Chapter 10:

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He slept throughout the day and, somehow, through the next night. When he woke up the following morning, he was extremely annoyed with himself. He'd wasted 24 hours sleeping when he could have been searching. Although, he did feel better.

One thing that still bothered him though, was the hunger in his stomach. He'd reached for his pack only to remember he'd lost in another building.

"Fuck." He cursed.

He would be hungry and, as he was already, thirsty. The lack of food and water just made his search even more serious than before.

Newt pulled his rested body to its feet. He ached really badly but the only real pain now, was in his sprained hand, broken rib and a slight pounding in his head.

He glanced around. He was situated on the road between two buildings. One, he recognised was the previous building he'd been in. The tunnels he'd been in must have snaked all across the complex. It was just luck that he came up by the next building in his search. That meant he didn't have to double back.

The other building in front of him was tall and wide but had barely any windows. There was a small glass, lobby area directly in front of him, with awards in the windows and seating dotted around the room.

Newt was curious to see what this peculiar building was but had a deep feeling he'd missed something. The previous night had left him shaken up. He would most likely have nightmares of what had happened. Unless, of course, he had Thomas by his side.

The building which he'd fallen through was an office. Newt knew there would most likely not be anything there and didn't want to waste any precious energy looking. However, he still did feel uncomfortable leaving it unsearched.

Instead of standing there, feeling sorry for himself. Newt carefully took a tentative step forward, on his crappy leg for some reason, and almost stumbled but managed to stay upright.

Not fully rested, huh. Just take it slow. Newt thought to himself.

Once again, he took a slow step forwards. This time, though, he managed to stay on his feet without wobbling. It was small successes like this, that kept him going strong.

The next step was on his bad leg again. He'd have to be careful on that limb, but otherwise, he felt he was fine to carry on without many problems.

He limped all the way to the doors. To his dismay, Newt discovered they were previously sensor sliding doors. With no electricity, they would have to be forced open manually. That was a lot easier said than done.

Instead of wasting his breath, he walked over to one of the windows. Thankfully it had been left open when the sun flares had struck. But of course, it couldn't be that easy.

It was hooked onto a latch as a safety precaution to stop idiot people climbing out of them and getting hurt, which was exactly what an idiot boy called Newt was doing. Sometimes he had the best ideas.

He wiggled the hook but after a few minutes of cursing and wiggling, he decided to take a new approach.

He searched the ground for a sharp, pointy object. It was easy finding a broken thing in the devastated complex. Picking it up, Newt pressed the point into a screw head. He jerked a few times to loosen it and then twisted until the rusty screw fell to the ground.

He continued 'till all the scews were out, before heavily pushing at the window. It swung open and he climbed in but halfway through, he got his foot caught on the frame and lost his balance, falling to the ground with a loud bump.

"Shit." He said as he pulled himself back up.

He'd made it in. On the other hand, that also meant he had to do yet more searching and that was going to use energy. Energy he couldn't afford to lose, not having food or water.

The lobby was the same as what he'd seen from outside. There weren't any new surprises. The chairs against the wall were falling apart and the trophies along the window were faded and worn. Newt had never been to a gym but he assumed this was one. He came into a short corridor and turned towards the first double doors, which were rusted and worn, and pushing them open, he walked into a large hall.

During the few hours before the sun flares, the gym was bursting with people going about their normal routine. Equipment was all over the hall, like trampolines, basketball hoops and tennis rackets.

The same equipment was left out now. However, it was dirtier than before and part of the roof had collapsed in squashing the edge of one of the trampolines.

Seeing all the gym stuff brought out the child in Newt. After all, he'd been through, he was still just that. A child. All he wanted to do right then was to play with the apparatus. He settled on the idea and walked in.

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