Chapter 11:

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The first thing he did was climb onto the trampoline. He remembered what they were but didn't realise just how bouncy it was. He nearly fell off the other side!

Once he'd got his balance again, he jumped. It was one of the most enjoyable things he'd ever done. Soon he was grinning from ear to ear and laughing. Temporarily his thoughts were taken away from his search. He felt great.

At one point, he jumped to hard and shot off the other side. He hit the ground for the second time that day but got up laughing because there was no pain compared to what he had already gone through.

Instead of getting back onto the trampoline, Newt walked towards the Hola Hoops. He picked up a bent red one. All the others were broken or even more twisted. He didn't remember ever using one before, but it was like when you've ridden a bike when you were younger but stopped, then picked it up later knowing exactly what to do. That's how it was with the Hula Hoops.

He felt really strange standing in the middle of the large hall, playing with a ring of plastic. He didn't care, though. This was the happiest he'd been in 3 days...

Wow, it's only been three days. It felt like a week. He pondered.

He continued to play, laughing with joy. He wished Thomas and Minho were here. It would be so much better with his best friends. And not just those two idiots but also the other Gladers as well.

He stopped smiling and dropped the Hula Hoop. The depression was trickling back into his head and a single tear traced it's way down his cheek. He'd finally found something that put a smile on his face and that had been ruined.

All he wanted to do was curl into a ball and give up. Hadn't he suffered enough already? Instead, he wiped his face and picked the hoop back up. He had to try and be happy again, even if the whole world was against him.

He continued playing with the Hola Hoop but soon got bored. It wasn't bringing him any joy now, so moved towards a large cupboard in the back left corner. The doors were hanging off and it was dark inside. This didn't stop him though.

He ducked under the blockade and stumbled onto a sack of basketballs. Half of them were deflated and the rest were filthy. He picked up a relatively plump one and made his way back to where he'd seen a basketball hoop.

The hoop was dangling at a strange angle and the backboard was cracked. Though, Newt didn't really mind what condition it was in, so long as it distracted him from his current state.

He knew he should be moving through the buildings but Newt also needed some free time and restbite. In an hour, he would seriously need to get on though, as he would have to find...

"What is it that I need to find? I've been looking for ways to find my friends but that's not going to happen. Is it?" He said to himself.

He just shook the questions off and threw the ball towards the hoop. It flew past it without even touching the edge, but Newt walked over, picked it up and tried again. This time the ball hit the hoop. Mind you, it didn't go in, but he still hit it, which was something.

He kept shooting for an hour and finally got the ball in. It bounced off the backboard, falling through. It wasn't pretty but Newt beamed with pride.

"Yay." Newt whooped.

With that, he dropped the ball, letting it roll away. He concluded that the sports centre held no more secrets and walked towards the fire exit at the far end. Instead, of walking straight out, Newt noticed a smashed vending machine. The cranks must have ransacked it, taking all the food. All the food except a 'fun size' pack of Reece's Pieces.

Newt practically jumped into the vending machine. As it was, he sliced himself on some of the broken glass. Blood dripped off of his hand as he picked up the small plastic packet. He held the Reece's Pieces like they were a delicate flower. He ripped the now bloody packet open and poured some of the sweet candy into his parched mouth, enjoying every swallow.

Soon it was empty and Newt was still as hungry as before. The planet was already destroyed so he didn't feel so bad when he dropped the empty packaging on the ground and turned back towards the exit. He headed once again, to the strange circular building at the end of the complex.

AN- I don't have any more ideas of what Newt can do. Please comment any ideas you have. Thank you.

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