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If you can't be bothered to read this then don't but I just want to recommend some things and shout-out to some people. So yeah, here it goes.

First, I want to recommend my new newtmas fanfiction 'storm clouds'. I won't be updating it regularly like this one because I have a lot going on but I'll try and publish as often as possible. It's literally Newt, Thomas, Minho, Frypan and Gally going to an abandoned building and something bad happens (oh no!) So if you're interested, please read, I'd be very happy. :)

Another new fanfiction is a newtmas AU where Thomas and Newt fall in love in a homophobic school (it might be quite triggering to some people so please don't read it if that affects you) and lots of other stuff happens: its called 'In the morning I'll be better'. Please message me if there is something you wish me to change or add.

My next recommendation is for an actual book series. It's the Shadow Magic series by Joshua Khan. There are three books (Shadow Magic, Dream Magic and Burning Magic.) It is a really good series but it doesn't have a very big fandom if one at all. I ship Lily and Thorn so much and if anyone reads it and agrees, please message me. 😀

Now for the shout-outs. I want to thank sophielucas11 for being the most amazing best friend and for giving me lots of shouts-out 😙. I'd also like to thank Internet-Geek, Rainbow_Trash_ and Cat_Lady_13 for just being there for me. Also, a shout-out to wolfzie13 for just being amazing. Thanks, everyone, your support means a lot to me. I couldn't write the way I do without you 😁

Finally, I'm worried people think I'm a Nazi or something because of my username. Just to clarify, Kitler is my cute-ass cat.

 Just to clarify, Kitler is my cute-ass cat

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I love him so much!!! 😍

So I think that covers just about everything. Enjoy yourself as much as possible and thanks once again. To all the Maze Runner fans out there, you have the most amazing book choice and I love you all (in the friend kind of way ;)

As a treat, here's the next chapter.
Bye. 😀 ♥

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