Chapter: 15

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AN- So if you read my authors note on the last chapter, you would know that it was really rushed cause I was saving this one for today (3rd September) because it's my birthday (yay). This one has, in my opinion, a really cute bit in it and I thought it would be nice to give you something back for being such good readers. Enjoy. :)

Newt turned around very slowly, the flashback still in his thoughts and his heart in his throat. It wasn't a part of his over-reactive mind. It was very real. It took his eyes a few moments to adjust to the dark shadows but when they did they immediately locked on to the person. He was about 6 foot tall and was well built. He certainly didn't look like a Crank but looks can be deceiving. Newt took a cautious step back, breathing heavily.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." It said in its dark hiding place.

Just then the person moved forwards, coincidentally into a streak of sunlight. Newt was right, the man was really well built, even under his baggy shirt. He had messy blonde hair that was almost sandy coloured. It was still too dark to tell what colour his eyes were but from what he could see they were light in shade, like his hair. All in all, he was quite good looking.

"Don't be scared boy. I'm not past the Gone like the other cranks here. I just want to talk. You don't realise how lonely it is being surrounded by people who could have a logical conversation and then rip you apart."

The man had a smooth voice but something about his tone put Newt on edge. He still wasn't sure he could trust this man.

"Are you one of those cranks?" Newt queried.

A look of anger flashed across the man's handsome face, but as fast it was there it was gone and a pleasant smile spread across his lips. Newt was completely split on the decision. He didn't know whether to trust him and have a potential friend, someone who could watch his back. Or run away right there and then. Before he could decide, the crank spoke.

"I know you have no reason to trust me but please can I talk to you for a while. I'm sooo lonely."

Newt's face scrunched up in confusion. Talking to this man wouldn't do any harm. Unless of course, he asked about Newt's past. That could cause some kind of conflict. He stood there in deep thought for several moments.

Finally, he looked into the cranks eyes and asked, "What's your name?"

"Logan. It's not the most interesting name in the world but my Ma gave it to me so I love it. What about you?"

"I don't know if it's my real name or one people just started calling me but the names Newt."

"I thought newts were amphibians?" Logan laughed.

"I think the name comes from Sir Isacc Newton. I don't know why I'm named after a famous scientist but I kinda like it."

They stayed in awkward silence for a few moments before Logan stuck out a hand. "Nice to meet you, Newt."

Hesitation consumed Newt again. He still didn't trust Logan. He seemed sane but it could all be an act. Offering back his hand might get him hurt. On the other hand, what can giving a guy a handshake really do? Reaching out, he grabbed Logan's hand and shook it, a slight smile on his lips.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Newt asked.

At first, the boy and the man talked about little things. Like what their age was and their favourite colour. It turned out that Logan was only 19 and had only managed to survive this long because he was quick on his feet. However, most of the questions asked, Newt couldn't answer very well. He'd never considered what his favourite colour was and his age was unknown to him.

Eventually, the questions got more serious and Newt got more and more drawn back from answering. He would come up with an excuse like 'he'd been in the Scorch for too long to remember.' Or 'he didn't want to talk about it.', but soon Logan was getting angry. He didn't like it being a one-way conversation. So he asked a question he hoped Newt wouldn't close up about.

"Who do you love? Surely you can't 'not remember' something like that. I fell in love with a girl called Rose. She was gorgeous. Smiled even when it was the end of the world. She...she died from the Flare a few months back. I've never felt whole again."

Newt noticed tears glisten in the man's eyes and couldn't help feeling sorry for Logan. The Flare truly was a terrible disease, killing loved ones and disrupting life. He hated the sun flares for all the pain they had caused.

"So, that's my true love. Who's yours? And what's their story?"

The boy had been so caught up with Logan's heart-wrenching story, he'd completely forgotten the question was also aimed at him. He was now extremely uncomfortable. He could lie about who he loved. Logan wouldn't know if he were, but it felt wrong. If he was going to answer the question he'd do so honestly. And by the look on Logan's face, he expected Newt to answer or be forced into something much worse. Newt was starting to dislike the crank just a bit more.

Newt dropped his head down and kept his gaze on the floor. "I-I'm not sure I'd c-call it love. More of a small crush."

He paused, knowing he'd just lied a bit. He was actually in love but calling something he knew the other person didn't feel 'love', just didn't seem...right.

"I know if I keep stopping, I won't be able to continue. So, I met the person I love where I came from. I knew they were the one when I first laid eyes on them, but I feel like they don't feel the same way. They like someone else. Someone I can't stand."

Newt looked up hoping he could end it there and move onto another question. He hadn't lied but he had intentional left it open. Not using any specific pronouns to reveal who he liked. Of course, Logan realised this and it just made him more determined to know.

"Is there a name attached to this mystery girl? Is she still alive? Can I meet her?"

"Um, well, yes and no. Yes, from what I know they are still alive and if I find them again, you could meet them. However, no, uh, yo-you won't be able to meet her."

Newt had let his head sink again while speaking but lifted up after, to meet the confused gaze of Logan. His eyebrows were scrunched in thought and his mouth was slightly ajar.

"I-I don't get what you mean. So I can meet her if you can find her again but I can't meet her? Just tell me her name. Please!"

With his fingers playing with his shirt, Newt looked down and in a low voice, that was only just audible, spoke what he had dreaded saying out loud.

"I never said 'she'." Newt looked dead straight into the crank's eyes." I love a boy. His name is Thomas."

AN- NEWTMAS!! I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. And sorry about the cliffhanger, you'll find out what happens next week. :) Stay crazy and continue to love what I love. Bye!!

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