Chapter: 23

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A range of emotions coursed through him as he'd toppled onto the desk that had the documents. Of course, the first thing he felt he had to do was to check the computer for power, though he knew what the answer would be.

The small power button wasn't on the monitor but under the desk, on a large power box. Newt began to lean down. However, it caused his eyesight to become dark and his head fuzzy. He fell to the ground, breathing hard, tears running down his already stained cheeks.

He sat there for a minute to get his breathing back under control. Once Newt did, he reached out and pressed the button. It clicked and then there was the noise of power charging up. The sounds shocked him. He'd expected silence and yet the racket of the machine filled the auditorium.

Getting a grip on the table, Newt levered himself back onto his feet and looked at the monitor that now shined with light. It was nothing but blank blue. He didn't know what to do as he wasn't a tech wiz so he started tapping keys on the keyboard. Something must have worked because the sound in the room increased and the screen changed.

Loading page. Please wait...

Newt actually felt really hopeful for the first time since... he couldn't remember when, but it felt amazing. That's until the computer finished loading and the page changed yet again. There was a lock code.

"SHUCK IT!" Newt shouted as he slammed his hands down on the keyboard. The was a ding from the machine but only to signify an incorrect password.

"Yes. I bloody know it's wrong, shut up!" He complained as he leant heavily against the desk. Instead of crying about the computer, he set to work looking through the paper stacked around the monitor. A lot of it was stapled together in clumps or clipped with paperclips neatly. As he picked up the first bundle of paper to read, it was only then that he realised dusk was quickly approaching. The light in the room was poor, even with the hole in the roof.

Though there weren't ideal conditions, Newt could still read what lay on the first page. The first thing that stood out was the black watermark inscribed diagonally across the page: WICKED. It didn't surprise Newt at all. By this point, he'd worked out that the whole reason he was there was tainted by WICKED. He was just tired of the organisation always controlling their lives.

The text on the first page wasn't anything interesting from what he could make out in the dying light and with his blurry eyesight. He moved to the next page and began reading the information that lay there as best as he could. Then he turned to the next and the next, all of it boring legal scripts. Soon he'd finished a whole stapled clump and was none the wiser.

His concentration was completely locked onto the files and papers in front of him, even though it was boring and contributed nothing to his survival. Newt just hoped that if he kept reading, he'd stumble onto something and it would pay off. That was only if he stayed conscious long enough to find anything.

Two minutes became five then ten as he attempted to read. He'd made it to the fifth bundle and still had nothing to celebrate about and yet Newt never stopped reading, even when the nausea got worse. The desperation to find something consumed him. So much so, that other sounds in the background were blocked out. Like a scream that wasn't so far away and the shattering of glass. It wasn't so much that Newt didn't hear them but simply didn't compute them as anything important or something he should be worrying about.

He'd finished reading all of the WICKED records on one side of the desk and had found absolutely nothing. It had all been legal and finance junk, which didn't benefit him what so ever. Newt began moving to the other side of the office table but had barely made it halfway when he stumbled and almost fell. He kept a tight grip on the desk as he stood up straight again but he knew he would have to sleep soon or risk passing out at the wrong time.

Newt looked at the stacks of paper in front of him, dreading having to read through yet more of WICKED's stuff. Reaching down, he picked up the first loose sheet of paper and sighed as he started reading through it. The contents were much more promising than the first side of the table as the beginning seemed more engaging than the others:

The subjects have exceeded expectations on Phase 1, and Phase 2 looks promising. The faked kidnap should throw something different into the mix and will create some good data for the blueprints. As a whole, the trials are going well.

As like before, Newt didn't know what a lot of the words and phrases meant but they didn't sound good. He spent a while just staring at the text as he thought about what it could all mean but soon gave up, knowing he was to sick to try, so turned his attention back to the rest of the page.

Right when he'd found his place, a noise caused him to stop. It wasn't like the other random sounds Newt had ignored while reading. It sounded close. Very close, like it was just outside the auditorium. He stood completely still, not even breathing and waited for something to happen. There was the sound of walking and it was coming closer. He couldn't take it. He just couldn't take it anymore.

Newt turned around quickly, ready to face whatever it was face on but he forgot some small details. He was still holding his breath and any small movement blackened his vision. The effect was instant. His legs folded in on themselves and he crumpled to the ground. As he fell, his back hit the table, sending pain jolting through his spine. Once on the floor, the world around him spun and blackened. Just before everything went dark and he passed out, Newt saw several shadowed figures running towards him.

Oh, shit. I'm gonna be killed by cranks.

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