond hopes he would find something, anything, that could get him back nice 'n' safe to the other Gladers.

"I really am shucked."

AN- this is just a filler (but there is something important in there for the later plot ;). ) so probably isn't the best chapter I've written. Stay happy and well my little Maze Runner buddies. :)

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